Carolina Springs Academy/ Seneca Ranch
Carolina Springs Academy was located in the town of Due West, South Carolina. The property on which the school was placed is owned by Narvin Lichfield. The school was founded in 1998, by Lichfield and the original director Richard Byars. In 1999 the South Carolina Department of Social Services found the property to be lacking in several areas of safety, health and ethical provisions. A statement by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control reported by called for CSA to cease providing services of which they were not licensed to provide. CSA Director Richard Byars refused, saying the compound was a boarding school, not a residential care facility, and didn’t need a license. This report also referred to inappropriate sexual behavior with two females students involving the director Richard Byars. Other female ex-students have reported Richard Byars “hitting on them” and inviting select girls to spend the night at his house. Due to multiple reported “incidents of disciplinary action that may constitute cruel and inhumane punishment” Byars was replaced as director by Peggy Elaine Bell Davis.
In June 2008, a dorm at the facility burned down due to electrical wires in the attic.
In November 2008, a boy ran away from the facility. While it was announced by the school that he was captured by the police, it remains unknown whether or not he returned home or was transferred to Tranquility Bay, which was the normal punishment for such infractions.
In September 2009, the Coalition Against Institutionalized Child Abuse (CAICA) wrote on their webpage that South Carolina’s Department of Social Services, Group Home Licensing had confirmed that Carolina Springs Academy’s license had been revoked. The school was closed and reopened under the name Magnolia Hills Christian school.
In September 2010, there were reports from an animal rights group that the horses on the property were found dead and neglected at the completely abandoned campus. The story was not widely reported in spite of its extremely disturbing nature.
As of 2013, the program has been reopened and currently operates under the name Seneca Ranch, still under the direction of Narvin Lichfield.
Narvin Lichfield is named as a defendant in the Turley lawsuit against WWASP.
DSS Investigates Carolina Springs Academy – Desperate Measures
Dead Animals Found at Closed School –
Narvin Lichfield
Narvin has had a long and checkered history with WWASP. The brother of Robert Litchfield, Narvin appears to have gotten his start with WWASP in 1998 when he opened Carolina Springs Academy, functioning as both owner and Administrator. He then went on to open, concurrently with CSA, The Academy at Dundee Ranch in Costa Rica in (year) . In 2003, Dundee Ranch was shut down by Costa Rican Child welfare authorities due to allegations that children were being held against their will (illegal in Costa Rica) and were being abused. Officials also found 100 of 193 students did not have the required immigration papers. Litchfield was arrested and charged with abuse and violations of international law. He was then ordered by the state of South Carolina to stay away from CSA until the case resolved, which wasn’t completed until 2007. But Narvin kept busy, re-opening Dundee Ranch under the new name Pillars of Hope (or “Pilares de Esparanza”.) POH was billed as facility for 18-22 year-olds, but there are mulitple reports of children under 18 being held there. In 2010, CSA was closed. Narvin vowed to reopen, but backed off that claim when he was arrested by authorities in South Carolina in 2011 after he was pulled over and determined to have been driving on a suspended license and without insurance. He was also served with 3 summonses regarding bad checks written on CSA’s closed checking account totalling about $2,000. Narvin was also named as a defendant in two other lawsuits, namely Lexington Insurance Company vs. Carolina Springs et al., a personal injury suit, and the Turley class action suit.
Randall Hinton
Randall Hinton was something of a jack-of-all-trades for WWASP. He first staed working for WWASP as a tech at Brightway in 1992. After two years at Brightway he moved to the Cross Creek in 1995, working there for one year. He then served as Assitant Director for Spring Creek in 1996, then took a job in the same role for Tranquility Bayi 1997. After Tranquility Bay, in 1998 he again served as Assistant Director, this time for Carolina Springs, working under Narvin Litchfield. In 2001 Litchfield gave him the job as Director at Academy at Dundee Ranch. Hinton also appears to have spent 3 years working for Teen Help, the marketing arm of WWASP. In 2002, Hinton left WWASP to work in another school, but came back in 2006 in order to serve as Director of Royal Peak/Royal Gorge Academy in Colorado. Ginton was arrested on chrages of child abuse by authorities in 2007 and the school was shut down in 2008. Hinton was convicted in 2007 of one count each of third-degree assault and false imprisonment. He served 25 days in jail and one year of probation. Hinton appears to have left WWASP.
