WWASP Survivors
WWASP Survivors is run by a dedicated group of concerned alumni of WWASP-affiliated programs.
Our mission is threefold: to raise awareness of the true dangers of WWASP Programs, to advocate for those still being held and abused in WWASP programs, and to provide validation and support to survivors of WWASP programs.
01. Awareness
We strive to bring awareness about the history of WWASP (World Wide Association of Specialty Programs), how to recognize the WWASP Program model and how the same dangerous methods are still used today within the Troubled Teen Industry. We caution parents to avoid these programs at all costs.
02. support
The WWASP Survivors facebook group is a safe place for survivors to speak out and be heard. With over 3500 active members, we have become a community that offers understanding and support to all survivors through their respective healing process.
03. Advocacy
We aim to influence our lawmakers to create comprehensive reform within a system that is greatly lacking adequate regulation. We support both state wide and federal legislation aimed at protecting the rights of youth and preventing institutional abuse.
WWASP Survivors
Survivor Support Group
WWASP Survivors
Advocacy Positions
No child deserves to be abused.
Especially in the name of treatment. As advocates we strive to designate the difference between “Tough Love” and clinically approved mental health treatment. We encourage parents to seek ethical and professional help for their children and avoid at all costs, coercive and abusive behavior modification programs.
Due Diligence
Parents should be educated about the dangers of illegitimate residential treatment programs and be equipped with the tools to see through the clever marketing techniques. Parents should utilize the Red Flags List to determine what constitutes an abusive program.
Ban totalistic Treatment
Each and every abusive policy employed by the Troubled Teen Industry should be eradicated. Many laws already exist prohibiting the polices of which are commonplace in “Tough Love” programs and should these laws be broken, victims should seek to press charges immediately.
Youth Rights
Minor American citizens deserve all the same human rights as any other citizen. Parental rights DO NOT trump the child’s right to consent, safety, and decency in treatment.
Should a minor be held against their will, sans due process and without having given informed consent without coercion, they are being unlawfully detained. In most states age of consent to treatment is 13 years of age and false imprisonment is illegal at ANY age. Any person who may be concerned for the welfare of a child in a lock down facility is encouraged to call the authorities and hire a lawyer to petition for a writ of habeas corpus as soon as possible.
Unqualified Staff
Hiring of unqualified staff is dangerous. When staff members are not properly trained to handle situations in a safe and ethical manner more than often abuse and maltreatment becomes commonplace. If the Director and “Case Managers” do not have adequate degrees, certifications and experience to be mental health practitioners, you should avoid placing your child into their care.
Access to Report Abuse
Denial of a minor’s rights to an attorney, access to the local authorities and advocates is unlawful. Every citizen regardless of age should be allowed to call for help if they feel they are being abused or are fearful of being abused. Denying this right only proves the existence of abuse in “Tough Love” programs. If the program you are considering does not allow your child full access to advocates, DO NOT enroll them. If the program your child is currently attending does not allow this right, PULL THEM immediately.
Locked in Paradise
WWASP Survivors
Photo Gallery
YOUTH FOUNDATION SUCCESS ACADEMY, in LaVerkin, Utah, is a boarding school with links to the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools.
- Youth Foundation Closes Amid Scandals, Lawsuits | WWASP Survivors - […] About WWASP Survivors […]
- There Are Few Congressional No Brainers — This is One | Political Ration - […] If you are still on the fence, read one survivor’s true story and get more information. […]
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Awesome site… excellent job!!! So proud of and thankful for the work you are doing. I cant help but smile when I think of all the kids whose lives you are truly helping and changing for the better!
I think there should be a group perhaps once a year where former “students” of these places can meet together and tell our stories, or just get together with people who have been through similar things. (PREFERABLY NOT HELD IN UTAH)
I attended casa by the sea. Please let me know if u know of any group that does get together. Id like to attend.
Hey Amber, Welcome!
Have you checked out the different Casa groups on Facebook? There was a reunion last year in San Diego and I think they are doing another one this year in the Bay Area… Also there have been some reunions in Vegas… Check out the groups reconnect, and encourage people to get out and meet up in your area 🙂
Please email me, I was at Casa for 27 months with my identical twin, WE SAW & REMEMBER EVERYTHING, from rape to illegal pharmacy operations, I have now an immense ability to help FUND, EDUCATE, SUE, & I also have many friends involved directly in law making including senators, especially in CA. Please contact me anytime. I must & will help !!!!!
can anyone find info on two rivers psychiatric and rehabilitation hospital in Raytown missouri?1 I was there and although it is not on the list I do believe it was a similar facility it was shut down and there’s not very much internet to be found on the internet at all now the location is the home to the knights ofColumbus
grand hall.
Chris Latta I would love to hear your story! Please email me at trena_halco@hotmail.com
I agree as well. I attended Casa by the sea for 22months before I was transferred to The Academy of Ivy Ridge for 6 months in Ogdensburg,NY which was also another afilaiated program/location through WWASP. I would love to help parents and teens prevent themselves from having to go through the trauma that a lot of us went through. I would love to share my story and speak out to help.
I have just found this website and the outcome of tranquility bay here recently as i have tried to forget the hell that was i can also see people i remember from the pics and has brought back allot of emotions my name is nick homan i was in excellence family for 3 years and i was seeing how everyone that rode that horrible ride was doing its allot of memories rushing back but for those who endeared that mind fuckery and abuse i love you and have prayed for all of u over and over hoping that this place to save our lives didnt destroy your future future relationships and your magical child
Hey Nick. What years were you there? I was in Dignity Family in 1998. Chad Costa
Austin Kane Todd went to casa and was there when it was shut down this needs to be exposed
Thank you for this site! I was a prisoner at Cross Creek Manor for girls around 97/98 and back then you couldn’t get anyone to listen so it’s nice to see things have changed but way to slow for me knowing all the kids who had to endure what I did all these years and still are!
