Bethel Girls Academy Mississippi, Shut down in February 2005 after state officials investigate reports of abuse also known as Bethel Girls’ Academy and Bethel Boys’ Academy
Bethel Girls Academy – ABUSE!!!!! by Watchaduen » 20 May 2004, 22:30
(These articles were submitted to Fornits by a mother of an abused survivor of Bethel Boy’s Academy… Not all links to original articles could be found, however credit and ownership belongs to the writers and publishers of the following articles)
It seems those Fountains can’t stay out the news for abusing children. Bethel Girls Academy, Petal, MS. and Bethel Boys Academy, Lucedale, MS. (both owned and operated by the same people, the Fountains) makes the news again. Gotta beat those awful children in the name of GOD. Here is the newspaper article from Miss. Sheriff says girls moved from Bethel Home in Petal
The Associated Press
Petal MS.
About 40 teenage girls have been removed from a privately run, at-risk home in Petal and the case was turned over to the Forrest County Youth Court.
The girls were transferred Wednesday night from the Bethel Home to an undisclosed location for their safety, said Sheriff Billy McGee. State Department of Human Services spokesman Rick Whitlow said Thursday the agency would have no comment.
We’re referring all inquiries to the youth court in the county,? Whitlow said.
Under Mississippi law, Youth Court proceedings are confidential.
Sheriff Billy McGee said several state agencies including DHS, the attorney general office and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality were at the privately owned facility for teenage girls for most of the day Wednesday.
Apparently, the state received some complaints regarding some sort of mistreatment of the girls, McGee said. “I really don’t know what those complaints are, we were just called in to provide security and to transport the girls to a different location.”
The sheriff said that the parents of the girls were being notified to come and pick up their children.
Until they are picked up from that location, they are under the custody of DHS, he said. “Overall, there are about 30-40 kids involved.”
McGee said the Bethel Home is located in Petal, near the Jones County line. He said the facility was operated by a church but he was not sure which one.
Bethel hearing delayed
By Antoinette Konz
A hearing before a Forrest County Youth Court judge on the removal of 38 girls from a Petal school for troubled teenagers has been postponed after an attorney for several parents said he had received new information in the case.
“Based on that information, we decided to ask for a continuance. I filed the motion this (Wednesday) morning,” said Michael Reed, a Hattiesburg attorney representing three parents of students who attended Bethel. “I do not know at this point when the hearing will be continued.”
The hearing, which stems from a multi-agency investigation of the Bethel Girls Academy which began May 19 was to have been before Judge Michael McPhail.
Reed would not comment on the nature of the information he received. He did say, however, that some parents of the girls have been notified about some of the allegations of abuse at the Bethel home, but he would not elaborate.
“I am unable to comment on the information at this time,” he said. “I will be speaking with the parents later on today.”
Reed had asked for the hearing last week on behalf of parents David Bakker of Chicago, Matthew Brown of Dallas and Jason and Lori Salo of Tacoma, Wash. The parents had said they wanted to ask the judge to reconsider removing the teenagers from the youth home.
Paul Walley, a Richton attorney representing Bethel Girls Academy and its director, Herman Fountain Jr., could not be reached for comment Wednesday.
Walley and Fountain have denied any allegation of wrongdoing at the school.
Bakker, whose 12-year-old daughter was one of the girls removed from Bethel, said Wednesday that he had received some documents pertaining to the home’s operation over the weekend. He did not elaborate.
“As far as the items I have received, I am not so sure about how credible or reliable they are. I still have a lot of questions,” Bakker said. “I just don’t know what to think right now.”
Officials from the state Department of Human Services and the Attorney General’s office were involved in the probe. Rick Whitlow, spokesperson with DHS, said Wednesday that his agency would not comment on the Bethel investigation.
The agency has refused to provide information on whether the facility was licensed, if it had been inspected and what the agency’s policies and procedures are when it comes to monitoring facilities such as Bethel.
The Hattiesburg American filed a Public Records Act request on May 25 seeking the information. DHS has 14 business days from the filing date to respond.
Forrest County District Attorney Jon Mark Weathers said Tuesday that he has received two packets containing information about the investigation of the Bethel home. He would not elaborate on the contents.