Survivor Testimony
No Care in Carolina, No Hope in Costa Rica – By Mattie Smith
Testimony of a Graduate of Carolina Springs Academy – By Danny Prior
Carolina Springs Academy – A Mother’s Story
Parents and Teen Tour Carolina Springs Academy – By Lauren Friedlieb
Carolina Springs Academy – Survivor Testimony – Anonymous
Carolina Springs Academy/ Dundee Ranch Academy – Patrick Putman
Hello my ne is thorn bolek I spent five months in CSA from January first 2007 to may17… The school had some benefits and more faults. While I was there I learned very little. Also the school that I had acquired there didn’t transfer over to after I left. I made out very well even though the time spent there has scarred me and I can never get that time back. I have many stories about that wreched school that few get to hear and most don’t believe. If anywhere could have been called hell on earth it was there. I also never received my physical therapy after I broke my collar bone while I was there.
Please call me. Im a survivor. I was there around the same time. I ran away. Im corey 2055292857. Hope to hear from you asap. I can t believe I found this
My name is Jennifer Platt. I was there from 2000 to 2001. I experienced some inappropriate things going on and witnessed others.
I spent 23 dark months there in 2000 and 2001. I can not believe this man is allowed to even be near children. They sent me to a gynecologist who was a man in his 70s who told me I had condyloma which I do not have and he treated me on 3 or 4 occasions by burning my vagina with trichloroacetic acid. While on level 1 I was given a 1 cup serving of plain oatmeal for breakfast and a 1 cup serving of plain rice and beans for lunch and dinner.
My name is Thomas I was there in 98-99 I got beat up by the owner pretty good shortly after i ran away at night to make his life hard as he would have to get up along with other employees to come find me. then i got shipped off to Casa by the sea all these places are the same some worse than others I soon found that out after arriving in Mexico it really messed me up as a kid and continues to do so as an adult sad that there’s no consequences for anybody involved
I was there around 2000 spent 12 months there was terrible really messed up my childhood
I was there in 2000. Left in may. When I turned 18. After a year… I think I knew you…. Stephanie.
I was there in 2000 for 11 months. I was tortured and did not go to one day of school. A man named Mr. Gus broke my shoulder. All that place did was get me ready for prison
It’s so sad that kids went through this as I’m watching the Netflix documentary right now and I’m far full grown man and wish I could run into Narvin Lichfield and show him how much of a man he is not!!
I was a student for a year at Carolina springs then transferred to pilars of hope in Costa Rica. The schools were all about making money not caring for us. It’s just like jail, you have to ask to stand up to sit down to talk to use the bathroom.
As well I returned back to a WWASP program after I was home for a couple of months back from Costa Rica. I went to skyview academy in Nevada, which also closed Down and has not been re opened to this day.
The talk about these schools are true and there should be more awareness out there to this so parents know where they are really sending their kids.
OMG Camilla!! Girl I’ve been trying to find you after we went to CSA n Pillars of Hope together. Email me asap!!
Mary Bennett (Memphis girl)
This is unreal. When I was a kid my parents got divorced and my father secretly shipped one of my brothers off to this school. Me and my mother jumped in the car and took off to South Carolina from Florida and got him out of there. He says it was the scariest few days of his life.
I was there 99-00. I ran away and got sent to Tranquility Bay for 6 months.
Jennifer Pendergast
Did anyone go to school with Christina Langley? I’m trying to understand what may have happened to my suster there. I believe it was 00- 02 roughly that she was there
I was there at the time for 18 months
I was there at csa and poh from 06 to 07 I’m here for anybody that wants to reach out I know and witnessed many things there and I know some of it can be hard to deal with but you’re not alone!
I was at csa in 2007 for about 7 months. Worst experience of my life. I remember the cops coming and tossing the boys dorms because someone stole a bunch of medication at breakfast. Can’t believe they still have these places operational.
We sent our daughter to CSA and to POH, it was obvious after meeting with my daughter and attending all the seminars that this was not what we were sold on. I owe our daughter my most heartfelt and sincere apologies! I wish we could take it all back! Shame on this organization for taking advantage of families that are in need of help and guidance instead of someone benefitting from their most vulnerable and painful moments.
