WWASP Owners & Staff

These are the owners, directors, staff and employees of the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs (and Schools) also known as Teen Revitalization, and marketed by TeenHelp LLC. On every count of abuse against the students in their care, each one of these people should be held accountable for the crimes they have committed and facilitated on a grand scale.
Note: This list is in no way complete. If you know of someone who needs to be added, please email admin@wwaspsurvivors.com and we will address the situation.
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Robert Lichfield
Ken Kay
Jay Kay
Karr Franswroth
Ron Garrett
Narvin Lichfield
Ben Trane
Randall Hinton
Robert W. Lichfield
Dace Goulding
Jason Finlinson
Jade Robinson
Luke Hallows
Miguel Rodriguez
Brian Vaifanua
Dwayne Lee
Richard Darrington
Dave Ansalanian
Paul Ansalanian
Cameron Pullan
Chaffin Pullan
Dan Peart
Wayne Winder
Tammy Johnson
J. Ralph Atkin
Steve and Glenda Roach

Robert Lichfield

Robert Lichfield was the owner of WWASP, and still owns most WWASP program facilities. Owner of Cross Creek Programs (Cross Creek Manor/ Cross Creek Center) and Owner of Teen Help, the marketing arm of WWASP. Lichfield has no background in Child Psychology, his former job being a staff member at Provo Canyon Boys school which was shut down due to abuse, neglect and mistreatment of children. He then went on to start his own program, which with the help of former LifeSpring cultist David Gilcrease, and his marketing seminars Resource Realizations, WWASP quickly spanned into an umbrella corporation of specialty programs with programs located all over the world including countries such as Samoa, Mexico, Costa Rica and Jamaica. Several WWASP programs have been shut down after investigations into allegations of child abuse and medical neglect, and WWASP no longer exists as a corporate entity.

Ken Kay

Ken Kay was President and the public voice of WWASP. The elder Kay started as a night staff at Brightway Adolescent Hospital, in St. George Utah. He served as Director of Brightway until it was shut down in 1998. Kay currently serves as superintendent of Browning Distance Learning Academy, a homeschooling curriculum company owned by Robert Litchfield. He eventually quit, but rejoined WWASP as Vice-President in March 2000. Before he rejoined, though, he made this statement:

“These people are basically a bunch of untrained people who work for this organization. So they don’t have credentials of any kind. We could be leading these kids to long-term problems that we don’t have a clue about because we’re not going about it in the proper way. How in the hell can you call yourself a behavior modification program — and that’s one of the ways it’s marketed — when nobody has the expertise to determine: Is this good, is this bad?”

Kay also said in August 2004 during his testimony in the WWASP vs. PURE case, that in his opinion, sexual activity between staff members and students is “not necessarily” abuse.

Jay Kay

Jay Kay, the son of Ken Kay>, got his start in WWASP working for his father as a security guard at Brightway Adolescent Hospital. Before WWASP he ran a gas station convenience store after dropping out of college. Jay Kay was eventually given the job as Director at Tranquility Bay, where he served until the facility closed in January 2009. He has admitted to pepper spraying students repeatedly.

Karr Fransworth

Karr Farnsworth have served many roles for WWASP in the many years he has been involved in WWASP.  Farnsworth met Robert Litchfield when both worked at Provo Canyon Schools. He served as WWASP president until 1998, when he was replaced by Ken Kay. He apparently served as a Trustee for the company. Then, in 1999, he took an ownership interest in the Cross Creek Programs, where he still serves as Administrator.

Ron Garrett

Serving as Administrator, directly under Ken KayRon Garrett was the face of cruelty in Cross Creek Manor/ Center. He oversaw and participated in the torture and deliberate emotional distress of all of the students at CCM/CCC. He ordered their restraints, food and sleep deprivation and bragged about keeping students in isolation for more than 6 months at a time. Ron took great pride in creating and administering his own cruel and sadistic punishments such as putting students on “Staff-Buddy” complete social isolation and silence for months at a time, “BFO Tapes” a system of endless mind-numbing hours (aprox. 5+ days) sitting in structure and brutal attack therapy sessions that he appropriately named after himself. Ron’s personal perversion of therapy often included inappropriate sexual conversations and telling girls who were rape victims that they need to take responsibility for what happened to them as well as forcing victims of child abuse to admit they deserved the abuse they suffered. He took it upon himself to personally harass each new student in what he called “Ron-Meetings” where he would mock them and scream in their faces until they “broke down” and burst into tears. Ron Garrett was fired from Cross Creek in 2008 and now works in Real Estate.

Narvin Lichfield

Narvin Lichfield has had a long and checkered history with WWASP.  The brother of Robert Litchfield, Narvin appears to have gotten his start with WWASP in 1998 when he opened Carolina Springs Academy, functioning as both owner and Administrator.  He then went on to open, concurrently with CSA, The Academy at Dundee Ranch in Costa Rica in (year) . In 2003, Dundee Ranch was shut down by Costa Rican Child welfare authorities due to allegations that children were being held against their will (illegal in Costa Rica) and were being abused. Officials also found 100 of 193 students did not have the required immigration papers. Litchfield was arrested  and charged with abuse and violations of international law. He was then ordered by the state of South Carolina to stay away from CSA until the case resolved, which wasn’t completed until 2007. But Narvin kept busy, re-opening Dundee Ranch under the new name Pillars of Hope (or “Pilares de Esparanza”.) POH was billed as facility for 18-22 year-olds, but there are multiple reports of children under 18 being held there.  In 2010, CSA was closed. Narvin vowed to reopen, but backed off that claim when he was arrested by authorities in South Carolina in 2011 after he was pulled over and determined to have been driving on a suspended license and without insurance. He was also served with 3 summonses regarding bad checks written on CSA’s closed checking account totaling about $2,000. Narvin was also named as a defendant in two other lawsuits, namely Lexington Insurance Company vs. Carolina Springs et al., a personal injury suit, and the Turley class action suit.

