If anyone sees Tyler McGhghy, could they do us a favor and check his reading comprehension? Apparently, he didn’t understand the big sign outside the courtroom door that said “No cameras or cell phones.” Ben described Tyler when asked but neglected to mention to the judge that Tyler happened to be one of his previous employees at Midwest Academy according to the transcripts.
(In chambers, outside the presence of the jury, in the presence of the Court, the Defendant, and counsel at 10:50 a.m.)
THE COURT: We’re back on the record and outside the presence of any jurors. We are in chambers at this time. The Court was informed this morning that there were postings of this trial on a Facebook site. I believe a site by Mr. McGhghy, Tyler McGhghy. I have not seen those. I was just informed by a third party that those are on there. Now, I was told Mr. McGhghy was here for some of the trial. I don’t know who he is.
THE DEFENDANT: He has been here every day except today.
THE COURT: Well, that is an intolerable situation and I’m considering calling law enforcement and have him specifically come in to address the situation because, like I said, that is intolerable. So I just wanted to let people know, and this is going to be addressed one way or the other.
MS TIMMINS: I’m not aware of this. What was being said on Facebook? You said he was posting about the trial?
THE COURT: Pictures.
MS. TIMMINS: Of the trial?
THE COURT: So that’s the problem. And I’m just going to tell people in the back, except for the press, no photographing, no recording, anything.
MS. TIMMINS: Was it of the jurors?
THE COURT: I don’t know who it was. I haven’t seen it. I’ve just been told this third hand
MS. SCHAEFER: I don’t even know who this individual is.
THE DEFENDENT: He’s the really heavyset guy that was sitting right behind the prosecution, right by the media.
THE COURT: If he comes, we need to address that with him immediately. I told the court attendant to let me know.