I was in tranquility bay in 04 when we rioted a big group escaped 40+ days in op some much longer that place set you up for failure kids were able to punish you and keep you on lower levels popularity contest if you didn’t know how to politic you got ate up by upper levels oh man that shit was crazy people still don’t believe me when I tell them
We need more support groups on this matter. I didn’t graduate but was in tranquility bay I left on my 18th birthday that was nearly 9 yrs ago and still I am haunted by the memories of that hell hole if you ever get a group started for us in GA please let me know I’ll do everything I can to help those who were hurt and share my experience that I went through it’ll be great to meet anyone who knows how I feel and knows what truly happened to us
I went to Tranquility Bay about 9-10 years ago. I’m trying to go back to college, but I need my highschool transcripts and have no clue how or where to start looking to receive them since TB has shut down. I’m also located in georgia, and try my best to stay in contact with a few people from my time there. If you could let me know anything, that would be awesome!!
Have you tried getting a hold of Browning Academy?
Justin, Dr. Gina Ghod is starting groups and I am going to be a moderator of some of these groups. I have shared the boarding school stories with her…..the website to sign up for a group is called AGroupForMe.com
The groups are free right now……we hope you will join us…..
Hahaha. Birdcage? I was in spring creek. Got threatened with birdcage and tranquility bay in Jamaica.
I’m looking for information on Ashcreek Ranch Academy. My son is there. He has described things that sound like a WWASP program. He is berrated and abused with racist slurs and antisemitic behavior by more advanced level students. There has been incidents of physical violence.
I don’t personally know your situation but as soon as I read this I was immediately concerned. Let me be the first today that if you have a child enrolled in a WWASP program facility that is still operating in this present day do not think twice about it Take he or she out now. I myself attended WWASP facilities yes plural .. meaning multiple and spent over 2 years of my life to have it stripped away and I endured many things. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through. I believe years later I am still not completely okay or normal. Memories that come and go and bother me or how I react to things sometimes.. and it all ties into what I went through in those programs. I hope you make the best decision possible and go get your child.
Why are you allowing your child to stay there?
I’m looking for information on Ashcreek Ranch Academy. My son is there. He has described things that sound like a WWASP program. He is berrated and abused with racist slurs and antisemitic behavior by more advanced level students. There has been incidents of physical violence.
Get your fucking kid out of there asap what are u thinking.
I attended casa by the sea 15 months, how can I see if people I was there with are alright? I’d like to join communication to bring these people down for what they did.
Tyler I would love to hear your story! Please email me at trena_halco@hotmail.com
My name is Danielle Pruett I attended royal gorge academy from October 2006-June 2007.
I attended Cross Creek Manor in LaVerkin from October 2001-May2004. Not many of the girls and boys there where physically abused, but I was. I was sat on by a 360lb man on several occasions to restrain me. I was thrown down stairs, thrown into walls, pulled off the top bunk bed due to me screaming becuase, I had a bad dream and then hauled off to ISO for it. I had my face smashed into the floor by a staff 3x’s mt size for back talking. I had broken ribs, bloody noses, and bruises and my therapist at the time Brian Hanson even told my mom that, but it was for my own good and that I had started it. When I went into CCm I was 5′,4″ 109lbs. I had staff2 to 2 ot 4 on my a$$ 2-3 times my sizes. I also had an underlying mental illness, which I am now on SSDI for and the staff and Brian knew my history but still, they beat me. CCM may have not abused most of it’s tenants, but as for someone like me, yes, I was abused. CCM was not equipped to deal with someone of my nature and should have transferred me to a psychiatric ward.
Erica, Thank you for sharing your experience, If you would like to be included in our survivor testimony section please post your story here: https://wwaspsurvivors.com/survivor-testimony/
You are welcome to leave your story in full length in the testimony section…
Or you can submit as a comment in the “Leave a Reply” section.
Great Job keep up the good work.
So happy that someone is doing something about this. I was at Majestic Ranch in Randolph, Utah when i was 12 to 13 years old. That place changed me forever, and I ended up in prison by the time i was 18. It was the worst thing that could have possibly happened to me at that age. It makes me sad that it is still in operation and kids are still going to “Old West Academy” now. Stop WWASP! Stop child abuse!
Evan: We really need survivor testimony from Majestic Ranch. It has remained somewhat mysterious. Would you condsiering writing your story down for us? Thanks.
I have a neighbor who sent their young son to Majestic Ranch/Old West Academy. I’m so horrified about this decision. Please respond about the care of this place. Is there a lawyer who can help extended families get custody of this child, and get him free?
Thank you,
I just submitted testimony from Majestic Ranch…I was there in 2002-2003, from 12-13 years old.
I went to CASA 98-99 they did have a reunion in Vegas like two years ago….it’s good to see others stories here…CASA wasn’t the best time of my life…..
For all of the WWASP talk of caring about the future of the students, the only thing they really care about is money!
I have been trying to get my high school transcript for over a month to no avail. I have filled out the proper forms and paid the money but received nothing.