Glad I googled this for some reason it’s nice to see some familiar names. This school was definitely all about money though and really didn’t have proper counseling for our transition before and after. You were there one day and the next, without warning, you’re back home. I remember not wanting to leave almost. I definitely became institutionalized as if I were in prison. There were also a couple people I know that committed suicide after they left. Or even attempted it while I was there. I know being there had a huge part in that. So please, anyone who recognizes me, or not, if you need someone to talk to definitely don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Instagram. I know a lot of us may still have issues that have come from this place and just know you’re not alone.
they had to put a disclaimer up stating they have relation to CSA! yet the same owner, same property, most of the same staff tells a different story… if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, usually its a duck… but not in their world apparently!!
I was there for about 4 months at the beginning of 2007. I was part of the riots that led us to being put in the sheds until the police arrived. We broke out all the lights in the dorms and tried to run away in the middle of the knight. I wrote down the ppl i was with but i don’t know where that journal is. I was the really tall white kid. We use to play basketball with the staff.
Just stumbled across this page and saw the picture of the dorm fire; a similar incident happened at the facility in Lucedale, MS…the girls dorm burned one night…the girls were then moved into the house the director Byars was living in…as the director of quality assurance at the facility, I also heard of complaints from the girls he was coming on to them. As part of our license agreement with the state, everyone had to have a criminal background check…he was the only one who did not have this done…after numerous requests to have it done. I am not implying he did anything wrong..but…if you have nothing to hide….
I just stumbled across this post! I was there when that happened in 2008!!! I remember when someone tried to set the downstairs boys dorm on fire and I remember who set the girls dorm on fire! Who can forget Gulf Coast Academy! I went there right before they closed Royal Gorge back in 08!!!! If you get this contact me sometime because it’s a shock that people still talk about this place
You were there with me then! My name is Christian Weber, from Triumph dorm. I was there Dec 2007- June 2008. I left a few days before the fire. CSA was the worst experience I’ve ever been through.. I don’t know how to talk about it with anyone because no one else actually understands, or even believes me.. To you (Anonymous) and to ANYONE WHO WAS THERE ALONGSIDE ME.. Please.. reach out to me. (I will put my phone number and my Email at the bottom) Especially if you remember me!! I’ve been struggling to deal with some of the shit that happened there and I haven’t been able to tell a soul about what Mr. Jeremy, Mr. Eddie, and Mr. Dan did to me.. No one could ever be the ear I need to listen.. they just won’t understand and the shame I carry is too heavy to be misunderstood.. I know all my fellow soldiers that have been there, know. EXACTLY what I mean..
Christian Weber
*Side Note.. I can thank Mr. Tony for being cool as he could’ve been in that hell
I went to CSA from 9/06-5/07. Had my nose broken by staff twice.(Mr. KENNY AND MR. BO). Never made it past Lvl 1. With the Exception of Chris Padot and Mr. Tony and destiny kirby, that place was hell on earth.
2carlo man its Brent I was in Zion and dynasty with you man I remember alot of the stuff Mr bo and kenny did I remember it all clear as day. Call me sometime man 2398390072
I was enrolled in the fall back in 2002 and it was hell. I am 30 now…and still have dreams about it. We had to walk arm in arm to the school, to the cafeteria, etc. no shoe strings allowed. Not allowed to look at the guys and had to turn our heads right when passing. When we went below a certain level we had to go to this building that looked like a small little storage building that had wooden built cubicles and one plugged in heater. We ate there did schoolwork there etc. The only time we came out was was for “count” and to go to bed. We wore gold sweats and a gold sweater for bed and a pleated skirt and a green sweater with a collared button up shirt for daily wear. We had 7 minutes to shower at the start of when the water turned on till the water turned off regardless if we were still soapy or not. Anyone else experienced this?
Yes! I was there from aug 2002-2003. Sparcs family
It’s so awful to read these stories, and I’m so sorry for anyone that was affected by these monsters. My cousin was sent there sometime between 2001-2003. She already had a hard life but was never the same. She passed away in 2011. I’m just trying to figure out what happened. We were the same age so I was not told anything. I have so many questions and am only just learning. If someone knew her or had any information please let me know!
I was there at 15 and saw some crazy shit! Please contact me back!!! I remember Mr Kenny and all that. 7193316687 I have so many stories I want to write one on here!!
I was there for about 3 months in 2007 ended up going because there was a riot a few weeks before or something like that and spots opened up so they took me earlier than expected I remember Mr Kenny, Mr Mike and this big guy who worked nights we called him the kool-aid man (oh yea) lmao if anyone remembers this get in touch with me 8609850584. Joker, sleepy, Adam Blanco, Nick, ET, big country, Fiji, jessie, Brian from Chicago and Brian Sutherland hope yall well. If yall dont remember me im tho one who beat ET ass with the mighty ducksVHS tape lmao
I was at CSA from 2004-2005 at age 14. I still have nightmares 20 years later in 2024. Crazy.