Ben Trane

Ben Trane was the Director of Midwest Academy and facilitator for Midwest Academy’s seminars. Trane claims his qualifications to run Midwest were derived from his experience working at two “similar schools” in Ohio and Southern Utah. He also owns and manages a gas station and condos “right across the river from Nauvoo” (Montrose, Iowa). Trane was insistent that under his tutelage Midwest has changed, yet he continued to run the school in the same style, including hiring unqualified employees, maintaining a program that systematically abused children and refusing them the right to call the authorities for help if they felt they were being abused.
In February 2016, Midwest Academy was raided and closed by authorities after an allegation of sex abuse against Trane. Trane was eventually arrested and charged with sexual assault of a minor, sexual exploitation of a minor by a counselor, and child endangerment. The trail was held in December 2017. Trane was found guilty of all charges and faces up to 9 years in prison and will have to register as a sex offender.

Randall Hinton

Randall Hinton was something of a jack-of-all-trades for WWASP. He first staed working for WWASP as a tech at Brightway in 1992. After two years at Brightway he moved to the Cross Creek in 1995, working there for one year. He then served as Assitant Director for Spring Creek in 1996, then took a job in the same role for Tranquility Bayi 1997. After Tranquility Bay, in 1998 he again served as Assistant Director, this time for Carolina Springs, working under Narvin Litchfield. In 2001 Litchfield gave him the job as Director at Academy at Dundee Ranch. Hinton also appears to have spent 3 years working for Teen Help, the marketing arm of WWASP.  In 2002, Hinton left WWASP to work in another school, but came back in 2006 in order to serve as Director of Royal Peak/Royal Gorge Academy in Colorado.  Ginton was arrested on chrages of child abuse by authorities in 2007 and the school was shut down in 2008. Hinton was convicted in 2007 of one count each of third-degree assault and false imprisonment. He served 25 days in jail and one year of probation. Hinton appears to have left WWASP.

Robert W, Lichfield

Robert Walter Litchfield is Robert Browning Litchfield’s son. In the classic nepotistic fashion that a hallmark of WWASP, in 2010 his father appointed him the owner and Administrator of the Teen Mentor facility in Costa Rica.  Teen Mentor was shut down in March 2011 by Costa Rican authorities after they received numerous complaints from children and parents regarding abuse at the school.  Officials who visited the facility said that “physical, psychological and verbal mistreatment” were “apparent.”

Dace Goulding

Owner of Casa By The Sea and co-owner of High Impact. First worked for Paradise Cove in Samoa. After CBS was closed in 2004 Goulding along with an old High School buddy Rich Darrington, opened another program called Darrington Academy in Blue Ridge Georgia. Darrington Academy was closed and criminal charges were pressed against Rich Darrington, for assault and battery of a minor. At some point he was working in a public school, but currently Goulding reports to be coaching Little League in St. George Utah.

Jason Finlinson

Jason Finlinson first became involved with WWASP when he served as Director of Casa By The Sea. During his tenures at both Casa and Ivy Ridge, Jason was known for his harsh, strict, disciplinarian style. As Administrator of the boys side of CBS, Finlinson was responsible for running a brutal program that systematically abused, deprived and tormented children. He has been accused of rape of a teenage girl on and countless incidents of assault and battery. In 2001, he left CBS in order to move to New York and open the Academy at Ivy Ridge. Ivy Ridge was closed in 2009.

Jade Robinson

Jade Robinson started his career in behavior modification as a staff member of WWASP’s Cross Creek Manor in Utah. and later Spring Creek Lodge in Montana  He also worked for a time at the notorious Tranquility Bay in Jamaica until he left to help start Casa By the Sea in Ensenada, Mexico. As Administrator of both the girls and boys side of  Casa By the Sea, Robinson was in charge during the time period of several reported cases of  abuse and maltreatment of the students of CBS including violent restraints, rape and other forms of sexual abuse. He ran a system that regularly refused proper medical care and denied students access to school by forcing them to endure 8 hour stretches of detention for days, weeks, and even months in a row.  Jade Robinson was part of a staff team directly responsible for transferring kids from CBS to High Impact, a brutal boot camp co-owned by Dace Goulding. Around 2003 he attempted to open a program called Bell Academy in California which was swiftly shut down due to licensing issues. Casa by the Sea was also shut down in 2004 citing issues with CBS operating an illegitimate pharmacy. Robinson is the current owner and director of Horizon Academy, which was originally opened in the Amargosa Valley Nevada however is now re-opened on the Cross Creek Manor/ Cross Creek Center property, in La Verkin Utah (Owned by WWASP head, Robert Lichfield) and currently renamed Youth Foundation Inc./ Youth Foundation Success Academy. Youth Foundations was also closed quickly after it’s rebranding, due to financial disagreements with the facility’s landlord and billing company, Robert Lichfield.

Luke Hallows

As Administrator at Casa by the Sea, Luke Hallows has been reported to have participated in, ordered, endorsed, excused and covered up multiple incidents of abuse. Usually pitting upper levels against lower levels, he not only encouraged the violent ways of the program but he was also responsible for the abuse placed upon the whole facility in enacting “code red”, forcing all students to sit in stress positions, walk in circles and remain on complete code silence for weeks at a time. He is also responsible for overseeing a facility in violation of many health codes and maintaining a lack of ethical standards of care for the students of CBS. He currently lives in Sahaurita, Arizona and works at a Arivaca Boys Ranch , an equine program for teen boys.

Miguel Rodriguez

Miguel Rodriguez was the Co-Owner and Director of High Impact. Originally, he worked at Casa by The Sea with his wife, Allie Hernandez. This man is an accused rapist and a very violent individual, He is also the mastermind behind the infamous dog cages and the man who would sit on top of kids as they were being restrained in painful arm/ leg locks and stress positions. He has been accused of several major crimes against children at High Impact including assault, rape and attempted murder. Conditions at High Impact were said to be “deplorable” by the Mexican and American authorities that raided and shut down the compound in 2002. Survivors describe High Impact as a boot camp incorporating a  multitude of unreasonable restrictions, excessive exercise and a constant barrage of verbal, and physical attacks. After the closing both Miguel and his wife Ali Hernandez were invited to come back to work for Casa By the Sea, where Miguel was responsible for more assaults on students and Ali assisted in the admissions department. Miguel Rodriguez and Ali Hernandez currently live in Ensenada Mexico.

Brian Vaifanua

Brian Vaifanua owned and ran one of the most notorious WWASP programs, Paradise Cove in Samoa, a facility where children were subject to miserable conditions, denied proper food and medical care and systematically tortured, assaulted, neglected and broken.  Vaifanua started his career with WWASP at Cross Creek, La Verkin Utah, Then in 1994 he opened Paradise Cove. After Paradise Cove was shut down he moved back to Cross Creek and then went on to become director of Midwest Academy, in Keokuk Iowa. In 2012 Vaifanua was reported to the St. George school district superintendent with a long list of alleged human rights abuses committed by him and urging the Board to have Mr. Vaifanua banned from working with young children.