“Based on what I have seen, it merits further investigation,” he said. “But I have certainly not made the conclusion that there was any violation of criminal law that took place at Bethel.
“Right now, we just need to go a little further in the investigation and try to determine the facts and the motivation of those who have made these allegations,” Weathers said.
A meeting with a representative from the state Attorney General’s office and Weathers is scheduled to take place on Friday, he said
State seeking accord with girls school
Bethel Academy problems called correctable
By Lora Hines
State officials are negotiating with a church-based home for at-risk girls to allow the return of 38 teens removed after some alleged they were abused.
Earl Scales, an assistant state attorney general, said problems at Bethel Girls Academy near Petal can be corrected, and an agreement to allow the girls back could be reached as early as next week.
“The school serves a purpose,” Scales said. Herman Fountain Jr., the director of the home, denies the allegations of abuse.
“That’s all they are, allegations,” he said. “They haven’t proved anything.”
Fountain, however, said he doubts he can come to an agreement with the state attorney general’s office.
He said he doesn’t want to stop using exercise as a form of punishment, a concession the state demands.
“We’re not able to discipline the girls any other way,” Fountain said. “We don’t use corporal punishment. (State officials) wanted us not to use exercise. I didn’t agree with that.”
In May, the state Department of Human Services took custody of all girls at the academy as a result of abuse allegations. Some girls told investigators they were forced to swim in a sewage pond and exercise until they vomited.
DHS spokesman Rick Whitlow would not comment and referred calls to the state Health Department. The Health Department referred calls to the attorney general’s office.
It is the second investigation at the academy in less than two years. The girls academy, founded by Fountain’s father, opened in 1999.
Parent complaints of abuse and neglect at the companion Bethel Boys Academy in Lucedale last year led to a similar investigation by DHS and the attorney general’s office. The boys academy, also founded by Fountain’s father and directed by his brother, John Fountain, agreed to adopt new policies.
The Fountains didn’t admit to any wrongdoing.
Herman Fountain said the girls removed from the academy want to return.
Michael Reed, a Hattiesburg attorney for parents of some of the girls, said his clients had to find other places to send their children.
“Obviously, the allegations are of a concern,” Reed said. “That’s why they are taking a wait-and-see approach (with the negotiations).”
The children of Reed’s clients didn’t complain to investigators, Reed said. He would not identify his clients.
Melissa Lashuay of Chicago is hopeful Fountain can correct the academy’s problems. Her daughter, Brittany, 14, was one of the girls removed from the academy.
Lashuay’s oldest daughter, Stephanie, previously attended the academy.
“It really turned my daughter around,” Lashuay said of Stephanie. “There’s been such an improvement in her.”
Five girls now attend the academy, Fountain said. More are to come.
He said the academy has lost about $200,000 since the girls were removed. Tuition costs $2,000 a month per student.
Academy employees have been working part-time.
Fountain said he has had to borrow $1,400 to pay the academy electric bill and $1,700 for the mortgage.
“We’ve been in worse shape than this,” he said. “This isn’t going to stop me from helping people.”
Rehabilitation or child abuse?
By Sara Burnett Daily Herald Staff Writer Posted 7/11/2004
At first, Bethel Baptist Girls’ Academy seemed like a good place for Jayme Bahrenburg.
At 14, the West Chicago girl had been arrested two times. She was skipping school, had run away from home and was using drugs. Her dad thought she might try to kill herself.
Bethel, located in rural Mississippi, boasted a family atmosphere in which troubled girls are broken down by discipline and physical training, then rebuilt through God’s love.
The girls would refer to the director, Herman Fountain Jr., as “Brother Fountain.”
He and the rest of the staff would address each girl as “young lady,” according to the school’s handbook. By graduation, they would be “better prepared spiritually, physically and mentally for life’s challenges.”
“Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life,” the handbook stated.
But what Jayme Bahrenburg found at Bethel was a world where girls were physically and mentally abused, where medical needs were ignored and tactics bordering on torture were used in an attempt to reprogram them, Mississippi child welfare officials say.
In May, Mississippi officials confronted the school and removed 38 girls – including at least four other Chicago-area girls – because of conditions there.