Carlos, I was at CSA during the same time period and remember hearing these stories about you (girls dorm) everyone knew your name bc of the above incidents.
I was at gulf coast academy in 2008 my name is Molly Davis. I was one of the first three girls there when it opened. I was there until it got shut down. I was the one who burned down the girls dorm. Mr. Richard was an awful person. Found cameras in the bathrooms at the house where is girls showered after the dorm burned. I was apart of many riots and runaway plans. The last one got us locked in the church for 4 days with our food or water until one of the counselors reported it. My mom used to send me care packages and Richard would never give them to me.
I remember u Carlo. Do u remember tha lil boy that used to do ur edge ups all tha time? That’s me. I remember tha Stephanie girl u had a huge crush on and all.
I was there from 06-07. I remember a pretty terrible experience most of the time While there I got expelled for starting a riot in nov of 2007. Didn’t even feel like I was a part of that incident. They did a “formal investigation” and nothing ever happened after that. I don’t know about the towel beating dealio they had forced us to do in the one house was trippy, weird, it was cult like almost but some of the people were cool…. I remember a lot of fun playing football. Mr Claude would come by and run pickup backyard football games with us. Outside of that and basketball that place was awful.
What year was this? I was there 99-2000… I was the only Stephanie there fit my time… I remember mr Kenny ms Felicia mr billy… before I left I did kitchen duty and was able to walk around by myself and use to hide letters for someone… I think he name was Vinny though??? Not sure anymore… it’s been 23 years since I left. If you were speaking of me let me know please.
I was there in 99 for 6 months! I can’t believe I found this. I ran away with two other girls, one I think was named Jamie but we were caught hitch hiking. That place was ridiculous. I still have pictures from there I believe!
I was at CSA in 2006 and Pillars of Hope in 2007 – played soccer there.
The shit they used to get up to was pure abuse. Mr Kenny, Mr Mike, Mr Bo …
If anyone knows me from our time there, please reach out. –
Do u remember tha lil boy that used to do ur edge ups all tha time? That’s me. I remember tha Stephanie girl u had a huge crush on and all.
I attended this boarding school for a short period of about 4 months from June 2005- September 2005, I was 15. I don’t recall much except having to listen to Toni Robbins so much his voice was burned into my brain. I can’t believe these things were happening all the while we were there and some of us had no idea the horrific things going on. I ran away into the woods and was gone for what felt like hours, jumping through barbed wire fencing, while they drove around on 4wheelers to find me. I remember the stories that there was a panther or some sort of huge animal in the woods, I’m sure it was a tall tale to scare the kids from running. I’ll never forget the day they came to get me in the middle of the night to take me to Tranquility Bay, it was one of the most traumatic experiences ever. My parents thought this place was fun and a way to get me to settle down and there were horses so I mean of course it seemed great. All I saw was a child boot camp. Thank God I got out of there and my parents took me home after a few months at TB.
remember we got into a fight and i hit you over the head with a pen tray sorry for that hope your doing well
Pretty sure we fought in Triumph after I missed a swing on you Max (if I’m thinking of the right person here). Crazy seeing Blake and Carlos here. Hope y’all are doing well now.
I was there in 2006 n 7 also crazy shit i remember that i also dadted blake duckworth and owen somthing never made it past level one lol remember church lmao this is crazy
I remembered dating a girl, but I couldn’t remember her name! Yeah this is crazy. Hmu. Facebook- blake duckworth
I recall dating a girl, but I couldn’t remember who. Yeah this is crazy. Hmu. Facebook- blake duckworth
yo blake its max anyone remember me i had the rag named ziggy when i first got there
Hey Lauren Chaney. My name is Chris. I was there also from Sept.2002-March2003
I was there around 2000. These places are F-ed! I wish I could have just finished my time in juvenile.
I was at CSA from July 2002-July 2003 I’ve been thinking about and looking for friends I made during this time at CSA. Please reply if you were there at this time.
I was there at that time and would love to hear what you remember 7193316687.
Saw your post!! I was there 2003
My daughter Jessica was there around that time.
Hi lauren! I remember you! Sparcs family!