Dwayne Lee

Dwayne Lee was the Director of Paradise Cove until the facility closed in 2002. He apparently got the job due to his relation to Brian Vaifanua, namely, brother-in-law. After Paradice Cove closed, Dwayne went on to work for an arm of Teen Help called Parent Resources Hotline, where he served as Admissions Coordinator for High Impact. His current whereabouts and employment are unknown, although his wife Tala Lee (Vaifanua) works as a reporter for Fox in Salt Lake City, Utah using her maiden name.

Richard Darrington

Richard Darrington partnered with Dace Goulding, an old school buddy, to open Darrington Academy in 2004, the same year Casa By The Sea closed. In May 2009 and charged with battery on two students at the school. When Darrington Academy closed, he moved to Lake Tahoe, Nevada, and got a job as the dean at a private school. His license to teach was subsequently suspended by the state of Nevada in relation to his pending charges in Georgia.

Dave Arsalanian

Dave Arslanian is Co-Owner and formerly served as Admissions Director of Eagle Ranch Academy in St. George, Utah. Before opening that program he served as a football coach for several college and professional teams, including Weber State and Utah State.

Paul Arsalanian

Paul Arslanian is Co-Owner of Eagle Ranch Academy in St. George, Utah, which he founded with his brother Dave. Paul serves as Executive Director for Eagle Ranch Academy. Before founding Eagle Ranch in 2005, Paul, like his brother Dave,  served as a college and professional football coach.

Cameron Pullan

Cameron Pullan first worked for WWASP at Cross Creek in 1991 and 1992. He next appears in the WWASP saga in 1996, when he bought and opened Spring Creek Academy along with his brother Chaffin and Dan Peart. Pullan served as owner and administrator of the facility until 2009, when he closed the school and sold the property. Pullan was also invloved in Camas Ranch, an apparent attempt to remake a portion of the facility into an 18+ program, which also failed.

Chaffin Pullan

Chaffin Pullan first worked for WWASP at Cross Creek in 1991 and 1992. He next appears in the WWASP saga in 1996, when he bought and opened Spring Creek Academy along with his brother Cameron and Dan Peart. Pullan served as owner and administrator of the facility until 2009, when he closed the school and sold the property. Pullan was also invloved in Camas Ranch, an apparent attempt to remake a portion of the facility into an 18+ program, which also failed.

Dan Peart

Dan Peart is Robert Browning Litchfield’s brother-in-law. He seems have first gotten involved in WWASP in 1992, as the Director of Majestic Ranch. In 1996, he then opened Spring Creek Lodge with the Pullan brothers, serving as Vice President. He then went on to be the owner of Majestic Ranch, now operating as Old West Academy, where children as young as 7, and perhaps younger, were detained, abused, and used as forced labor.

Wayne Winder

Wayne Winder became Director of Majestic Ranch in 2001. In 2002, he was arrested and charged with sexually assaulting one girl, assaulting one boy, and threatening to kill another. He was also charged with showing a boy pornography and three misdemeanor counts of child abuse. Remember, Majestic Ranch treated children from 7 to 14., so all victims were under 15 for sure and possibly quite younger. Winder was ordered to not be alone with children in the school while he was facing charges, and the school was ordered to have two staff members present at all times with children. He resigned as Director in 2002 while serving a one year, probation-like pre-trial diversion. He served as Admissions Director until at least 2011. He currently lives in Evanston, Wyoming, but that is only a short drive to Randolph, so he may still be currently involved with the school, now known as Old West Academy.

Tammy Johnson

Tammy Johnson took over as Director of Majestic Ranch in July 2002, which was when Wayne Winder was arrested.

J. Ralph Atkin

J. Ralph Atkin is the owner of Skywest Airlines, Eurosky Airlines, and Jet Acquisitions Group. He was also a trustee of WWASP. He has an office in St. George, Utah, and is a Mormon. In 1998, he became majority owner of Morava Academy, which was shut down later that year. He was also apparently WWASP’s main legal counsel, serving as registered agent for many WWASP entities. In fact, in legal corporate documents and filings, his name is second only to WWASP itself in number of appearances. In order to shield WWASP, he relied on tactics such as shell companies, misspellings of names and addresses, and name changes.

Steve and Glenda Roach

Steve and Glenda Roach are from St. George, Utah, where they both worked as police officers. They got their start in the TTI owning an all-girl’s program called Sunrise Beach in Cancun, Mexico. It is unclear whether that facility was a WWASP program. It was closed in 1996 by Mexican authorities and the Roaches were arrested on charges of illegally detaining children and depriving them of their rights, and running an unlicensed and unsainitary facility. In 1998, they opened Morava Academy near Brce, Czech Republic with J. Ralph Atkin, with Glenda functioning as Director and Steve as Security Director. Morava Academy was raided by Czech police and shut dow after allegations of child abuse and illegelly detaining minors. The Roaches were arrested and charged, but escaped the country and have never faced trial. Steve and Glenda and Steve is reportedly living in Birmingham, Alabama.


  1. amy

    I was at cross creek manor for girls in the late 80’s early 90’s. I am not sure about all that has transpired with these programs. It saddened to read the things said about Brian Vaifanua. When I was at Cross Creek, he was one of the good guys. He and his wife were house parents and I later lived with them. They were kind loving people who truly cared about the kids that went through the program. He was never unkind. I hope that this place never changed him, and I will always remember he and his wife as individuals who helped me get through a very tough program and a tough time in my life.I hated Cross Creek, I have nightmares of going back and my parents never getting me out but never of the Vaifanua’s who were good people!

    • BillBoyles

      i knew Brian when he ran Paradise Cove, debatably the worst WWASP program of a. You can read my blog, Notes From Tha Cove, for more about Paradise Cove, but let me tell you, however Brian was at CCM he took a decided turn for the worst. And things did not change when he opened Midwest. See my survivor testimony and that of Daniel Mauerer for more info as to conditions at these two programs.