I went to Dundee Ranch academy in Costa Ricca in 2003, I was there when it was shut down…I was placed in Observation placement and forced to stay on my knees all day…nose on the wall..was denied water.and food. I think his name was Mr.conley or conrad and the other locksley…My fammily father was daniel. We had forced excercises in the hot tropical sun…washed our own clothes by hand in the showers(with dirty water) and food was used as punishment…I was not allowed to have a meal untill I completed a 15,ooo word essay once….I am On SSDI for Dissability and was diagnosed as Autistic at the time.I was speacial education .since the guidlines have changed in pychology since then I am currently diagnosed with Asbergers …
cody, i dont know if you remember me but you and i were always in ob. My name is jessica. the black guys that would restrain us were bailey…he was tall and skinny, claude, conrad…..conradd was sleeping with that sarah girl…she was a student….do you remember me..how are you
Bailey left Tranquility bay and went to Dundee ranch
The prosecuter in Yamhillcounty claimed I had started the riots at Dundee ranch when I finally was allowed to leave costa ricca a month later….(they y are wrong) She was fired for something…hiding something..it was in the news register or oregonian……I left with the police, and the PANI….I would like to say thankyou to the country of Costa Ricca….The prosecutor tried,,,iremember that…the cards were stacked against her…..TOO much threats , lies , and MONEY………In yamhill county beforew judge collins they simply stated some news article as evidence that i was somee master mind of destroying the Ranch….They claimed i lit fires!!!!!1 IDID nothing of the sort and ran to help faster thabn most…I remember how the other kids acted like it was party day…I was scared to death …i clung to the Panni lady,,,,,,,,,,C.j was there with me……never heard or saw from him again…said his mother was a judge….from washington i reccolect. Their was a boy at the Panni shelter in sanjose that spoke english…he was from jamaica and told me his parents brought him there from jaimaica and that they were there illegal…he told me he had been there for 3 years…w/out his parents…no contact…so off i went to find the embassy.no passport…no money..no map…no spanish…all alone!
Prosecutor of bottom-swatting boys is arrested in alleged … http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2008/12/prosecutor_of_buttswa... – Similarto Prosecutor of bottom-swatting boys is arrested in alleged …
Dec 18, 2008 … Debra Markham, a Yamhill County deputy district attorney who made national news in 2007 for prosecuting two McMinnville seventh-graders
#1 Lee S
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Join Date:Nov 2007
Location:Oregon City
Posts:1,573Karma can be a cruel bitch
Debra Markham is a Yamhill County, Oregon Assistant District Attorney. She is best known for prosecuting three 13 year old boys for going down the hallways of their school and swatting girls on their butts for sexual assault. Although crude, immature, and ill-mannered, let me say that swatting girls on their butts is hardly a sexual assault. It was pointed out in trial that girls also swatted boys in the butt and it was just something stupid that junior high children are apt to do every now and again.
After dragging these three boys through court, the charges were dismissed, because junior high students are at best mildly retarded and the charges just didn’t pass the sniff test.
Two years later, Debra Markham was arrested for punching her husband in the face hard enough to draw blood. Aparently the couple had some sort of argument and she just lost it. Yesterday, because of the arrest, Debra Markham was fired. The karmic scales of justice have been leveled a bit, but wouldn’t it be appropriate if she was also charged with sexual assault. Not that I get displeasure from the misfortune of others, but damn that was nice!
Missing Dundee Student Found
By Tim Rogers
SAFE AND SOUND: Cody, with his sister and mother, visit yesterday with Isaac, the Costa Rican man who took the Dundee student off the streets.
TT/Julio Lainez
Former Dundee Ranch Academy student Cody Crawford, a 16-year-old from Oregon, is back in the care of his mother this week, following an incredible 10-day adventure that began when he escaped from the now-closed behavior modification program May 20.
Crawford left Dundee Ranch under the care Child Welfare (PANI) authorities during the May 20 government intervention, which sparked rioting, vandalism and the escape of 35 students (TT, May 23, 30).
Although the U.S. Embassy said all the students were accounted for two days after the breakout, Crawford — unbeknownst to either U.S. or Costa Rican authorities — was lost on the streets of Costa Rica with no clothes, money, food or Spanish. The PANI informed the the Judicial Investigative Police (OIJ) that Crawford was missing May 21, and police issued a missing-persons notice last Friday — nine days later.
But Crawford did not want to
be found. And if it had not been for the goodwill of a Costa Rican family who took him in off the streets, he might have been killed, his relieved mother told The Tico Times during an exclusive interview yesterday.
Don’t Miss Friday’s TT print edition for complete story.
I have all the rest of the events on my face book and on ANtiWWasp/us
I am voting For Mr OBAMA TODAY!!!! PLease do not send your kids into any programm…It is a teenagers nature to rebel..they will grow out of it….I suffer from post traumatic stress and Also am Autistic with a duel diagnosis of Asbergers syndrome….NOT BI- POLAR AS many court systems paint any young person that has raging hormones these days>>>>>>IF THE COURTS CAN”T BE TRUSTED would you trust your child to strangers? REad the testimonial of over 500 ex-students at Antiwwasp……..I have links on my FACE BOOK.
The amount of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and menrtal abuse that occured… Seing kids made to eat there own vomit, sleeping on a piece of carpet with a thin blanket on concrete at 18* F as a “privlage” how can people get away with this. Pappa “louise” etc…. Chase mckinney VS WWASP out of dallas TX through turley law firm.. Class action….
My nephew graduated from Darrington Academy and is now trying to obtain his high school transcript from Darrington. He just served 4 years in the Marines and wants to go to college. Does anybody know who to contact to get his transcripts? Already tried Dept. of Ed. Any help would be appreciated
I’m pretty sure the Browning Academy company is the one to reach out to, They offered the “academics” for all WWASP schools. I havent personally had any success with them, but you might be able to reach them through calling Cross Creek Programs and asking them to give you contact info. I’m sure they get this question all the time.