According to interviews conducted by the Mississippi Department of Human Services, it was not unusual for girls to be forced to exercise – sometimes in a sewage pond – for up to five hours or until they vomited.
In at least one instance, a girl was forced to sit alone in a room from 5 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. for eight straight days, listening to audio tapes of Fountain’s father, the Rev. Herman Fountain Sr., preaching.
And Fountain Jr. regularly referred to his charges not as “young lady” but as “stupid,” “freak show” and “whore,” according to reports of interviews conducted by the investigators.
According to Jayme, Fountain’s name for her was “devil worshipper.”
“I’d rather spend three years in jail than one month in that place,” she said in a recent interview at her mother’s suburban home. “I’m so serious.”
Jayme’s mom, Laura Bahrenburg, pulled her out of Bethel April 30 – about one month before Mississippi officials stepped in and removed the remaining students.
The state’s move drew mixed reviews from parents, some of whom say Fountain and the rest of the Bethel staff worked miracles with their children.
One of those parents, Jeff Lashuay of Elwood, just southwest of Joliet, doesn’t believe the allegations.
Lashuay sent his oldest daughter to Bethel after she started shoplifting and drinking, he said. She came back a different person.
So when he feared a younger daughter was heading down a similarly bad path, he sent her to Bethel as well.
Brittany, who was among the girls removed May 19, told her father some of the same stories reported by investigators.
Lashuay says it’s possible the incidents were blown out of proportion by “new girls” who wanted to go home, and that “one person’s perception of abuse may be different” from another’s.
“You have to do something to get (the girls’) attention,” he said.
Since the girls were removed, Bethel has continued to operate. As of late June, two girls were enrolled.
This week, the Mississippi attorney general’s office said it is working with Fountain to make changes at the school.
Fountain, whose family also runs a nearby academy for boys that has been shut down in the past because of abuse, denies any wrongdoing.
He also says he is looking forward to having the school filled to capacity once again.
That’s a goal Laura Bahrenburg hopes will never be realized. Though Jayme was at Bethel for only about 100 days, the harm was irreparable, Laura says.
For that, Bethel should pay – and not just by forfeiting the roughly $25,000-per-year tuition, she says.
“I would hope this place is literally closed down,” Laura Bahrenburg said. “These kids have not been helped. They’ve been hurt more.”
900 miles from home
Once they made the decision to send Jayme to Bethel, the Bahernburgs paid $3,000 for a couple of people from the school to come get her, and roughly $12,000 more in tuition.
Jayme had just been released from Linden Oaks at Edward Hospital in Naperville, where she had spent time for depression after running away for a week with her then-boyfriend.
Her father thought a “reform school” would be the best place for her. Her mother, who is separated from Jayme’s father, wasn’t so sure, but eventually relented and sent Jayme off with a bag of clothes, a portable compact disc player and several CDs.
She gave the couple, who said only that their names were Roxie and Danny, money to return Jayme’s belongings to her once they reached Petal, Miss.
Staff from the school had explained that Jayme wouldn’t get to keep any of her things when she arrived. She would be issued a uniform – a used skirt and shirt for school and church, and used shorts and T-shirts for physical training.
It took about 16 hours to arrive at the rural school about 100 miles north of New Orleans.
Jayme was angry the whole way. After she arrived at Bethel and was sitting down to talk with Fountain about the rules, she lost it.
She said he explained to her that at Bethel everyone got up by 5 a.m. and was in bed with lights out by 8:30 p.m. She would have no phone privileges for the first month and just one, four-minute shower each day.
They would have devotions and Bible memorization sessions every day and attend church three days a week.
“I cried,” Jayme recalls. “I just cried.”
Fountain was nice to her that night, Jayme says. He told her everything would be OK, that she would come to love God and appreciate her life.
But first, he said, they would have to dye her hair.
Jayme had colored her hair jet black. It matched the black clothes and dark lipstick and nail polish she liked.
Fountain said it was too sinister, so he instructed a staff member to dye it blonde. It took three applications before the black color was covered up. By then, Jayme said, her hair was like straw. It fell out in clumps.