      • rick

        Bill, I have to disagree with you on all of this. You were a troubled teen , and so were most of your companions. Most of these are just lies that you recorded to use because of your bias. As an experienced professional, I find that you are someone who needs to move on from your troubled past, and you can’t blame others for your mistakes

        • Bill Boyles

          What a charming example of exactly the kind of attitude that allows abuse like this to occur. “You were a troubled teen, so you’re just lying.” You don’t know me, you don’t know why I was sent to the program, you don’t know what I endured there, yet you write off the experiences of me and hundreds of other people on this page based on one faulty assumption.
          As an “experienced professional”, you should understand how badly an adversarial environment affects the therapist-client relationship. It erodes the kind of trust needed for meaningful dialogue. I pity your clients.
          I also take issue with your assertion that I haven’t “moved on”. I’m a 34 year old man who is married with two kids, owns a house, and has a wonderful life. I spent a long time wandering in the emotional desert my program experience threw me into, however, before I could emerge into the promised land. This site is my way of seeking to prevent future children from having to suffer as I did. I doubt you would suggest victims of other kinds of violence should “get over it” merely because they have dedicated their lives to preventing that violence.
          Shame on you.

          • Bill Boyles

            Oh, also, I fail to understand how exactly you think your “agreement” is required or even relevant to a fact. Facts are facts. You could also not “agree” that the sky was blue, but it wouldn’t change colors. Get that gaslighting bullshit out of here. My god I hope you aren’t actually a mental health professional.

        • Katie Mac

          Rick, maybe if we were all 15 years old and still locked up, this would make sense because we would be trying to manipulate our way out. The problem with this premise is that these schools have been shut down for 10-20 years depending on the school and most of us have decades between our time at the program and our current lives.
          I question your credentials as a “professional” if you mean to insituate that a large group of 2000 or so *adults* are not moving on but somehow still maintain we are lying. If so, what would be the point? What’s the end game for us lying? If something horrific and traumatic didn’t happen and we’re all already free, why would we bring it up for any other reason than the offer support and warn parents faced with similar decisions? Most of these schools are long gone, the WWASP corporation has already been shuttered so there’s not a hope for continuing litigation, and so on so are we talking about it 20 years later because… why? If it’s a matter of us just not moving on with life, how are so many of us successful professionally and personally if that were the case? Are there 2000+ in the WWASP Survivors group that are lying as well? Look, “experienced professional,” I have BS and MS degree, successful career, marriage, and soon to be kids and I don’t do drugs. I was only in Casa By the Sea for under 6 months when I was 16. I witnessed some horrific things go down that no one deserved – regardless of how troubled they were. Please tell me what reason do I have to lie?
          Another question: If you, an “experienced professional,” if a rape victim who disclosed to you 10 years after the fact, would you tell them they don’t need to talk about it or get a support system because it’s been so long and they are just dwelling on it? If you were an experienced professional, I would think not. Again, I don’t know your credentials but feel free to share them. I wait with bated breath.

          • Bill Boyles
          • Good Citizen

            Fuck all these low life pieces of shit. I was at “academy at Ivy ridge” 20+ years ago and still have dreams about that place. Fuck every single one of these low life fucks getting off on beating kids, molesting them and laughing about it. You mother fuckers will pay. And anyone on here talking shit about us being “troubled teens” can fuck finlinson. You’ll have no idea, just know what comes around goes around. Peace, love and light to all the survivors.

            • Dale Layton

              I just watched the Netflix documentary. I was beyond saddened. I have a friend who put her daughter in one of the wilderness programs in Utah and she was a struggling single mother and actually had to take out a loan to pay for it and did absolutely nothing positive for her daughter. By the grace of God, she is fine now and has a family of her own, but she managed to escape the place after being repeatedly abused this network, Robert Litchfield has set up, is so complex is mine blowing. The federal laws need to change. I hope they get all these assholes that abuse these poor kids.

        • AuthorUnknown

          Brian, you are troll. Bill Boyles you really should delete his post.

        • AuthorUnknown

          Rick is a troll. I suggest that you remove his comment, Bill.

        • Akash S

          @Rick. You and all those pieces of shit need to be professionally executed.

        • Cami

          Dying to know if “Michele” who commented here defending Cameron and Chaffin in 2016 has woken up yet. I also thought Cameron was kind in 1997-99 because he would pull me out of school to babysit his kid. As an adult, I recognize that my family was paying over $3000/month so I could be his personal nanny. And don’t even get me started on Chaffin. I wonder if his daughters know that he got sexually involved with a 16 year old student? Why is his wife still with him? Anyway, my family thought they were paying for a “therapeutic” intervention. Here I am a 42 year old woman who still has panic attacks when I have to go to a doctor’s appointment. I never had a panic attack before the program. Don’t worry, I can suppress it really well, only, people rarely notice. You learn to suppress panic when, as a 16 year old, you discovered that admitting any kind of depression/anxiety etc could get you locked up for over a year against your will. My therapist still has to assure me that it can’t happen to me now because it’s illegal. Crazy it was legal when I was a kid and less able to deal with that kind of trauma. Did Cameron, Chaffin and the rest of them really think they were “helping” us? Could they have really believed that?

        • Veronica Miller

          Another example of white privileged men using and abusing

        • Bob barker

          Go fuck yourself Rick. Go choke on a fat cock

        • Rick’s Mom

          A haiku for a scumbag:

          Rick Rick, eat a dick.
          You don’t know shit man.

    • Amy McCullough

      I was there too in the late 80’s. I remember Brian too. He definitely helped ease my time there. I too have nightmares about that place…living in the basement. It was awful.

    • Mike

      Sad what happened to y’all and the fact that your parents paid for it. I went through similar stuff and deal with mental health issues because of it but my parents didn’t see the signs in front of them. I may not have gone through what y’all did but I have my own terrible hell I went through and I truly sympathize with y’all. From one Survivor to another. God bless you all.

    • Obanoba

      I hope you die a horrible painful death you fat ugly mother f***** and rot in hell for eternity Robert Bob Bobby.. piece of s***

  2. remember

    I was there when the Ron Meetings first started. The description of Ron Garrott is spot on. The most intimidating men i have ever met. That stupid smile peeking through those hate filled eyes.

    • Teresa

      I don’t think you’ll find one person who will disagree with you about Ron. He was awful. I was in iso for 3 months and boy did he get off on it.

  3. Jenny

    Jade Robinson also assisted with his wife at Morava Academy in 1998.

