One Survivor Sums Up Paradise Cove in a Few Short Words
by WWASP Survivors | Jan 15, 2014 | News | 8 comments

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by WWASP Survivors | Jan 15, 2014 | News | 8 comments
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WWASP Survivors is run by a dedicated group of concerned alumni of WWASP-affiliated programs.
Our mission is threefold:
Raise awareness of the true nature of WWASP Programs, to advocate for those still being held in “Troubled Teen” programs, and to provide validation and support to survivors of WWASP programs.
Wow. I discovered WWASPSurvivors through and an article that was just released. I had no idea this was even happening! I found myself reading Notes from Tha Cove and I ventured off into other Programs. I am shocked beyond belief. My heart goes out to these poor children. How can the owner/operators get shut down in one state / country (Mexico) and then open up a whole new facility in another? People need to do background checks on the facilities before just trusting your kid will be safe. I feel so much sympathy for the children. How can this continue to happen? How can I help? I want this practice abolished and the owners jailed.
Thanks for your support! The best way to help is to keep spreading the word.
What’s up Billi remember you from paradise cove I was there Oct 98 to Oct 99 and it fucked my head up never been the same after allthe shot I end up homeless with PTSD and hardly making it thru some days with out paranoid or anxiety or panic attacks and I have been offers no help from wasp 1
Hey Bill this is an awesome sight, brings up a lot of old memories, i was also at Paradise Cove and Casa by the Sea in 98-2000.
I can tell all of u this stuff does happen I wSthere im still have flashbacks of beatings I was only 14 and im 27 now and I want to say that place gave me deeper issues to all who survived f#:-) em!!!!!!
Same for me! I’m 25 now and was there at age 15 for 11 months and I still have nightmares. Blessed love to all who have survived
I would like to hear someone say that they wish they had not done the behaviors at home that earned them a spot at these places. Most parents see this as a last resort, you know not a babysitting service. Kids who don’t respond to challenge and rewards go, right?
Kids go at the whim of their parents. There are no laws in place, no regulations, no safeguards of any kind to ensure kids getting sent “deserve” it…and frankly, I don’t think ANY behavior justifies child abuse, beatings, rape, starvation, and the other atrocities that went on at these programs (and apparently continue to go on). There’s nothing therapeutic about being beaten, there’s no “personal growth” to be found in being sexually abused, no “breakthroughs” occur because a child is starving and desperate and scared and alone. But who knows, maybe you’re the kind of parent who thinks that kind of stuff is okay. Do you also go on rape survivor forums and wonder if the victims were asking for it or what they were wearing? Blaming the victim is a sick ploy abusers use to silence and intimidate the ones they abuse and justify their crimes.
So you tell me…what “behaviors at home” do kids engage in that “earn” them beatings, abuse, rape, starvation, etc?