According to the school handbook, each new arrival goes through an orientation period in which they are to focus on self-discipline through physical activity and how to be “a proper young lady.”
To move out of the orientation level, girls must read and study the book of I Timothy and write a 500-word essay, the handbook states. They also must learn basic kitchen duties and household chores and learn to cultivate, plant and grow their own gardens.
Once that level is complete, girls may move up the ladder, through each of three levels named after women from the Bible.
At the Hannah level, the girls get uncensored phone calls and more frequent visits with family. They also must be responsible for dorm cleanups, read the books of I and II Samuel and learn “intermediate” kitchen duties like “basic desserts, gelatins, salads and table settings.”
At the Ruth level, each young lady is assigned a new student to whom they are to show “love, wisdom and friendship.”
The highest level is the Esther level, in which they write two essays, prepare a scrapbook of their stay at Bethel and are in charge of preparing a whole meal for the school.
From 8 a.m. to noon and again from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., the girls attended classes, Jayme said.
Bethel uses a Christian-based curriculum, so virtually everything was related to religion, Jayme said. Classes were also much easier than at West Chicago High School.
For example, in Bible reading class, girls would fill in blank words missing from Bible verses. In earth science, they learned that God made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights “because he was mad,” Jayme said. In history class, they learned about Christopher Columbus – a lesson Jayme said she studied sometime around fourth grade.
The school had one computer, which each girl used for 15 minutes per week to practice typing.
Almost immediately, Jayme began writing letters home, begging her mom to come and get her. She gave the letters to Bethel staff to mail; Laura says she never got them.
Back home, Larua Bahernburg felt something wasn’t right.
They had received little information from the school, which had come recommended from a friend of her husband’s who sent his son to the boy’s academy.
What information she did get came on typed pages rather than glossy brochures. She never saw any photos of the school. The couple who had taken Jayme to Bethel did not return Jayme’s belongings. And when she called the school, administrators wouldn’t let her talk to her daughter.
So in March – about six weeks after sending Jayme off – Laura drove to Petal, Miss.
She had an address, but no directions, so she stopped to ask some locals.
They’d never heard of the school, they said.
She called the Mississippi State Police.
They didn’t know where it was, either.
She called a friend with a global positioning system. He couldn’t find it.
Eventually she met a pest control worker. He called some people who thought they might know where it was.
Hours later, Laura pulled up Victory Ranch Road to find a long brick building tucked deep in the woods.
As it turned out, the trip was for nothing.
Jayme was still going through orientation, the staff said. She hadn’t earned the privilege of having visits. They wouldn’t let Laura look in any windows, much less see her daughter.
Laura was back in Illinois just a few more weeks when she got a phone call from someone associated with the school. Laura has declined to reveal the person’s name, but says the woman told her of specific abuses and urged her to go get her daughter. Laura left almost immediately.
On April 30, as Jayme sat in devotions, a staff member came in to say her mother was there.
Seeing her mom, Jayme recalls, was “like walking in and seeing one of my favorite bands.”
As they drove home, and in bits and pieces over the weeks that followed, Jayme shared more and more about what Bethel was like.
On May 19, Mississippi child welfare officials say they found out, too.
Life at Bethel
According to investigators’ reports, the Department of Human Services received a tip May 16 about wrongdoing at the school. Though they won’t say who tipped them off, Fountain has pointed his finger at a former staff member.
The tip included an account of an incident that occurred shortly before Jayme Bahernburg left the school.
According to Jayme, one of the girls who had moved up the Bethel ladder – referred to at the school as a “leader” – was given permission by Fountain to punish a newer girl if she misbehaved.
If Monica swore, for instance, the leader could slap her on the face.
On this particular night, several girls were awakened about 10:30 to the sound of someone being beaten outside. The girls determined it was Monica’s leader who was beating her, and that no staff members were doing anything to stop it.
Jayme claims that the next morning, staff members overheard the girls talking about the fight. Staff members called Fountain and told him the girls were planning a strike, in which they would refuse to work or go to school.
Fountain drove to the campus, where he confronted the girls.
According to the account he gave Mississippi officials, Fountain pushed a chair and a table into a wall.