ATTENTION: to request your high school diploma or transcripts, contact Jay
Academic Expediter/Registrar
The Browning Schools
Office 435-275-7305
Cell 435-272-2244 (this might be an old registrar’s #, try the office first)
I went to Home Depot today and saw a wheel barrow. I was trying to
Explain to my bf that grown men used to “burrito” me for days
In 30 below weather at ascent in northern Idaho to when I was able to
Bathe off my urine and fecal matter after that time my feet were black not frost bite
But “frost burn” as the doctor off sure would proclaim after
We were allowed medical attn this being able to be transported in a wheel barrow
Carolina springs academy appears to have reopened as “Seneca Ranch”…also I joined the forum and am waiting on activation. I am a high impact survivor and am just now learning about this community.
Spring creek was were my brother was for 5 years. I was not aware of any of this going on. He was there in around 2000. They saved my brothers life, no questions asked. The staff was amazing in handeling a case like his. I hate that they turned to what they did years later. There program saved so many lives.My brother in fact still talks to his “room mates” if you call them. Im so dissapointed to see it went to shambles. It was once a great program. My heart goes out to all ofyou that were neglected and abused. NO ONE deserves that.
I was at TB from 97-98 and finished off with 4 months in SCLA. I personally never witnessed at the time I was there any abuse or neglect. But the stories I heard of illicit sex and drugs provided by and had with staff members after my return home were appalling. I did most definitely did not enjoy my time there but I learned that sometimes shutting my big mouth and listening gets me in way less trouble. I graduated the program after my 18th bday, my parents having told me finish or there is no place at home for you. So……I finished.
I have a great life now, a wonderful family, and my Mom and Dad are my best friends. Not all of the kids there have horror stories , some of us just followed the rules and never put ourselves in the position to be sat on, hit, raped etc. Do I believe these things happened to kids YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they did not deserve it. honestly it sounds like the whole program went to shit after I had left. Am I perfect, HELL NO!!!!!!!! But I’m happy, a damn good wife and Mom, and I am grateful for the slap in t he face I received that told me I was acting like an asshole.
Sherisha- Foundation Family TB
Please update your information on Ashcreek Ranch Academy. We have no affliation with the Litchfields. Our school is two miles north of their property. Our school is an open facility and does not use any tactics you are describing on this site.
If there is any unsubstantiated claims on this website about Ashcreek Ranch Academy we would be happy to make changes, however we can not validate that there is indeed no connection to the lichfield’s when all evidence points to confirmed affiliation. We are aware that at least a few staff members including the Executive Director, Clinical Director and Academic Director are former WWASP employees.
Typical WWASP.. Always claiming they’re not affiliated with this or that. I suppose they’re not Mormon either
shut thew hell up
The owner of Ashcreek Academy, your sister, Tammy Prince, did admissions for Cross Creek for years. So perhaps the information could be edited to say, “After working for the Litchfields for years via Teen Help and Cross Creek Manor, Tammy Prince opened Ashcreek Academy. She cringes at the thought of losing business if her employment history comes to light.”
I was in Tranquility Bay in 97-98. I was in the original Honors Family, though I first started in Dignity Family, I was #128. I’m just trying to figure out if there is a way I can reach out to the other people in Honors Family. I have my own accounts of that place, such as: When I was put in OP there were no mats, no towels, no pillows. You were made to lay there NAKED, and you had to stay there until they decided otherwise. I was hit in the head with a walkie talkie by an employee named, ‘Shaggy’, during Mr. Bailey’s shift. There was a one good man named ‘Mr. Mari’. He taught us the Jamaican philosophy of ‘One love’. There were plenty of both good and bad things. I wasn’t a bad kid, I just needed some guidance. But make no mistake, the point of this place is to break your spirit and make you respect authority. Definitely learned a lot, it made me a very sharp individual. When everyone gets in trouble for one person’s mistake, you learn to pay damn good attention to your surroundings. I was a level 1 through the entire program.
Do you remember a Michael Roley? Just wondering if you were there with my son.
I got there in February 2004. I was also there when they were raided and shut down. Thank God it was my pc-1. and my parents where there to see it for themselves and finally believed that I was not “manipulating” or lieing. They saw that every letter I wrote to them about how this.place was a scam and how poorly treated we were. they finally believed me and took me.home!
I’m glad to see there was action taken on this rtc. There are a lot more of them out there I myself went to a couple in Salt Lake City. they need to be shut down. Even some wilderness camps, in my eyes the people running these places are worse than child molesters, scum of the earth. On that I will spend my life in helping adolescent kids who end up in the places because no one else will, not even their parents. I will give them hope trying to show them you can change your life around.
Sorry for intruding, but I am horrified at the stories. I personally relate to Chris Sutton’s life story. From adoption to being sent away by parents with “perfect kid” expectations rather than finding out the root of why we acted out the way we did. Luckily, my experience was not as brutal as these camps. Close. But not quite. And mine was in Mexico. I would never even think about sending my son anywhere. He is MY responsibility. Not some torture camp’s. I am sorry for what so many of you have gone through. Hugs to all of you. And if anyone has contact with Sutton, tell him he has a supporter out here.
Hi. My name is Joe I went to spring creek lodge in montana from 2003-2004 and I am trying to get a hold of m transcripts. Has anyone been successful in this? Please help thanks.
