I was a student at Darrington Academy, a WWASPS school in Blue Ridge GA. I was enrolled in 2006 and left in 2007. In my time there I witnessed multiple accounts of child abuse. Physical abuse from grown adult “chaperones” whose credentials were unknown. Mental abuse and manipulation. We were only allowed to contact our families once a week via a typed letter that was sent to our family representative, reviewed, and if seemed necessary edited and revised, before being sent to our parents. You could not talk about anything negative going on at the school of your letter would not get sent out and you were subject to intense consequences. There were employees accused of sexual abuse. I personally witnessed a grown man tackle and hit a child calling him a racial slur. The entire facility was ran by a religious group. A sect of Mormonism. The souls push their beliefs on kids, and if the kids showed interest, they were given special treatment and invited to Mr Darringtons home.

Jack W

Darrington Academy

Georgia, USA

Years Attended:
2006 – 2007