At least a half-dozen girls, as well as Jayme, say an irate Fountain threw chairs at them, overturned the table and called them names.
Fountain denied those reports, but admitted he sometimes called the girls “freak show,” but “in a joking manner,” the reports state.
The girls’ accounts of life at Bethel extend beyond that incident, according to the reports, including:
One girl, who had been at the academy for a year, said she was forced to do a “bend and thrust” exercise – essentially lowering her body to the ground, kicking out her legs, then pulling them back in and standing again – for five hours because she used the phone without permission.
Another girl, on crutches, said she hurt her ankle while exercising and no one took her to a doctor until a week and a half later. A girl with scoliosis said she and her dad had asked school officials on two occasions to take her to a doctor and they did not.
A girl said a male staff member hit her upside her head because she didn’t want to eat her food. Later, he told the girl that if she hated herself so much, she should “just hang herself from the ceiling and that he was willing to give her his belt,” the report states.
Another girl said one of the leaders knocked her to the ground and started kicking her. A staff member encouraged the abuse, she said. When it was over, her head hurt so bad “she couldn’t put her head on the pillow at night,” the report stated.
Not all the girls had bad things to say, however.
One girl said the home was no worse than other homes she had been in – and that she has been in “several.” Another said she’d rather be at Bethel than at home.
Another girl said she loved Fountain “to death,” and that he hadn’t done anything to her.
But she also admitted she’d seen the girls who went on strike be forced to jump in the sewage pond then walk around in the filth all day. To eat, they had to put their plates on the driveway and eat “in a stooping position,” the girl said.
Jayme was among those girls. So was another girl from the Elgin area, who could not be reached for comment. The family of another girl, from Chicago, did not return phone calls.
Lashuay’s daughter, Brittany, was at the school at the time of the strike, but he declined to allow her to speak to the Daily Herald.
Around 4 p.m. May 19, after a day of interviews, staff members from the Department of Human Services decided it had evidence of emotional, physical and verbal abuse at the school and decided to remove all 38 students.
When the girls, gathered in the dorm, learned the news, they began yelling, according to the report.
“Some were indicating they were happy and others were not happy to be removed,” the report states. “Some were simply scared about the unknown.”
A staff member came into the room and said a prayer with the girls, the report states. Then they were loaded onto a bus, in sheriff’s cars and with social workers and taken to a nearby National Guard camp to spend the night and await word from their parents, whom the department began contacting that afternoon.
More than one month later, the school has accepted two new students. No criminal charges have been filed against Fountain, and Mississippi officials will not comment on whether charges are possible.
In Mississippi, private schools like Bethel must “register” – essentially file their name – with the state. But they do not have to be licensed or accredited, as most private and residential schools in Illinois are.
Some lawmakers are trying to change that in the wake of the Bethel incident, but arguments about the separation of church and state stand in their way.
Fountain did not return phone calls from the Daily Herald, but he has told local media he is willing to work with that state’s attorney general’s office on some concerns but that some of the proposed changes -which neither side are discussing – are “nonsense.”
He also has said he and the staff are looking forward to having the school filled to capacity once again.
Seeing the school stay open, both Laura and Jayme say, would be the worst ending to their story.
They already are fighting with the school to get copies of Jayme’s academic transcripts so she can start at another school this fall.
Laura also is considering legal action to recoup some of the money the family paid.
But the issue, they say, is more than that.
“I would hate to see more girls go back there,” Jayme said. “When you’re there, they make you feel so low about everything, that you’re nothing. And you believe it.”
“That’s not a place,” Laura added, “to get better.”
School: Founder hopes to fill institution with students again
Daily Herald news services contributed to this report. … Read more here >>>
heryle – My son was TORTURED and ABUSED at Bethel Boys Academy aka Eagle Point Christian Academy,aka Pine View Academy, Lucedale, MS.
Bethel Girls Academy – ABUSE!!!!! by Guest » 13 May 2005, 03:24
Jayme Bahrenburg was a close friend of mine who has never told me lies. Yes, I can admit that she has blown a few instances out of proportion but she is by no means a liar. Let no doubt cross your minds of her story. Thank you.