I hope they close these camps down permanently and jail the staff who harmed the inmates. I am lucky to have had moderately permissive parents who didn’t try to turn me into a “Stepford kid,” (partly because it was harder to do in the early 70s) and I feel deeply for those who have been forced to suffer through this.
I suspect the average inmate in these institutions is/was of above average intelligence and sensitivity and, like all intelligent beings, curious. This curiosity led them to explore things their parents disapproved, so the parents sought out ways of controlling them, and the WWASPs provided such a thing, at a price. The “schools” then used violence to try to amputate the source of the inmates’ intelligence, that is, their curiosity, a crime made all the more horrendous because it was perpetrated on such sensitive people, not hardened criminals. This is an outrageous thing.
Like many of these victims, in high school I dabbled in drugs and sex, started failing in school (because it was so boring) and got in minor trouble with the law, ending up dropping out of high school with my best friend. I worked for a few years, did a enlistment in the Army, and went to college when I got out, earning a BA in history with honors, got married and raised a family, working several public service jobs, now getting close to retirement age. My friend went to college and then a major law school, representing cases as high as the US Supreme Court, and he is a partner in a large law firm from which he is semi-retired (works about half the year). My point in this story is that being curious as a teenager does not condemn one to a life of crime or addiction, or a bad end.
Having been a parent, I know the teen years can be scary, all that exploring they do. But I oppose on practical and moral grounds using psych drugs and violence to turn people into “Stepford children.” I hope these sorts of places are banned permanently here and abroad. I will follow this website and hope I can help in some way to put an end to this outrage.
Keep up the good work.
@ Wilson…I agree 100%. There is a difference between kids who are curious/rebellious and kids who are truly deviant or “bad”.
Sometimes parents and guardians have unrealistic views of how kids should act; this causes them to see little things as symptoms of severe behavioral problems. In my opinion, shipping kids off to these places does more harm than good. Discipline is about guidance but these institutions are often about brainwashing and stripping kids of all freedom/individuality.
Not to mention some of the terrible, disgusting things I’ve read about on this site…like the kids who had to live in filthy conditions and eat rotten food and were treated worse than anything I can imagine.
There is no excuse for this at all and like you said, I hope these places are shut down completely.
I’m not against the concept of reform schools entirely because some kids ARE out of control. But there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed when it comes to basic human rights.
I saw a documentary where one lady sent her daughter to Tranquility Bay or one of those places just because the girl was into body piercing and listened to Nine Inch Nails…I mean, really? What do these parents expect from their kids?
Perfect robot-like behavior at all times? Teenagers will screw up and do stupid things but the parents need to find better ways of handling certain issues instead of sending their children to these institutions.
My name is Cassandra Caravella I attended Carolina Springs academy while I waited for a transfer to Dundee Ranch I was sent to the programs when I was about 13 and a half years old I was at Dundee Ranch during the riot and was one of the people who fled while in the process I had my head smashed into a cement railing by Mr. Conrad once I ws captured and brought back to the facility I was there a few weeks being told I was going back home to Florida. However, once I reached Miami airport I was immediately detained by transporters who brought me to Tranquility Bay, between the 3 programs I was there for a total of almost two years 2 months of which were spent at Carolina Springs Academy. Once I reached Dundee and Tranquilty I was placed in O.P almost the whole time I remained in the program. I was abused every day. When my father finally got my out of the programs he had to lie and say he could not afford them any more, since they were trying to get me court ordered there. When I arrived home at, well at the airport my dad was standing there looking around and waiting for me, he couldnt even recoginize me at fisrt due to the swelling and bruising on my face. All of those programs are horriable places and I am so grateful to see something being done about these places. I am currently 25 and still am in contact with journalist from the Washington Post and undergoing different lawsuits.
Wow, Cassandra…I am so sorry that happened to you. What an ordeal that must have been!
It makes me angry that anyone could smash a kid’s head into a railing and hold them against their will and treat them the way you were treated.
I am of Jamaican heritage and trust me, we are not all like the abusers at Tranquility Bay. Abuse of any kind makes me sick.
My heart goes out to you and everyone who has shared their stories.
Cody seth crawford,
I remember the names and exactly what the 3 Jamicans looked liked to this day… It was Mr. Conrad he was the bigger of the two, Mr. Loxley and Mr. Bailey. I got beatings and punishments from one or sometimes all of them everyday
Cassandra! You were the one that went with me and C.J. in the back of the P.A.N.N.I. truck, then we got to the police station, traded skittles for cigs from the cop? Then in San Jose we were taken to an orphanage/shelter place..given happy meals then me an C.J. traded skittles for a joint and smoked it right in front of the Costariccan welfare worker and were then separated from the others and taken to a total lockdown ghetto place…..Good luck and glad to know you survived!
I was also Ina an orphanage when it shut down this is crazy nobody’s ever believed my stories
Mr Conrad knocked me out once w a closed fist him and Mr bennet
Does anyone know how to get highschool transcripts from CSA? I’m so screwed if I don’t get my hands on them 🙁 I tried the board of education and I emailed Browning schools but I have nothing.
I have heard Browning has been willing to provide some of them for people…for a fee. It may take some persistent emailing and calling though. That’s the only method I’ve heard of working, and only for a few. Sorry.
Thanks ive been emailing them but they wont respond
Going through exact same issue how did you resolve this!?!
