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About WWASP Survivors
WWASP Survivors is run by a dedicated group of concerned alumni of WWASP-affiliated programs.
Our mission is threefold:
Raise awareness of the true nature of WWASP Programs, to advocate for those still being held in “Troubled Teen” programs, and to provide validation and support to survivors of WWASP programs.
I am trying to track down a friend from my time in the program. Any pointers?
I’m pretty sure Jeremy Jondro is actually Jeremy Gonzalez.
The time you attended and the family you were in would probably be beneficial for anyone attempting to contact you. Also providing your contact information might also assist them in the event that they find this at a much later point than you originally posted.
Are these still open? I thought the feds shut them all down? Can someone get back with me please:
I am so sad and sickened by this, that this could even happen in this day and age. My heart goes out to the children that had to suffer through this.
So fucked up, I can’t even take it.
The more episodes I watch the more sickened I am. I just can’t believe that this actually happened. I stand with you all.
Dude I’ve been looking for a few people I was there with and some I’ve kept in close touch with others found me but I’ve used Facebook. I was in diligent family 2001 and bold family most of 2002
I was there 2001-2002. Spring creek lodge, Serenity fam. Spent time in the hobbit, had my mentally ill Serenity “mom” come in yelling I was worthless and yelling angrily bc I refused to pretend to feed into their fake nonsense any longer. After she had repeatedly victimized herself about how much harder her life was regularly by telling a story to us about being tied to a tree by her boyfriend, gun pointed to her, raped and a bunch of other mental health problems she was dealing with- that should have disqualified her from caring for kids. We were forced to lie about so much, false confessions, to earn points and completely institutionalized even after leaving. Our whole institutionalized “fam” was forced to walk, eat, sleep on the floor with a huge heavy af tree trunk on our shoulders or thighs, for a week never letting it touch the floor or risking further punishment. I was forced to the isolation box 2ftWx4ftLx3ftH when I refused to eat everything off the plate or follow other ridiculous rules. One girl came from the WASP Costa Rica location after being slammed down and hog tied and having her jaw broken, requiring it to be wired shut. She said she knew of kids that had worse injuries. I watched her “eat” through a straw for months. Place was a tragic excuse for parents to justify trying to “Save their kids”. When all they had to do was step up and be an adult, stop being a victim to poor coping and parenting choices and love their kids. 22 years later, even after an major investigation and shutdown, a documentary released on Netflix, and my mom is still unable to see or accept the trauma and pain inflicted by this place. I had big dreams as a kid. I never imagined being abandoned by my own family for doing the same things with experimenting like my own parents did. It’s both sad and interesting that so many parents of that generation were and still are choosing to remain consciously blind to their parenting methods that created a generation of youth that they refused to learn to cope WITH. I only recently learned as an adult to cope with my anxiety, low self esteem, and trauma with zero help from that experience or my mother (who has a B.A psychology and phD in social consciousness btw) 🤣 That experience and her choice only taught/supported fear of abandonment and abuse from doing things deemed wrong or not socially cookie cutter. Considering our parents were mostly in their prime youth and radicalized in the 1970s and 80s; it’s mind boggling they couldn’t handle their generation of adolescence from the 1990s & 2000s further building on that exploration and independence of identity. They tried to break our identity. Told us is wasn’t acceptable. But they failed! Sending love to all of you who survived being betrayed by your families. You ARE loved! You are important! You matter!
hello! I am a college student working on a journalism project on the issues with in home residential treatment centers. If anyone is willing to speak to me about there story I would be very grateful. My email is if you would like to get in contact.
Academy ivy ridge
Anybody that was there ..send an email…Aaron McClellan…..was was there 96-97 ish…..shit was crazy…id like to get in touch with anyone that would like to talk about paradise cove
Hello everyone, my name is Jonathan Rosas. I was in Loyalty Family I was there around 2004-2006. I was there for the riot and all the BS. If anyone would like to talk or get in contact I’m here. Just wanna see how everyone is doing.
Anybody from Positive impact?
I was in Tranquility Bay in 97-98 I was in the progress family
Hi, I just finished watching The Program documentary on Netflix and want to say how sorry I am to all of you that had to experience that. It is not okay and caused scars on many people lives and family’s.
I do want to give a shout out to Katherine whose documentary is currently number 1 on TV shows in the U.S on Netflix. Amazing job. I hope this does some good and puts pressure on changes to actually be made.
I am Miss Nita Pride Family.. I am one of the people who turned Ivy Ridge into to the FBI…. . I worked there for a short time. I had the Pride family ” boys ” 21 of them. I called parents trying to tell them things I witnessed… Some believed me others did not.. I got some kids out doing this… Then waited for the FBI to show up…I told them as much as I could…. Thank God they believed me! The place was horrible…Ivy Ridge fired me as soon as the figured out what I was doing!
Pride family boys I tried !!!!!! Any of you get a hold of me please!!!
Miss Nita
As a fellow licensed mental health therapist and a person who has worked in behavioral health for years, my stomach turns watching this documentary. I went to help, voice, and educate in anyway I can.
I was at Casa by the Sea in 2003. Beacon “family”. The documentary fell into our laps last night. Nuts.
Has anyone ever heard of programs in Minnesota from the 80’s called St. Croix Camp or Sauk Center Camp? These were also juvenile detention camps! Although I don’t believe they were related to Litchfield, they were “Work” camps passed off as survival camps.