    • Peter

      Are you sure? What was his position in Morava Academy? P

  4. Anthony Kahwaji

    why isn’t respect camp or aka bethel boy christian academy on here. Ran by the Herman Fountain in lucedale, mississippi. There are crazy people that put trash bags over childrens heads until they couldn’t breath. people that bent us over and spanked us with rulers about to rape us. people who are angry when they come into work and take it out on children by throwing them up against the wall and slapping the crap out of them when they did nothing wrong; and even if they did, they deserve to be beaten.

  5. Daria Brockliss

    Cameron Pullan had way more to do with the program. He was the main guy for Spring Creek lodge with Jade Robinson – when I went there, after CCM and Sunrise Beach.

    • Tonya

      Hi Daria! OMG this is Tonya Martin from Washington. Do you remember me?

    • Tb

      He was at Cross Creek when I was there, 1993-1995. Rumor then were he married his wife when she was 17 and she was a former student at the program.

    • R. K. BlackRose

      I agree with a previous mention of “respect” camp in lucedale ms. Some of the d.i.’s are serving life sentences currently for their crimes. I was there as the first cadet under the facilities new name “respect” camp. September 2005, First few minutes there i was ordered to call di westbrook a “nigger” by chief knott. i was drop kicked through an office desk like, broke the whole desk with my body with two feet to the chest for saying no. Picked me up and “ordered” me to follow orders. So i said “wassap nigga” and the whole pile of them began the beating and sent me to barracks hall to be humiliated by the fellow cadets who were also ordered to take the “disrespect of their elders” into their hands. I have permenant damange to my sternum. Two days later a new cadet came in and i was ordered to take him to the latrine and beat him till he sleeps or cries. Two weeks later, another new cadet showed up skin and bones and fell out lifeless beside me on the field, his unconsious body was thrown around and continuously beaten as the drill instructors believed he was faking it. He never moved before they carried him out of the fence on their shoulder. He never returned.

  6. Far from anywhere

    I was at TB and Cross Creek. The explanation of Ron Garret is 100% true. He screamed at me, spoke down to me, insulted me, tried to physically intimidate me, and sentenced me to 30 days in complete isolation for my non violent refusal to fallow program rules. His meetings, to a child, were a terrifying thing to endure.
    Ron Garret deserves to endure the horrible things hes done to his victims.

    • Brad Larsen

      I know exactly what you mean. I hope that asshole is dead. I’ve been trying to find him and can’t seem to. So he must be

      • Willy

        Ron Garrett is a horrible human being. I also remember being forced to “choose out” of a seminar because I wouldn’t admit to being a slut. I had NEVER had sex before I went there. Those people are deranged at best. They drained my college fund and I was way worse off after going to CCM. I was one of the lucky ones who’s parents pulled them out after 14 months.

        • Lisa

          I was also at cross Creek and Ron Garret 100% abused kids. He personally called me and many girls sluts and bitches during his infamous ron meetings. He called kids worthless, blamed girls for getting raped and for being sexually assaulted as little kids. He put me and many other boys and girls in Isolation for days, kept me in staff buddy for months, deprived us of food and restroom use (I had to sleep in piss). Forced us to sit in front of a wall for 8 hours a day, listen to mindless ‘tapes’ for 5 hrs a day, and much more. I can go on and on about his endless abuses. He had many sexually inappropriate “talks” with young girls as well as brought them to his house when they reached high levels. He kept 1 girl in isolation for 6 months. He was an evil, disguisting animal that deserves decades in prison for the abuse he not only allowed but promoted and got off on. The most evil man I’ve ever met.

          • U already Know!!

            Fuk CCM!! I’m traumatized & still have nightmares of that shithole! I have nothing nice to say about it. I wish I was in Jail before that hell hole! I was the only 1 to run away & get away to Sacramento Cali & loved every second I was away even though I put my life in danger MY life WAS MORE IN DANGER THERE! All the abuse physically and mentally was the most disgusting shit I’ve been through! I still believe people are still locked up in there in that fake ass “ Zion motel” fuk LaVerkin Utah and all u fuk fagot Mormon bitchz who were apart of this can suck a sick diccc and go to hell bitchh I hate you all!!

          • Mark Bailey

            I want a list of places looking for 2 the house of good shepherd in Utica and children’s home of wyoming in Binghamton NY

      • dan

        Keep looking…

        • dan

          Gp to #opstopinabuse and look at his profile there.You can track down his family too.
          These guys are like hiding Nazi SS rats, just follow the smell, and the exterminate.

    • dan

      Suffered Ron Garrotts abuse too.
      I am not a little boy anymore.
      Got something special for Garrott in the works…
      Be seeing you Ron.

  7. cassandra strong

    all of you disgust me especially the ones whose programs I stayed in I don’t know how you look yourselves in the mirror each day

  8. UtahExposed

    To All Who are a Party to any Case involving WWASP, investigate why Ken Kay’s former Administrative Assistant Jeanene Hawley, is working as the Judicial Assistant at 5th District Court, Washington County, St. George Utah. Who would have hired her knowing (or should have known) her employment past!
    As a Judicial Assistant, she has authorized access to all court records, and could very well manipulate or what if she has already manipulated files.
    On page 4 of :www.fornits.com/WWASP/office_phone_list_4-20-07.pdf

  9. Catnorrell

    It was Brno Czech Republic.

  10. jeff caves

    Any idea who we could contact to get a high school transcript for work done in 2007 by my son?

    • Tracey

      There is no way to get transcripts from them. I needed the same thing & was told they don’t have them. The school is bogus there anyway & not really accredited, so anything he did, he will have to do over. Sorry. 🙁

  11. kenny

    Dan Kay, related to Ken Kay Owns RedCliff Ascent, a wilderness program designed to detain children into long term boarding schools under same ownership

  12. Melissa

    Hi, I cant find your phone. What is your# ?
    Many Thanks!

    • Alexis

      I was sent to SUWS wilderness survival school in Idaho before I was sent to Casa by the sea, are they affiliated?

  13. Trish

    I attended and graduated highschool while at Casa by the Sea in early 2000s. How do I get a copy of my diploma? Does any one know. I need it for college. Any information at all please!!

  14. Sean Knauer

    I Graduated from tranquility bay and am trying to get my transcripts. Can anyone help please I need them for a new job.

    • Michael

      I graduated from Tranquility Bay as well, until I got home and my school district did not accept any of the credits. I then had to spend another year in high school.