I was at casa by the sea wen it got shut down thought I was going home but nah went to Carolina springs academy got up to level five went to costa Rica aka pillars of hope wen it reopened I was about to graduate wen some weasel named troy Rupert screwed me its all good tho I got dropped send back to c.s.a until I bounced wen I turned 18 three days before I turned 18 lee bk all day
I dod the same thing and browning never responds. I know my post is months later then yours but if you’ve resolved please let me know.
I’m also having transcript issues… any luck???
Hi. TB here. 99-2001 have been trying to get a hold of Joan Davis for long time. Anyone know how. Just want to talk to her. I liked her.
She slept with students while I was there. 2000-2002. I always wondered what became of that place. glad to see it’s permanently closed.
Hey… I was ther when cross creek programs shut down… I had spent two years there… During those two years i was abused… On may 15, 2013 i fell off a sixty foot cliff while under their watch.. The whole group had one staff watchong us… If you would like to interview me i would gladly accept.. Just let me know
Hello Dustin Freeman.
I want to talk to you about your stay at Cross Creek in Utah. Please accept my offer.
Then you will really want to talk to me I am the actual person one of the real people that went to the program that got everyone out /rioted /run into a different state with a girl named Cassandra and Ashley / as well as a friend named chris
I am an attorney in Austin, Texas. One of our charter school clients has been sued by the parent of an ex-student on the grounds of interring with parental rights and religious freedom because staff tried to prevent the parent from sending the child to Youth Foundation Success Academy (YFSA) in Utah. We are looking for potential witnesses and information on the possible harms that YFSA may have caused with its so-called conversion therapy. You may write me at Schulman, Lopez, Hoffer & Adlestein, LLP, P.O. Box 30170, Austin, Texas 78755. I have established a special email account for responses to this inquiry. It is lschwartz.slha.law@gmail.com.
I would also like any records or documents that are directly or indirectly on point about conversion therapy, YFSA or any of its staff, directors, owners, etc.
Please, in addition, help me get in touch with one or more persons who maintain this website. I would like to determine if they can give us advice that might help our client successfully defend itself (and its staff that has been individually sued).
Please email us admin @ wwaspsurvivors .com
Cheri (hall) Tavarez here. Survivor of Spring Creek Lodge Academy. There from 4/22/2001-10/25/2002. Mental abuse daily. Continues on into today’s actions, thoughts, behaviors. I hate that place. Just found out the facility was purchased by a religious groups. Intent: “refugee camp” for immigrants and abused women. Sounds the same as what teens went through when we were there.
Spring 1989 – I spent 2 months at “spring creek wilderness camp” and had nightmares for years of being trapped there, trying to run away, etc.
I was forced to sleep in a tent with other makes at age 17. I woke up in the middle of the night being fondled by a gang member from LA.
I was forced to build snares to catch rodents to eat. I could go on and on, but it’s too upsetting. I will forever suffer from anxiety and panic disorder since being subjected to such irresponsibility, cruelty and criminal behavior. It was a living nightmare!
Could someone call me at 8644620237
Are you sure you want calls from the people for whose torture you are responsible? I didn’t even go to one of your institutions, but one like it and you have a lot of nerve coming to a site like this asking ANYONE to do ANYTHING for YOU. You are evil, vile, criminal, HYPOCRITICAL sorry excuse for a man let alone a leader or human being. You have annihilated the sense of self of children and then brainwashed them for money when their parents refused to be accountable for their own parenting all the while telling the children to be responsible for THEIR choices and behavior, yet you and the parents NEVER take any responsibility and you were supposed to be the “adults”. You have shown no mercy or forgiveness to your prisoners, yet you, when legally held accountable, will not only not own your actions, but when that fails, I’m sure, you will beg for mercy. I hope that you are met with the same measure of mercy you have bestowed. No matter what belief system you subscribe to, you WILL be held accountable at some point whether you want to be or not
Former TB student. Highschool transcripts are missing. I need them to finish off college. Does anyone have the same issue? Or an idea of how to handle it? Also is there anyone from TB in the Crete/ Monee IL. Area?
Same issue here! I went to Carolina Springs Academy in SC. I contacted sc school board and they said they don’t have any records bc it was a private boarding school. The school was closed and now I’m getting my GED bc I do not know what else to do and need to get into college.
When die u go to CSA anna?
Crazy I struggle so much still to this day. I went there 1999 and 2001 around that time. My step grandma sent me there. Its Gods blessing to find out it’s closed down. It effect my life so much.No child should go threw what I been threw. I told my mom,She never believe me. Never finish high school still struggle in side. But I’m at a healing point. So thank you ever body that cares. God bless you all.
I would like to get intouch with my former CSA classmates! I was there 2001-2003 my named Ashley gunther…much love to you all and it was a nightmare and i would love to talk to some of you !
Ashley Gunther,
Was my daughter, Jessica Ray, there with you?
I am replying to an email I received in correspondence to the where abouts of Mr Steven Roach. I tried to reply to the email but it wouldn’t go through.if you can get back in touch with me I can give you his where abouts and the last known place of Glenda Roach
I was at Spring Creek Lodge from 1999 to 2000 2001 looking to connect with some of my friends I made while I was there just to be clear to any parents reading this don’t send your kids deal with the problems yourself it’s better that way you’ll know your kids are safe and the problem is being dealt with the right way don’t ship them off
I was forced to attend Carolina springs academy for 11 1/2 months of my childhood in 2006. I just found this site and was so grateful that someone finally did something and listened to us “troubled kids”. Any time I tried to tell my parents how I was being treated and what their money paid for the staff stopped my mail/ contact and said I was manipulating so they would come get me. I have a lot of issues since this horrible experience in my life. I struggle as a heroin addict and many mental illnesses. Prior to me being sent to csa I hadn’t touch drugs. I resented my family for sending me there and allowing someone to be treated like that. It’s affected my relationship with my family to this day and My life will forever be impacted by some of the things that took place in south carolina. I hope the staff know how they ruined many innocent lives for a paycheck. Anyways thank you for making a website for people who have had to endure these horrible places and I hope that it helps future parents in making the decision to help their child in a better way than this love your kids and show them love and attention. Don’t force them away and turn your back on them support them and get help from professionals not some money hungry scam artists who call themselves a school. God bless all boys and girls or now meN AND women who have survived these horrific places may you live happy fulfilled lives in freedom.