I may have been in the sparc family too. Thank god I dont remember those details but i was there 2004
Hey I was there around that time too been trying to relocated all my girls
Who was your leader?
I went to CSA from 2002 to 2005. Ya, I was one of those who just didn’t want to leave. JUST KIDDING! Not only was (and still is) CSA the product of some of my darkest memories but I STILL wake up in fear after a nightmare of being sent back. I was so resentful towards my family for sending me there, and to do this day for not believing the stories I tell them. I spent the last 13 years trying to forget that place ever existed. I refused to be friends with anyone I knew from then on Facebook. I just wanted to forget that horrible place. It wasn’t till recently I reconnected with some. The fact this place has re-opened under another name just makes my blood boil. I don’t hate people, I really don’t like harboring that sort of negative energy, but man…. the staff from that place… you’ve got a special place in hell for you the shit you did to us KIDS. I hope you find the courage to forgive yourselves one day because it must eat you up inside. In the meantime, it’s nice to see some familiar names. It wasn’t always awful. I do remember some great times. Us girls had to stick together and find creative ways to get through that place. Hope all is well to those who survived CSA and any other “specialty boarding school”
U remember Tom Taylor hops or Olivia Isha Cassie I went to pc2 wit a few of u n I think u n Tom were a match
Went to CSA from September 2002 till my 18th May 2003. Had Mr Dan as my family group leader and mainly dealt with Mr. Guss who was alright. Did not like Mr Shaun and his crazy Christian crap
Hey Roger I think I was at CSA with you. I wanted to try contacting Mr. Gus. Do you know how to contact him or Mr. Ken? Those 2 were the only staff I liked. mr. Chad was a joke.
I was there back in 99 when I was 15. I got there roughly around March and left right before I turned 16. I was there for only 6 months before my parents came to get me. I will say that there was some sketchy stuff going on. I think because I got there shortly after it first opened it wasn’t as bad yet. Although I did spend 3 days locked in OP, forced to do worksheets, and was only fed red beans and rice with water. Only allowed out a couple of times to pee. Had to shower at night and couldn’t talk to anyone. My worksheets were on old philosophers. I gained a lot of weight there from the terrible food. But I will say I did have a lot of friends the short time I was there and still have pictures of everyone. My last name was Roesler at the time.
Not skeered! Use
Wats up Roger,this dallas.i was 13 wen I was there.tha Hawaiian
I was there 07-08 the only kid that was from Puerto Rico, I felt super lost and definitely this place was hell on earth for any kid! Emir Sifontes if anybody remembers me feel free to look me up on FB. Me.Claude was the only good thing on the weekends playing football/basketball. Best thing I learned in there is how to flip a pen and play spades!
I went there around the same time and Dan was also my family rep.
This place was complete torture I ran away but ended up getting caught by police and they tried to turn all the students against me by punishing them and letting them take it out on me it was ducked. The kid I ran away with ended up going to jail too I never heard from him again he was the real mvp taking responsibility for all the stuff that we did once we got out to desperately try to escape from this place. Luckily I got a letter out without it being read first that I have to a new employee to send out and my parents came and got me it felt like I was being taken from the pits of hell lol
Dude I ran away from there back in the day too with a homie and we got arrested outside of erskin college. Crazy. We ran away in the middle of the night and I still dream of it
what did they do to you after you were arrested? did you go to jamaica?
Carlos! I was in there with you brotha!
no way bro u were there i feel sorry for u bro i read some of the stories and man i feel ur pain now! Places like this shouldnt excist at ALL!
Hey, this is so crazy. I was at CSA in 2006 or 2007 and I remember some of this stuff happening. Probably the worse experience of my life. Glad it finally got shut down. GET AT ME ON FACEBOOK IF ANY OF YOU REMEMBER ME (slick rick). rick ellingsen
I remember you!! U were one of tha twins!! I think ur brothers name was ryan. I turned 14 in there. I remember Zion on tha hill. I remember not being able to look in tha females direction. I remember Mr. Kenny and Mr. Mike & Mr. Tony. I remember that bullshit “probation” shit they put u on cuz u couldn’t self teach yourself. So since u we’re behind in school u we’re one of tha last ones to get ur food. And usually never got seconds. I remember we weren’t even slowed to sit in a chair until u we’re an upper level. I never made it to level 3 tha whole 14 months I was there, so I NEVER had any contact with tha outside for 14 month a 13-14 year old had to fend for himself in a prison like place!! I learned more mischievous stuff while I was in there. Seen things I wasnt supposed to see. I remember them “Restraining” me one time, but they really beat the shit out of me. I remember always being considered a “refuser” for tha first few months cuz I couldn’t cope to tha place at first. So I stayed on this level that was called special something, I can’t remember.