  15. Thomas Davenport

    Do you have any information on the “US Youth ServicesNon-Profit, Inc.” in Lecompte Louisiana? It was previously named the Red River Academy. I am a lawyer in Alexandria Louisiana and I have been contacted by a family, whose son was possibly abused at this facility. I would like to learn more about this organization and hope that you will share any information. Thank you. You may call me at (318) 445-9696

    • Layne White

      I went to that school. From August 4th 2013 – August 16th 2014. I can tell you all about it, if you are still needing to know? Red River was its own kind of hell.

  16. Michele

    I have to respond differently from most of you above. Both Cameron and chaffin Pullan were nothing but wonderful to me and everyone else from what I saw. Even after I turned 18 they supported me and I was the main reason for starting an 18yr old program. Cameron even taught me to drive! When my own family was not around for me they both were. 2 wonderful people who made a very positive impact on my life. A lot of these abuse allegations are just total bullshit and I hope they know they what a positive impact they had not only on my life but the lives of many others.

  17. Josh

    I also went to red river/ USYouth Services. That place is a hell hole and it needs to be shutdown and all of the staff their know that

  18. Seek

    Were it up to me, I would put every one of these concentration camps out of business and criminally indict all those involved in the abuse. LDS Church members must have the honesty to speak out against these atrocities or they will be repeated elsewhere.

    • dan

      Its ok the LDS church members just have to tithe a little extra and all is forgivin.

  19. Connor

    Love this site, it is so nice to be amongst friends. I would only say that the info on Ron is not quite correct. He was still the boss there until 2011 I believe. Right before I walked in 2011, he was replaced by Chaffin after the Horizon merger.

  20. Julie

    Steve and Glenda Roach were my kidnappers in mid 1994, so they were working with the WWASP programs at that time. I will never forget being a 17 year old girl and having a man come into my room and literally haul me out of bed…..as a sexual abuse survivor, it was terrifying

    • Lyndsay

      Julie, what group were you in?

    • Peter

      In December 2003 I was kidnapped by the mountain men. They took me to wilderness treatment. I had to do it twice. After 42 days, I was sent to Bridges Boys Academy, I ran multiple times on the third attempt I got caught and sent to a lock down facility in gladstone. I was there for 30 days then I was flown to salt lake city and ended up in provo canyon school. Long story short at 32 years old I’m still fucked in the head.

  21. TJ

    Mighty nice list of people to execute. Gosh, where to start. I can remember seeing jay Kay and Randall Hinton at Tranquility Bay, they broke bones. Just ask Justin. Needless to say, I think I’d torture them all, for 16 months straight, feed them just enough to see the next day. Oh where oh where are these shitbags now…I’d love to sew their eyelids shut, spin them around…and stalk them an aluminum baseball bat…my nightmares tell me to

    • Crystal L

      Do you know how to get a hold of justin? I have looked for him for years!! Where you at Casa?

      • Crystal L

        Anyone here at Casa from 1998-1999? I was the 24th girl at Casa. So I was there when it first started and completed the program after 13 months. Don’t know how causer I know girls that were there for over 2 years and on a lower level.
        I have a few friends on FB from back then but would love to check in with some of my other “sisters”

      • Alexis

        I was at casa, 1998 1999 Alexis Seath from alliance well actually from Santa Cruz friends with brittney Hensley who was there too, we were friends back home, they put us in different family’s.

  22. TJ

    *with…that’s, WITH an aluminum baseball bat.

  23. Monica

    I want to know was there or is there a lawsuit against them and who do i need to contact please

    • Bill Boyles

      There have been several. I only know of one that is currently ongoing, against Midwest Academy.

  24. Charles Riney

    Just wanted to let you all know you all are pieces of shit. FUCK JAY KAY AND FUCK YOUR BITCH ASS CHILD MOLESTING CHILD ABUSIVE PROGRAMS

  25. Luis

    LMAO rick you must be one of these Mormons child molesters exstramist that thinks is ok and so you would probably be right at home there but but this won’t be silenced no one should have to go threw or live what these child abusing and molesting half men feel what they have to do.

  26. Jenn

    I attended a place called Trident in 95-96. I am wondering if it is affiliated with the WWASP.

  27. Jamie Prince

    I was at Cross Creek 06-07 and the description for Ron Garrett is spot on. He put me on staff buddy my very first Ron meeting because he said I was not being honest about why I was there and that I had to be a terrible child for my parents to send me away to this program. This place was hell! I am so glad they shut it down.

    • Jared Woodburn

      I was there at the same time you were. What group were you in?

  28. Broke_It

    Finlinson sat on my back screaming. A grown ass man on a 17 year old trembling like a scared dog. Over letting someone tell on themselves vs. telling on them myself. Fucking trash, yet no one believes or cares. He was so vicious around me. This will probably be scrubbed as “legally actionable” but it’s true. I denied a chance to send “fags to high impact” and was beat for it. I’ll never forget you Jason.

    • Broke_It


  29. Jeffrey Ma

    My brother, Jason Ma got his diploma from casa by the sea, by any chance is there a way to get him another copy of it? He lost his original one. Any help would be awesome.

  30. Nicole

    Just wanted to give some more info about Bob and Narvin. They actually ran a program called “New Beginnings” in LaVerkin Utah back in summer 1991. It was on either Bob or Narvins private land and comprised of 2 TP’s and a fortress type wall. I attended it and there were about 16 of us there. I have tried to find ANY info online about this camp but it’s as if it never existed but trust me… it did. They also had a cabin up in the mountains in an area called Duck Creek. That cabin had a husband and wife living there, the wifes name was Pookie, I can’t remember the husbands name.

    • Bryce

      Hello. I was also at New Beginnings. That is how I found this page. I had always been made to believe I was crazy how horrible it was. The 2 teepees with the creek running behind them. The pond outside the “fortress walls”.

  31. Jeff p

    Well rick –
    As someone who went to 3 wwasp facilities as a teenage (Casa / SCL / Horizons) I firmly will say this…scum like you are how so many children were allowed to be raped, abused, sexually assaulted, and profited off of. Im in my 30s, college grad, own a home, have a family, and it serves me zero to “LIE” about the disgusting shit that happened at WWASP facilites. And before you even pretend to say that’s because of WWASP, I was considered “nonworking” and took my exit plan when they could no longer legally hold me as an adult. If they were so innocent, and we are all just liars, why have so many been shut down by authorities for sexually misconduct and abuse?
    You can take your “professional” opinion and shove it. Fuck you and anyone that supports WWASP systems of rape, sexual and physical and mental abuse.