This was a terrible place. I would hear the screams of females in the trailer next to mine. they put me in a 18 and over program when i was 17….. they closed that division down while i was there. I received my high school diploma from casa by the sea. I had 3 credits to graduate, and at my prior high school was in all ap and honors courses, therefore was accepted to U.S.F. early and prior to being sent to hell. At casa by the sea, we were not allowed to receive mail. So, USF was the college I would attended after the horror show ended. School at casa was different we were given a text book per course. I read my entire text book in one day finished all chapter exams, midterms, and finals with 100 percent accuracy. I did the same with course two. By course 3, they changed the rules stating “no student has ever done that before, so we must now take at least 3 weeks to pass each individual course.” I turned 18, the plan was to leave then, but i wasn’t not going anywhere without that diploma. They sent all the other young adults somewhere else, left me behind. Then in hopes to keep the school open they brought in another “student”. This one had a few issues. She would jump and try to swing from trees and it was hard to contain her. I remember getting reprimanded for laughing. Then, locked in a room with a Spanish tape playing over and over for hours, maybe days. The reasoning was; I LOOKED like i had a attitude while cleaning. My roommate was sitting across from me in a plastic chair, at a plastic table. This is were we sat to do our studies. She broke the leg off the chair and attempted suicide. After, I was alone again. I finished my course received my diploma then stated “it is illegal to harbor a U.S. citizen in a foreign country beyond consent. So, there I was again alone, left freezing on a cold trailer floor with no blanket or food for hours,maybe days…unsure of time and what happened to my fellow roommate. Then suddenly the trailer door flung open. A blanket, along with my bag of stuff was tossed at me. The man stated “You can leave but your parents dont want you. So all we can do is drop you at the border.” I accepted. The horror continued. What happened at this place was a night mare that i have had reoccur in my dreams recently. I feel due recent life altering events and dealing with a boyfriend who i live with and has mistreated me in ways not as severer but still unacceptable, (yet, i will allow it…..) has triggered some past memories. So the terror and torture that we have survived through is hard to overcome. All of us may have been subject to some kind of mental, physical or emotional abuse prior to casa by the sea, they just reinforced that we are deserving of this abuse and showed us whatever we dealt with prior, can get much worse, hence later in life some begin to believe we are not worthy of any good genuine treatment. In the past, after casa, i had two physically abusive relationships. Then I found my self worth. Had some great relationships, managed to have a good job, then i was hit by a truck at work. Now left alone again with no support, no family, no one, hence leaving me in a venerable state. The injuries I recently had are extremely bad, hence I fought for a safe haven. I eventually moved in with a boyfriend before surgery, He is not abusive in comparison, yet im still at the will of another who dose not understand me and i am putting up with certain characteristics i swear i never would again. I only want us all of us to move forward, never backwards. We need to find our inner strength and power. If we survived this, we can not only survive but surpass so much more. Keep fighting my friends.
Hey I need my transcripts does anyone know how I would do this?
Unfortunately, in most cases people have been unable to do so.
For all survivors who may be interested in a FREE support group, Dr. Gina Ghod has begun AGroupForMe.com I have shared your stories with her and she will be starting groups for all of you. I will be one of the moderators for these groups…we hope you will join us….
I would be intrested I am ok most of the time now but I have some bad days still. I can’t forget what I went through there. I have a hard time letting any one into my life. I can’t talk to any one about what happend there. I have many stories of abuse I would like to talk about.
please join us in our facebook group
A huge thanks to admin and everyone who shared their testimonies on this site. I’m doing some independent research on the troubled-teen industry, and I have a few questions for anyone who would be kind enough to respond.
Many states now claim that teen residential programs must undergo “annual inspections.” Utah, for instance, claims that they have strict regulatory laws for residential treatment centers and therapeutic boarding schools. https://helpyourteennow.com/therapeutic-alternative-boarding-schools-in-utah/
From what I’ve read, the annual inspections in Utah are complete bullsh*t and conducted by “the Mormon mafia.” If anyone can shed more light on what “inspections” are actually like, I’d greatly appreciate it.
I’m very happy someone spoke out about Midwest academy . I personally went through hell there . I was depressed , degrated, lied to , put in a containment cell called “out of school suspension “ it was more like a prison . The floors were dirty and cold. Had old blood spots and spots of bodily waste . This place was hell. Abuse is a understatement with some of the things that had occurred . It got to the point I tried to speak to someone about being upset and was put in that cell without doing anything . Was also put in there because of not being able to compute the math quick enough. Like really punish someone and prevent them leaving that shithole for them not being able to learn without having help. Like I actually was diagnosed with a math disorder . But anyways like I’m glad someone spoke out . During my time there I tried to commit suicide twice in a short period of time . This was years ago but I’m better now but they had waited to send me to a hospital and once they did that con man mr Devon and Ben had some big steroid junkie come get me and bring me back and ignore all the stuff I told the hospital . Yet again I attempted the second time and was attacked by them and talked to the er afterwards when sent there again and left the program thank god . Shortly after I had heard about it being raided by the fbi . I had just looked back into it because someone reminded me of it but like the stuff that happened
To everyone there was insane and a major human rights crisis . Keep that dirtbag Ben trane in jail . Just thought I’d give people a little insight on the stuff going on. If anyone reading this knows what fighting for basic food like a piece of bread or little cup of a snack feels like I feel truly sorry for you because it sucks . Not a problem with fighting but the need to go there to eat and still having hunger pains is insane.