Yooo I was there 2008 names Brian Aguirre HMU 3129782322 oh yea straight up scam CSA thank god they closed it down place wish we can sue someone for all the bullshit
I was in prisioned here from 04 to 05 n pillars of hope too Leah did u know Tom from csa
Wow what a fucked a place. I was here com 06 to 07 and hated it.
I spent almost 2 years around 2003-2005 in that hell hole. I was one of the youngest kids to ever enter into the program at the time. Glad they finally shut it down. The stuff they did and the way they treated us was horrendous. Anyone else that’s been through here around the same time let me know
I’m a mother who’s son went to CSA in 2006. I’d love to connect with any children that were there during that time. Sadly, all the children I have known in “the program” – including my own – have passed.
Have no pity or well wishes for those fucks. They enjoy it. Pure evil messed me up for so long and will remain for the rest of my life. I dreamed for years of nothing else but going there and liberating everyone. They tried to send me to Jamaica, journey didn’t end there but at least I got out. Fuck those people and everyone like them. I’m
I was there for about 4 months at the beginning of 2007. I was part of the riots that led us to being put in the sheds until the police arrived. We broke out all the lights in the dorms and tried to run away in the middle of the knight. I wrote down the ppl i was with but i don’t know where that journal is. I was the really tall white kid. We use to play basketball with the staff.
My name is J.MARTIN. I am a SURVIVOR of CSA. South Carolina. Early 2000’s. I have plenty of evidence and I’ve been in touch with plenty of my peers. WE DESERVE TO BE HEARD!!!
Attended Carolina Springs Academy from 2004-2007. Contact for further research or additional information.
How do I get in contact with you? I would love my file somehow.
Dude, I immediately recognize, like, 4 names on here. This is wild. Using this page as reference on a research paper about the troubled teen industry. I was there 07-08. It’s so fucking dope to see people from the riots leaving comments. We really went for it back then, Zion. Hope everyone is healthy out there.
omg Chelsea Loper I remember u . wow I was there between Nov.2007 to Aug. 2008 till I was sent to poh in Costa Rica . s.c was a horrible experience I had by any means in Costa Rica to get expelled and I did . 3016743392 call me or email me at
What I endured at Carolina springs filling by tranquility bay is absolutely unspeakable.
i was there 2003 and mr shawn was there with his crazy ass>>>>> he was a drug dealer before he became super extreme with God and this place was AIDS. hurting kids and kids hurting other kids> and the seminars were brain washing kids to be a certian way……… if anyone would like to talk about their exp there my number is 8597506611
I was in this place 2004 after Casa by the Sea had closed down due to illegal operations.
The way they treated us females was unthinkable. Sorry mom & dad- I came out of this place with trauma/PTSD, rage and anger. So far behind school, I barely made it out of high school with the slim to no chance for college. I wish #BreakingCodeSilence movement was stronger to educate people on these schools- it doesnt “fix” your children. Sadly, I have heard a few people leaving these schools- no longer with us. RIP. Due to the sheer mental, verbal and some sexual abuse that has occurred with a shock to the outside world once “graduated” or released.
I am now in therapy for the trauma/PTSD that has occurred including this unfortunately event in my life. Would love to reconnect with those who was here or Casa by the Sea
I ran from there November 2001.
Me and 4 other kids escaped from there. We stole a truck, got arrested etc.
The place was fucked up. OP observational placement is where I spent quite a bit of time. Mr.Kenny and Mr.Gus have jacked me up a few times in there and I’ve wrote more 1,000 word essays on how I’ll be good than I can count.
What a nightmare and 8-9 months of Hell.
Holy hell. I didn’t expect to see so many familiar names. Jan 07-Aug 07.
I was there for nearly 3 years during the Mr Richard phase, i was one of the boys who ran from the dorms during the riots and was picked up in Tennessee shortly after by the police and transferred out. Glad there’s other people actually talking about what went on here and it all didn’t get brushed under the rug as just some childhood trauma. Doing worksheets in the hot box in 100 degree + weather was always my favorite. and then losing basic privileges like being able to sit in a chair or sleep in a bed over minor things. If anyone wants to talk feel free to shoot me an email. I hope life is finding everyone well and you’ve recovered from everything that’s hurt you!
