Midwest Academy Sex Scandal

Midwest Sex Scandal – By Believe Us124

This is an entirely true story about an upper level who actually ended up having quite the special care from a nurse at Midwest Academy. This young man’s name was Andrew. I’ll leave his last name out only because I don’t know if he’d want me to say it. This was the scandal of allllll scandals of my experience at Midwest. So the story goes there was a pretty good looking nurse named Nurse Wendy (no last names to staff members and if i knew it I’d sure as hell say it.) Well Andrew ad the nurse had quite the relationship. Such a good relationship he would go on every single med run with her. Him accompanied by his bestfrend who will remain nameless. I swear by this story. That is not appropriate treatment fo a nurse to be giving a student. Well in a parents mind i guess. I don;t think I would mind too much if i was bangin the nurse but thats just me. So i don;t exactly know every detail but i know a few other staff members were involved with actually helping the kid do her. Cell phones are a Cat 4 and a staff member actually let a student use his cell phone to contact the nurse. This all came to a hault about a week before this childs PC3. I don’t know how he got caught but he got dropped and then he trned 18 and split. Used the nurse to help him get home and never talked to her again haha. He learned a lot from the program at midwest. I mean that too, he got a freakin degree in bangin out the nurse of a specialty boarding school. They dropped all these just for knowing of this and not telling. Well would youtell on your friend fr getting leid. I wouldnt. Idon;t even know how you can drop someone for suspician of knowing something. That is all they had on the kids. No proof or anything. Just accusation. NOONE was allowed to speak of this. I became an upper level and a friend told me about this story. I didn;t beleive t until the nurse was fired and the nurses were no longer allowed to take male students on med runs. What kind of place lets this go on, for months! How does that even happen. Im curious beause i want to know how in the world he pulled it off. All i know is that in prison if a man gets stabbed, he world knows about it. But an underage kid screwing a nurse is forbidden to be told to anyone otside of those 4 walls. Isn’t that illegal. I mean im not sure i aint no lawyer but thats fucked up afs far as im concerned. Kudos for that kid but what the hell, thats not supposta be happening at a program. This is a message of a true story. NON-FICTION!! I posted it well somewhat for enjoyment to those kids in the program to read it but mostly for the parents who dont beleive their children when they tell you something outlandish and you trust someone who you dont even know over your own child. Thankz

1 Comment

  1. Nathan M

    They didn’t drop me!


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