I went as far as Brightway. But I want to know how do I get my records from there? Are they still available over 20 years later? My mom forged my dad’s signature on the papers, someone noticed and said something. That was my saving grace. Still traumatic. I have done research on the places and Tranquility Bay. I am so grateful that I never made it there and my heart hurts that these programs still exist. This is no way to help a child. Tough love like this does not work. It damages a child for life. I have PTSD due to just being snatched out of my room in the early morning and handcuffed like a criminal. The sad thing is, some of us were accused of doing things that we never even did. My life has been extremely difficult. I remember my visit to Brightway in December or 1997 very vividly. I miss my roommate. I can’t remember her name, but she was a very sweet girl. Most of the kids there were sweet. They just needed more understanding. Not to be shipped off to another country or to another facility. To those that went through hell in all it’s entirety I am so sorry. I can not even imagine.
Thanks Bill, I was one of the last kids to leave paradise cove and the two years I spent there still haunt me. I can’t get away from my past. After finding your site and reading some other experiences my mind has been cleared somewhat.. it felt like us samoa boys were the only ones (though we know that is not true ). It’s been almost 20 years and and I can just barely keep my s*** together.. I still don’t talk to my mother. Im trying to let it go..
I have a child that just recently was at the Seneca Ranch school as soon a July. I talked to authorities who told me the fire marshal shut down the school by condemning it. Half of the students were taken to coasta rica with Narvin and the other half somewhere with Richard byars. If anyone can point me in the right direction to find out where my son is I would be greatly appreciative.
I was at Carolina Springs Academy and Pilars of Hope. Beginning in July 2004 and FINALLY coming home in December 2005. I am trying to get records or transcripts of my HS diploma that I received but I am getting nowhere. Has anyone else had this issue or can help me? Please and thank you.
Oh and screw CSA. it was awful. I was worse after leaving then I was when I went in.
I was at pillars of hope with you thow have you
Over 25 days in intervention at CbtS being forced to do acts of obedience like holding a piece of paper to the wall with your nose. Then sent to MWA (Midwest Academy) and dealt with Ben Trane and his goons for 7 months until I was 18.
I believe my parents were bamboozled and took out loans on their homes to finance my 19 months of “treatment”. Shame on those who prey on parents who are not equipped to patiently understand what’s going on and a convince them that we are under professional care.
This has scared my family emotionally and financially for over a decade. Remember I was in Mexico for a majority of the time and with all due respect had a “counselor” who was manipulating correspondence with our parents and was willing to conform in order to secure their job and title. My peer found methamphetamine when we were doing our daily chores and was caught. “Yeah, he broke into the medicine cabinet and stole tylenol”. Imagine how this was conveyed when Faraz was sent away and he found what he did. The family counselor had control over every letter we sent and fabricated a false narrative and told his parents he stole from the medicine cabinet. Who would truly believe us?
I knew WWASP Survivors existed and have recently began to have flashbacks of this experience and have been deeply traumatized and ostracized by my family. No one wants to be reminded of the thousands of dollars of debt and emotional scars that exist die to this experience.
Be accountable right?!
I was at Cross Creek Manor from March of 95 until October 95 then I was moved to their facility in Cancun, Mexico and was there until I graduated HS in 1996. The program in Cancun was closed by the Mexican government, about 2 weeks after I left, on the basis of child abuse and torture.
Hello survivors, curious if anyone on here has any experience with Elk River Treatment Program? I went there in 2010 and it was certainly an experience that I will never forget. It was like something out of a movie. I have had trouble opening up about what I experienced there as I find that most people do not understand. Just wondering if anyone has heard of this program? it’s about 40 miles from Huntsville, Alabama and I very often question the legality of the way they marketed themselves as a “treatment program” and “rehab” although very little rehabilitation services were offered despite the exorbitant cost of the program. Staff was verbally abusive to residents on a daily basis often with little to no reason at all. “Containments” were often used on teens who were throwing a tantrum with violent, unnecessary, and excessive force. If a I once saw a grown man pick up a 14 year old girl and drop her on her head. If a resident was a risk to run away, they would walk them around on a leash like a dog in front of everyone. Solitary confinement could be used against a resident for something as small as speaking out of turn (you were not allowed to speak without raising your hand and asking for permission).
Has anyone had any luck recently when attempting to get access to Official transcripts from Cross Creek or Browning Academy?
I just finished watching the Netflix documentary about Ivy Ridge, and that has to be one of the most bone chilling cases I’ve heard about. It’s crazy to see how many institutions are promoting safe environments for kids who are struggling mentally and are unfortunately met with abuse and life long trauma. I’m left feeling hopeless about those who aren’t here with us today because of schools like Ivy Ridge, and to kids now who are trapped in these soul crushing prisons longing for a way out. I hope the documentary will create a larger conversation throughout our country and bring awareness to more people like me who had no idea that this was going on. I’m so glad that I am now aware of this issue, and hope that progress will be made to bring an end to child abuse in these institutions. My heart goes out to all the survivors out there.