  32. Not_leaving_Name

    I’m wondering why the “royal gorge Academy” is referred to as a school stiill? “Royal George Academy”it (m there) April 2007 To 2008 “Call it either a prison with a nicer outfit or a Gladiator School (Prison). Concentration camp maybe. Most drank the unKookaid and wre the teachers pet favoritism. Secret in Child abuse.
    reember when I was there in 2007and 08.. always seemed as the staff were at war, or just screwing a “student,” or 3 or 4, or arranging for the ” fight
    Ciub. yes a fight club. some of the staff were cool but the others were horrible.. it always seemed like the staff were at war. you can tell which ones hated their staff members, .. They used to make us swear to secrecy and we’d fight each other in the laundry rooms just for fun or some other staff .. Staff has sexual relationships with another same sex staff member, one of which infidelity with another make staff member) the relationship ended in a suicide attempt.. The kids were so brain washed info thinking this bullshit mindless program would change them. I always called bullshit and was against the program it was bullshit.
    Randall was ever to have been announced as arriving, everyone was on their best behavior and the talks with Randall.. Dude was weird and scary.. made it look like he was A Sheep on the outside while he’s a wolf on inside.. idk what else to put .

    • Cody

      Randal Hinton worked at RGA when I went there. I’m the only one to run and escape that place. He tried to attack me and got something he wasn’t expecting. What losers they all are.

  33. Spencer

    I got sent to Dundee ranch when I was 13 and almost died of malaria and they didn’t tell my parents. Also held me and a boarded up room with hands tied behind my back and nose against the wall for 8 hours a day because I didn’t want to write a letter home saying I was doing well. I kept telling my parents to get me out and that they are being abusive and they would change my hand written letter to nice emails. My parents would write back saying I’m glad you are doing so amazing and having so much fun….. fuck narvin lichfeild and every one of these Wwasp people. Place was worst than a jail. Get beat up and restrained till you pass out because they caught you talking… yes you were not allowed to talk to anyone! Water only and rice and beans diet. No ac in a 10×9 3 walled room with 9 kids on tripple bunks. I will never be the same. And yes they made a group of us go build another jail like facility and was telling all of us the bad ones will be put here in worse conditions like in a threatening way. If I wasn’t a kid back then I would have known better to sue their asses off!

  34. Daria Brockliss

    Sunrise beach absolutely was WWASP. I was there.

  35. Lisa

    I was also at cross Creek and Ron Garret 100% abused kids. He personally called me and many girls sluts and bitches during his infamous ron meetings. He called kids worthless, blamed girls for getting raped and for being sexually assaulted as little kids. He put me and many other boys and girls in Isolation for days, kept me in staff buddy for months, deprived us of food and restroom use (I had to sleep in piss). Forced us to sit in front of a wall for 8 hours a day, listen to mindless ‘tapes’ for 5 hrs a day, and much more. I can go on and on about his endless abuses. He had many sexually inappropriate “talks” with young girls as well as brought them to his house when they reached high levels. He kept 1 girl in isolation for 6 months. He was an evil, disguisting animal that deserves decades in prison for the abuse he not only allowed but promoted and got off on. The most evil man I’ve ever met.

  36. Meteorologist Mike Scott

    WWASP. Total garbage and illegal to boot. Ken Kay is a criminal. I was in Combat weather and I would be remiss if I let this go. It is a DEFACTO prison. Many WASP (WWASP) and Tranquility Bay is closed. Hmmm. Most of these are abuse. Vietnam-era Veteran

  37. Peter Gifford

    Is there anything that I can do to help promote awareness and not allow this to happen? I was at Casa for a year up until it got shut down in 2004. I was reading an article about Ken K saying that there were no allegations of physical abuse. I can tell you multiple incidents off the top of my head. I believe that the worst is when they would force the children to physically assault/restrain their fellows to maintain their level and points. I am a clinical outreach manager for multiple drug and alcohol treatment centers now, and have somehow been able to overcome a pretty severe drug addiction. I’ve been to prison twice, both times were nothing compared to Casa By The Sea. If there’s anything that I can do eith my resort, please let me know, I’m happy to help anyway I can.

  38. Greg Larson

    I’m the parent of 2 boys who my wife and I sent to Spring Creek.
    I was never on board with that. My wife was convinced they would both die if we didn’t send them there. I feel like she/we were conned out of an enormous amount of money which did nothing to help my sons. Today our family is torn apart because my sons are constantly running away from whatever Happened to them there.
    Unfortunately my wife has passed away from lung cancer 3 years ago in July. I want so badly to be able to have a face to face with Robert Litchfield.

    • Dee-El

      Fight the good fight! Keep speaking up for survivors! Do it until action is done, justice is served!

    • Matt Walker

      I’m so sorry you were conned. I know us kids suffered the abuse, but the parents were also victims. The folks were the true liars and manipulators, in order to make millions and discredit their victims.

  39. Alexa

    I just watched the netflix documentary! Way to spread awareness to the tragedy that those schools were. Fuck WASP!

  40. WASO

    Where is the Government in all of this? The people submit to a government that does nothing to protect them. Where are they?

  41. Mother

    This kind of evil happening to children really makes you mad. How can people do this to a child?! I started looking this up after watching the Netflix documentary. I am so glad Katherine Daniels had the strength to work on putting this information out into the world. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for her to interview former workers. It’s just disgusting what happened to all of you at the hands of these monsters! I used to think that boarding schools were a lot of fun having grown up watching shows depicting it as such, and to think the parents of that generation were the ones targeted. It sort of makes you wonder if these parents were brainwashed on purpose with these shows or if it is truly a crazy coincidence. I’m angry for all of you! I am in tears for all of you! I hate hearing stories like this happening to children! It’s just wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! And then reading comments from so-called “experts” claiming you are all misremembering or confused and “just a troubled child” to dismiss the horrors you truly faced in your young lives. People putting their heads in the sand and gaslighting all of you. It’s maddening to think things like this happen in our world to the most innocent: children. As a former SA victim, it sickening to think how many people won’t believe your story or try to blame you for what happened to you as a CHILD. I am mad no adults protected you! All were just “doing their job”…a term I have come to truly hate. I truly and sincerely hope for all of you who experienced these horrors will have the best revenge on these people—living your life to the fullest and that justice will be served! I hope you all find peace and healing from these horrible abuses. I hope I don’t offend by saying, I truly hope God blesses you all because you did not deserve this situation.

