Logan River Academy is an abusive program in the style of WWASP located in Utah. Abuse, neglect, forced medication, and even deaths have occurred and continue to occur.
LRA is a member of NATSAP, a non-accrediting membership body that does not enforce any ethical nor professional standards on its members. Though Logan River Academy’s academic program is accredited and they are licensed as a residential treatment center by the State of Utah, only LRA’s academic program is accredited – not its residential program. This is directly against U.S. FTC & GAO advice. The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry advises that punishments should be entirely prohibited in residential treatment programs. In addition, the U.S. Surgeon General has found Logan River Academy’s style of program to be ineffective.
If you want to know more about the efforts to close Logan River Academy, visit Shutdown Logan River.