Bethel Girls Academy – ABUSE!!!!! by Guest » 13 May 2005, 22:19
I am sorry, I just don’t get the seperation of state and church? I mean I knew all the legal aspects of it, But at what point dose the state make these claims when they where the ones sending kids there? The state of texas sent me there twice. Once because my home was considered un-fit. And once because I got arested for drugs. A judge sent me there twice the state. I was told they where doing me a favor because I was badly abused and I needed a healthy place to live. Now nobody was speaking up about the homes at that time but Gezz At what point did they wash thier hands and claim seperation? It was told that roloff had judges in his pocket which made me very afraid sence it was a judge that sent me there. I mean at one point and time corpus felt like the twilight zone and us the stepford children If you ran the cops brought you back. When I did consider running at one point I planed it out of state because I knew in Corpus you could run but you couldn’t hide. All eyes where on you.
Bethel Girls Academy – ABUSE!!!!! by Guest » 13 May 2005, 22:35
Didn’t he start sending the pregnet girls there because he couldn’t give them away for a small donation in Texas any more? In the early 70’s? And what happen to the pregnat girls and thier babys? Did any one of them ever find thier child again? Where the pregnat girls abused? When I frist went to corpus most of them had just left for missippi. We heard that they where treated very well. We also heard that roloff used the pregnet girls to futher his cause. He was racking in enough off the jail birds in georgia, But the churches loved the I can get you a cheap baby concept. I could almost picture it concidering when we went on tour he would just give us to anybody. It was scary at times because he didn’t know them from Adem. At the end of the service he would tell the people to line up if they wanted to take one of us home. Why do I picture him doing that to those pregnet girls. Because I arrived shortly after they left I always wondered about them. Wondered what happen to them? The terror they must have felt after they realized what they had been talked in to. Or where they talked into it or just taken.
i was a cadet at bethe boys academy in lucdale ms in 1999. how can i link up with other suvivors? i would like my story of torture nd survial be heard
I think we have a few Bethel survivors in our facebook group… Please Join 🙂
I went to bethel in 2004 I tried to join..wont let me
I went to Bethel in 2001
Im one of the first of many young boys I was there for 3 years 1980-1983ish
I survived brother fountain and drill instructor knott. I was a cadet from April 5th, 2000 to December 23, 2000 when I was sent home on leave and ran away from home as to never have to face the horror of that place again. I’d like to find Paul Morris and Malo Malkovich. They befriended me and I’ve yet to find them Outside of the academy. I did run into Nick Rhoades randomly. We were only a county apart before we were placed in that hole.
This is an old comment, but I am responding. I am here, and I was just added to a Facebook group. HMU on FB or search “bethel stories” on FB
Hii I was at Bethel in 1984-86
I’m see you mentioned a Facebook group. Could you send me a link. Having a hard time finding it.
I would like to tell my story and the drama it has done to me.
Stephen. Contact us… we know everything and more. This place and its personnel are going down. We know if torture, rape, trafficking and even murder. We have a podcast that will be revealing everything for anyone that has a story that can be corroborated. We need good people that were abused here so it never happens again. They also may regret ever opening a single facility
I was an early survivor I like to say one of the stronger ones mentally that is . I was there from about 1980-1983ish man the things I could tell . Im no longer scared of the coward or his possie im 47 now and only wish I could have done something to prevent this abuse from being ongoing , to all those who came after me I am truly sorry for the pain you went through . If anybody gets these anymore here is my phone number if you ever want to talk 479-799-4189 , thanks and again im sorry for your pain .
I was at bethel girls academy back in 2006-2007ish
I was a cadet in 04 and had nightmares for years up until not to long ago
This place was very abusive they would keep us up all night and drown us and beat us and there’s so much more I could tell you I can make a book of it
you finally got out
I went Bethel Boys Academy/Eagle Point Christian Academy in 2005.. Was there for the hurricain. Then was shipped to Ivy Ridge Academy for a year. It was rough. Nobody diserves the degredation and pain that came with these places.. Ecspesially not kids.