  42. CR

    My heart goes out to all of you survivors. Wife and I are watching the Netflix doc as we speak and I am just so saddened and so angry by what y’all went through! Sending you all light and love 🫶🏻

    • Ria

      Yall freaking suck!!!!
      Who does that to children?!?!?!
      Someone needs to kill these ppl. This is ABUSEEEEEE!!!! ABUSEEEEEEEEEE! SHUT ALL THE WASP PROGRAM!!!

  43. Joellen Gordon

    They brainwashed vulnerable parents and children, and took advantage of them. Twenty years later my son is still dealing with the trauma he suffered at Darrington Academy( it did not deserve to use the name Academy). My son was coerced as an upper level to verbally abuse and emotionally abuse lower level students. He wants to find all these people now to apologize and he is being tortured emotionally from his experience there. As a lower level he was humiliated and abused. He was forced to lie and admit to doing things he never did!

    It took me many years to realize the mistake I made sending g him there. In cult like fashion parents of troubled teens were preyed upon at a time when we were looking for hope and help. We were financially extorted and lied to. We were Sold the idea that “tough love” was the answer and trust our children in their capable hands. We were reassured that this “tough-love@ was not abusive and the goal was to build character!!! BS!!!!

    So many intelligent people were fooled by them and our children suffered and continue to suffer with memories that they will never be able to erase. The staff were untrained infidels who had no business in these positions. They forced children to create cognitive distortions and reframe these thoughts into behavioral norms. The very antithesis of what trained therapists and psychologists practice. It took me many years to realize that the pain and suffering my son went through there was real. Maybe it was denial combined with being brainwashed by this cult of ingrates. How is Rich Darrington not behind bars? How are any of these horrific excuses for humans free to continue to work with and teach children? They all need to be in person cells rotting!

  44. Curtis

    I was also at Cross Creek as a member of the Staff (’95 – ’96, I think) and Ron Garret is the biggest piece of shit I have ever known. I still hate this guy. All the stuff that has been said about his is true. He is a abuser, a manipulator, a sick bastard that got off on yelling at little girls. I loved the group of girls I was assigned to, they were my girls, my family and because I wasn’t yelling at them or belittling them, Ron didn’t like that and thought I was too soft on them. If any of you remember me and I did anything to make your stay worst at Cross Creek, I am sorry. I liked being with my groups, and I knew if one of them we sent to listen to tapes, then I probably would not see them again until my next shift. I knew as Staff, that it was too easy to get more time added and if a girl went in there, she would not be back out for a long time.
    But back to the piece of shit, Ron Garrett. When I left Cross Creek, I left my contact information with several groups Case Managers, so when the girls graduated or go out, they could contact me and stay in touch. I went to one of the girls graduation at Transition in St. George and I was called out of the ceremony by Ron to go have a talk with him. He accused me of giving my information to girls and said they are all on run plans isolation now. I was like, no I gave my info to Case Managers. Ron then accused me and a friend that also worked there of treating the school as our own haram, and using the place to try and hook up with girls, and that I could never come back to see them. What a f**ker!!! I couldn’t even say goodbye to these girls that had become like my little sisters.

  45. Lewis

    Help me find John lichfield if anybody has information, please contact me write me back

    • Lisa Lockwood

      Your all pieces of shit especially Robert Lichfield, your all scam your all going to hell together for what you have done to those children
      I wish all the children some peace and happiness someday ❤️ watching the Netflix from the UK
      I’m just so grateful we don’t have those cults in the UK where the parents are brainwashed,how can the parents be so brainwashed and not cope with their children for being just teenagers beats me !!!!!Your kids weren’t even that naughty 😡

  46. Michael


    All of this is tied to Bobby Wiggins of the Church of Scientology, David and Barbara Green of the Museum of the Bible the Prayer Breakfast Foundation, and the Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the General Authorities Seventies and the Marriotts, the Waltons, the Duggars, the Osmonds, the Jonas Brothers, Kamala Harris, the RNC etc. They attacked me and tried to kill me numerous times but I survived and I have seen a number of the attackers working in Gaza alongside Hamas. They think the land of Israel belongs to them and they are armed and prepared to take it.

    I am trying to get President Biden to address this but nothing is happening. Please watch the news and see if you recognize anyone from your experiences in GAZA. TBN israel is a good resource for up close shots of terrorists in Israel. Then please contact the White House and anyone in the Democratic Party and perhaps we can get this to come to an end.

  47. Kyle

    I hope everyone who has had any kind of hand or even a finger involved in allowing, perpetuating, enforcing or executing any part of any program be put in jail and after that hell.

  48. Jj

    Luke Hallows works for this agricultural place in Gilbert AZ called huma

    VP of productions is his title .


    1331 west Houston Ave Gilbert az 85233

    According to google reviews the place stinks like manure and rotten eggs , this is from a neighboring corporate / industrial building complaining about the awful smell

  49. Crystal Alford

    Hello everyone! I was at TB Alive family 97-98 and for some reason I keep thinking about Jay’s daughter. Does anyone remember his daughter? She was in the program then I think in Beamer family. I wonder what happened to her? Maybe track her down and it will be easier finding these pos’s. One thing I know is they have the mormon church and it’s money protecting them and that my friends is a very hard veil to pierce. I also wanted to let the person know that asked about any current lawsuits? I currently am being represented by a lawfirm called Justice Law Collaborative in Mass. Talk to Jesse. They are amazing & extremely experienced with these types of cases. The number is 508-230-2700 from one survivor to the other, we will bring these guys down.

  50. Peter

    I am a former staff member from Morava Academy. I also remember Jade Robinson, his wife and little son being present in Morava Academy in the summer of 1998.



  1. Youth Foundation Closes Amid Scandals, Lawsuits | WWASP Survivors - […] WWASP – Owners & Staff […]
  2. There Are Few Congressional No Brainers — This is One | The News On Time - […] As it currently stands this is a state regulated industry. The problem is the irreputable groups just change business…
  3. 385. Sunrise Beach, Mexico | 1000 places You don't want to be as a teenager - […] WWASP – Owners & Staff (WWASP survivors website) […]

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