WWASP Survivors is a community organization that supports survivors of institutional child abuse and raises public awareness about the issues of the WWASP programs and the Troubled Teen Industry. Please consider supporting our efforts which include providing funding for struggling survivors, WWASP Survivors related events and special projects. To donate for specific projects, please indicate the purpose of your donation in the notes.

*Please be advised that WWASP Survivors is not a registered charity and cannot provide tax exempt receipts.
01. Survivor Support
Survivors of institutional child abuse often face numerous financial challenges and limited access to resources and support. WWASP Survivors is committed to aiding survivors in every possible manner, including offering donations to those in need whenever funds permit.
02. special Projects
The WWASP Survivor support group sponsors reunions, advocacy events and special projects to benefit the WWASP Survivor community. Supporting special projects allows funds to be available for plans to be made and survivors to find support.
03. Administration
Maintaining this website is a passion project for the administrators, yet any assistance in covering the expenses of its maintenance is greatly appreciated. Costs include annual domain registration, and monthly web hosting.
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