What’s up I was at this shit hole in 2005… I don’t know if you remember me but me and 4 others escaped during the super bowl and we got caught like a day later… The judge said I couldn’t go back cause I had a big ass bruise on my arm but they sent the other 4 back to bethel… It’s been a while but 2 of the others last names was Kano and Begonia… And if you remember Hector Jimenez
8 years lucedale ms awfully place,don’t reccomend
I was there from 9/86- 6-87 it took the state coming in the first time and taking us out on buses but I got out I would like to talk to some of the other girls but I don’t know to start
I was there in 85 to 86 and made as many reports I could about the neglect we all suffered there I was on the boys side and suffer from PTSD from everything I seen and went thru and lost my eye site from the neglect hope to hear from others this is my email address please hope to hear from others
I went to the girls school back in 99-00. The school curriculum is an absolute joke. No wonder Mississippi is at the bottom of the list of education in the US. I was lucky enough to be accepted into a community college and later transfer to a state university. Some of the other girls were not so lucky, as the education there was not accredited therefore their HS Diplomas were not recognized…those people amounted to hairstylists, medical techs etc…basically you leave with a diploma as good as a GED. But i was lucky so i cant complain.
The lifestyle is extremely fanatical and there will be no progression throughout their torture camp unless you claim you are saved and memorizing the bible – literally. Its more like a mental torture camp and labor was intense. We rebuilt a school, hauled trees to burn piles etc. Work was divided by house work and field work – yup just like slavery. I was hated by Mrs. Dodi, Fountain’s wife so I was a field worker my time there. Exercise as punishment was extreme, even for an athlete. Girls would literally cry and vomit and this would go on for hours. HOURS. Hours of running,700 pushups at times.
Used clothes, 4 minute showers, military style “school”. It will fix you up but it was absolute torture and anyone smart enough to figure out to getting out is just to go with it and don’t come back. As in act like a civilized human being, stay out of trouble, off drugs etc…avoid being institutionalized by avoiding such behaviors the lead to such….
So you can pretty much Co-sign what Jayme mentioned was accurate. What people tend to forget is she was lied to and thought she was talking to lawyer not some sleazy newspaper
I was there at bethel from 85-88 No matter what they broke child labor laws. Can I get paid? Lol
The same Will Knott that abused many of you at Bethel is now under investigation for the same allegations of abuse here in Mobile, AL. I would love for any or all of you to contact me and help the kids involved See some sort of justice served. As the individuals involved clearly have no regard for the law. My name is Karin Bazor. I can be found on Facebook, and I can add you to the group RYA Investigation. I would appreciate any stories shared with these kids and their parents. My email is
Thank you in advance and God bless.
I was there from 10/6/1983 until 1/12/1985. Became trusted, was assigned NightWatch, and ran with 2 other boys. We were caught by the sheriff a few miles N of town and taken to the jail. Fountain and his fellow loonies tried to convince us to return voluntarily. When we refused, we were housed at the jail until our parents sent tickets for us to return home.
I witnessed and suffered abuse at the hands of these sadistic punks masquerading as normal adults.
One of them, a 34 year old man called Brother Brian, tried to marry a 17 year old girl. She insisted that she be allowed to visit her grandmother in Texas prior to the wedding and she never returned. Good for her!
I’d love – LOVE – for one of these pieces of sh*t to try it again today.
Johnny Jerrell – Lumberton TX
Jody ________ – South Carolina
Daniel Grayhair
Mike Bowle
Buck Mays – Virginia
Curtis Richards – Illinois
Andy Ferrell – St Louis
Charles Kramer – Ohio
Richard Rood – CA
Mike DeGroot
any of you who happen to see this, message me.
Eddie (EZ) Pickens – murdered in Houston, Texas – RIP
I was a student there in 2005. I was only there for a month and I was kicked out due to me being physical with Fountain because I refused to exercise. I was put on a plane to Las Vegas unsupervised. I was left in a room upon arrival and restrained for being non compliment. I’m just learning of this school being shut down and I’m glad that someone had a voice in the degrading system they had to reprogram the youth
Survivor of bethel boys academy in lucedale Mississippi please contact me I’m a survivor from 2002-2004 please I need to hear from anyone who knows what I went through or how to get compensation so this never happens again please call me at 9165788632
That family will pay for what they did to all of us, and that bullshit article ,making me out to look like a liar, they are just as bad. Capitalising on torture and abuse of children. FYI in the girls bethel handbook it clearly states coral punishment as a consequence and the intensity is at their dissection. Bigot hick bastard will pay for the way we were treated by them.