I was there in 2002 for 2 weeks before I ran. I got caught about 6 hours later and was transferred to Tranquility Bay after another week.
Yup. I was there from Sept. 2002 to March 2003. There for 6 months. Got Level 4 but turned 18 6 months later & hauled ass. I’ll never forget. I remember Mr.Gus, Mr.Shawn, Mr.Bo, Mr.Adam, Mr.Richie, Mr.Jerry. I also remember listening to those damn Zig Ziglar tapes every damn morning. Mr Dan my family rep. I stayed in Dynasty, Renaissance, & Triumph upstairs. Crazy place, absolutely hated but I played the game then I was outta there. Survived without getting hurt physically thank God
I posted this in the wrong place up top. I was there back in 99 when I was 15. I got there roughly around March and left right before I turned 16. I was there for only 6 months before my parents came to get me. I will say that there was some sketchy stuff going on. I think because I got there shortly after it first opened it wasn’t as bad yet. Although I did spend 3 days locked in OP, forced to do worksheets, and was only fed red beans and rice with water. Only allowed out a couple of times to pee. Had to shower at night and couldn’t talk to anyone. My worksheets were on old philosophers I listened to on cassette tapes. I gained a lot of weight there from the terrible food. I ran away once with two other girls and got caught while we were trying to hitch hike. I went from level 3 back to level 1 and never left level 1 again. But I will say I did have a lot of friends the short time I was there and had pictures of everyone up until a few years ago. I knew Jamie, Fariel, Cara, Ashley M, Adrienne and Angelique are the people I remember off the top of my head. My last name was Roesler at the time.
Have you watched the Netflix documentary about you and your “schools”?
Crazy man. Now all I see is obituaries on “narvin” posted right after it being released. I’m so sorry for all of you that had to go through and the ones still going through it
I was at CSA from November 07 – April 08. The first night I was in there, I cried to the staff asking if I could call my dad, and they audibly laughed in my face. The green ham sandwiches we had to eat or the “computers” we had for school that didn’t connect to the internet. The yellow sweat suit. Listening to everyone watch movies from the other room because I was still a level 1. Not being able to talk or sit in chairs… that weird ceremony we had at the top of the hill? The girl who was restrained and sent to a shed… the girl who sat on the floor with a fever until her eyes were yellow… the group therapy sessions… my friend singing to us outside and the girl who sang better than Christina Aguilera herself. Seeing my friend walk away from the school trailers because she was finally going home. Being grateful for a chance to get a candy bar at that weird concession stand. Or how we had to “hold each other accountable” just to be able to get that stupid candy bar. The Dr Wayne Dyer tapes we had to listen to while we ate. The girls who got to straighten their hair and wear make up. Zumba.
These are the random bits my brain allows me to remember.
I just watched the documentary on Netflix this was so horrible I hope someone gets held accountable for the shit they put yall through
Guys, I don’t know if you remember me or not, but I was hired to teach “anger management” once a week. I would let you watch videos about different types of anger and bring snacks. I came for about 6 weeks before they cut me off. They said I was making you guys , (act up). Sorry, for any pain. The location was Due West, Anderson county. I believe every word.
A documentary on Netflix called “The Program” made me Google this stuff up and found this page yalls stories are being told people are finding out what yall went through I would watch and reach out to one of the on screen survivors to expand this story
I was at CSA from November 2005 to April 2006 and it was such a horrific experience! I was labeled as a “run risk”. And yes I remember the weird seminars at top of the hill and the concession stands, 7 min showers, no shoe laces, teaching ourselves with old text books, going to bed hungry because the food was disgusting and cheap. I remember group and having to turn our heads any time the boys were passing through. I remember going to “church” on Sundays just to get out of the room and the girls and the boys could be in that same area during that time lol. I always think if I ever will find anyone I was there with. I only got a 4 min phone call on Christmas with my family and someone was sitting there listening the whole time and if I were to say anything bad about the program they would cut the call is what I was told. I ended getting pulled after 6 months because I almost developed a kidney infection and they would not take me to a real doctor and I kept writing my mom about how I was feeling so sick. They took to this old man who checked me and gave me antibiotics for a UTI and when I left and my mom showed my doctor the medications the doctor said where did I get those that no one uses that medication more and that it does not work. I ended up getting my GED to finish high school since the schooling there did not count in the outside world.