I was there in 1979- it is still with me to this day. I remember so much from that time and wonder if there is any other girls on this page from that early on.
Lisa how long were you there?
When I first got there it was rough. I can remember me and a few young girls on Sundays after church getting to go play with brother Fountains little girl. I was only there for 6 months at which time my mom came for a visit and took me home.
I would like to tell my story and the drama it has done to me.
Please contact me and will give you my number
Any survivors that want to talk and share their story contact me at 386-264-2684. Call or text anytime! I was there up until the raid on June 11, 1988. There is a small group of us that communicate often and it really helps. We are also involved in a few things to possibly bring attention to what we experienced and what many are still experiencing.
I was sent there in 1985
Totured, brain washed and forced arranged marriage. Still suffering.
I was there when this was happening in the 80 I was there in 84 to 86
Yes corporal punishment with like five thick switches and running laps wee hours of the morning…we had to bend over her…Carolyn fountains…office chair while they held our skirt tight….and Dodie Stokes was real close to Carolyn one of her cronies….I hate them for hitting me and making me run laps…were resulted in my baby dying…
Carolyn fountain I saw that she never is mentioned she abused me….while her daughter’s watched…they killed my baby…every thing about abuse these people are saying is true….and it’s affected my life totally. My name is Kimberly yonnes I was 15 at the time…..and Herman fountain and Carolyn… can rot in hell!
I was at this hell hole. But only for the last few months before it was shutdown. ( long haired girl “Jasmine”) I can’t even imagine what the others saw before me. Those few months were hell enough. Mr Fountain beat the f outta me for “talking back” on the first day. He also threatened to have all the girls jump me. I remember showing the social workers the wounds from his beating. The empathy and warmth they showed us girls, along with church volunteers, was overwhelming. I will never forget the kindness of the people of Mississippi, after we were treated like animals. I still think about that place, those girls, every day. And I hope they are doing well. Even though we didn’t know each other well (since we were forbidden to speak) , we survived hell together. When we were rescued, and they transported us to the social services place, it really dawned on us that it was over. I remember all of us were laughing crying hugging each other and in disbelief. That day was the first time seeing any of them smile. And I think about mr fountain. There should be a suit against him, if there isn’t already one. He has damaged so many lives. And these so called “behavior schools” need to be investigated. In my situation I was not a troubled child, wasn’t getting into trouble, just had an evil step mom who didn’t want the “competition” in the house, but needed to be assured I was suffering. Instead of letting me live with family.
On the first day, revealed that to fountain, he agreed, I did not belong there, but he cared about the money. After the shutdown, my handlers shipped me overseas, to be a tortured child Bride and abused without social services butting in.. Wtf is wrong with CPS in this country.
Something need to change. The boys side was said to be even more brutal. The stories are gut wrenching.
Like many others, I am Forever haunted by the memories and was diagnosed with PTSD.
These situations needs to be examined closer
I would love to talk to any of the girls or boys who there at the end ❤️
Hello. My nephew Brandon Manners was at Bethel Academy in 2005. The abuse that he suffered led him to a lifetime of mental illness and drug addiction. On June 3, 2024, Brandon took his own life. Before he passed he sent me this website and articles from various parents of survivors stating stories of the abuse. My prayers go out to each and every one of you. I raised my nephew and saw his pain firsthand and it broke me to not be able to save him. I know now he is in a better place.
My Patient who is in Prison California Corrections was a victim at the Bethel Boys Miss in 2005 – 2006 was a serious victim of these crimes He would like to speak with someone from your team
Support.. legal assistance….
his Name is Nicholas Tyler Young DOB 1/17/192 HIS CA corrections CDC # is BY3197
His Tablet getting out .com same prison number
I didn’t realize my information would be posted in a public Forum
Please Delete this note and has the Managment contact Mr Young or Mr Young gives permission for me to post this so that other victims to reach out to him and he is hoping someone could connect him with the attorneys dealing this case