Majestic Ranch
Founded in 1986, Majestic Ranch Academy, now known as Old West Academy, is a co-ed facility located in Randolph, Utah. Unlike many WWASP schools, Majestic Ranch accepts children as young as 7, and as old as 14. It is both a program and a working ranch where the children are used as focred labor. Majestic Ranch is owned by Dan Peart, Robert Litchfield’s brother in law. Wayne Winder served as facility Director until his arrest in 2002 for charges including sexual abuse and assault. He was ordered not to be alone with the children anymore. He appears to be currently serving as Admissions Director, while Tammy Johnson is serving as Director. Old West has experienced a dramatic drop in enrollment, and reports are that they may be closing permanently. (sources,,,, Official Majestic Ranch website -url withheld-)

Wayne Winder became Director of Majestic Ranch in 2001. In 2002, he was arrested and charged with sexually assaulting one girl, assaulting one boy, and threatening to kill another. He was also charged with showing a boy pornography and three misdemeanor counts of child abuse. Remember, Majestic Ranch treated children from 7 to 14., so all victims were under 15 for sure and possibly quite younger. Winder was ordered to not be alone with children in the school while he was facing charges, and the school was ordered to have two staff members present at all times with children. He resigned as Director in 2002 while serving a one year, probation-like pre-trial diversion. He served as Admissions Director until at least 2011. He currently lives in Evanston, Wyoming, but that is only a short drive to Randolph, so he may still be currently involved with the school, now known as Old West Academy.

Tammy Johnson took over as Director of Majestic Ranch in July 2002, which was when Wayne Winder was arrested.
Survivor Testimony
I went to majestic ranch academy when i was seven years old back in 2004. I am still traumatized by what happened to me there. I still have not told my parents about all of this. When i first went to majestic ranch, a girl got all of my pictures from home and flushed them down the toilet. You may think that this was not bad, but we were only allowed a certain amount of pictures and we coulsnt communicate with our families,and they checked all of our letters so i couldnt ask for more. Then the same girl, whos first name was Leslie, repeatedly sexualy assualted me. A few months later another girl named jessica did the same thing, while a group of other girls watched. I was also molested by the cook, who tool me back in the pantry area and proceeded to finger me. I was only seven years old. Majestic ranch was hell. I am so traumatized by what happened i cant let my boyfriend touch me because all i feel are thw greasy hands of the cook. I wanted to share my story so that others qoulsnt face the same injustice.
are you talking about martin the cook
Matthew Foley my name is Mark do you remember me. I was there at the same time you were
My brother corey and I were there at the same time you were.
Soo, I’m 32 yrs old I was there is 2001.
From Maryland.
I was the only.kid from the east coast. And I remember alotta foul shit..
I was 11- 12 I still have some of the pictures.
David Taylor was like a house or unit manager.
I remember the seminars..
And I’m pretty sure the s hool teacher was named like Tex or something..
I had and may still have a picture of
Myself Devin
And a little girl, probably 8-9 named nayomi..
And a boy named Ash..
And we were driving to Montana. And looking back it was a big colt vibe .
If anyone was out there especially in the boys unit in 2000 – 2001 2002 2003..
Hit my email
I have alotta questions and maybe some answers.
My name is Michael Victorian.I was on of the biggest troublemakers there.i fought Gary Thayne I stole from the house parents all the time I stayed in adapt .my best friends were cole Mayberry Jordan brushki and Justin risner.i was there from like 02 to 04.I can’t say I had it as bad as a lot of ppl but it wasn’t good for any of us.And I seen alot I forgot until I heard you number is 7753917748 my email is michaelvictorian35@icloud.if you kno me or you just wanna tap in and compare notes hit me.
Hey man, I remember you. I wrote a comment back in 2018 where I mentioned you, look further down in the page. (Ctrl+F, type your name in)
You got Snapchat? I got a few pics, we can share memories.
Mine is KenworthGuy13
Listening to Travis recall all of that was hard. It brought up a lot of memories. Travis, you were still there in 1996. I remember them all, Toby was one of my roommates. Wellington, nobody could forget that youngster, especially around med time. House 4 was the punishment house or seclusion as we called it. Four walls, piss smelled carpet, and that’s if they allowed the lights to be on so you can see through the little window just hoping to catch a glimpse of someone who you’d yell for so you can go use the bathroom. Birthing season was hell and as for the winters. Like Travis I was also from the desert, Scottsdale, az. And taking out the trash in -30° below weather when all you had was board shorts was pretty messed up. We did do a lot of fun things snowboarding on the weekends repelling and Rattlesnake Creek all kinds of different things traveled every weekend school four days a week and activities for three if you were the proper level. The school was a joke. Our house parents were also our teachers who most had no business teaching let alone watching children. This was actually a wound reopened that I didn’t even know was there. I like Travis bullied some of the other kids and I owe them all my sincerest apologies. I had no right to treat anyone the way we did. I don’t know how I stumbled upon this thread but I’m glad I did.
Omg …Mark!!! Of course and your other brother was with me at spring creek …oh man I hope you see this brother 513 602 5266 call me bro. You have no idea how close I’ve come lately to being a statistic I could really use an old friend
513 602 5266 if you get this mark..I don’t care what time of me. Of course I remember you and both your brothers.
I was there when Matt ran away to cokeville. It’s crazy tho I’m pretty sure I was the worst kid there. Made it to level 5 just to get demoted down to 1 again. I remember Cole got bullied everyday. Mike and John were not bad. I got driven down from spring creek in a van with Dave at that time I was 11. No girls were there then and they didn’t have the old boys either. Shit we didn’t have a cook the kids cooked when I was there. But yea def abusive but I just did what I wanted which led to alot of time alone standing on a milf crate or sawing a log or whatever weird punishment they could come up with. My parents pulled me when I broke my leg and had to ride 45 minutes to the er.
I was there in 94-95. I was 13. That place broke my soul. We could call home once a week, but it was on a speaker phone while this old woman would hold her finger over the hang up button and smoke and if you said anything she didn’t like she would just hang up mid sentence. No good by. If you got in trouble you were moved to a trailer with yeah bags in the heating vents to hold pee because you’d be there for days. Plywood with holes drilled in the top for light over the windows, and only a foam mattress with holes that’s reactive urine to sleep on. I wasn’t allowed to call home in Christmas because staff broke my nose, and I had to cry silently and listen to them in intercom tell my parents I was bad and couldn’t talk as punishment. As far as their achievement system what a crock. You earned negative points that earned you time on the farm. At that time you lived within the city of Randolph. They had a youth dorm from idk to 14, and a small trailer park of 15-18. They even had three girls that they made the prison room I mentioned into the woman’s dorm. The staff would throw after birth on the rafters and dry it them tell new kids it was beef jerky. Not to mention regular scheduled therapist meetings that were not private, and depending on how you feel, would mean a negative report home. True psycho torture. My first day as I’m meet at the plane the two staff to pick me up ask me how long I think I’ll be there. I said a month. They laughed and told me it was always a year minimum. Then they drove me to the ranch to castrate and brand a heard of cattle. If you are the nuts you got a soda pop. Oh and it was hailing. I’m from southern California. Specifically the desert. One day a staff member said we needed exercise and drive us miles down a dirt road told us to get out, and then drive behind us until we walked home. If your parents sent you food they locked it in a cabinet and if you wanted it you had to share it with everyone. Six cookies between 8 kids would be handed out based on achievement. I once went on death detail. Sometimes I’m winter when it was -30°f the sheep would lay down and freeze in a puddle. We found one half frozen still alive. The staff gave me a ball pin hammer and I smashed it’s skull in then has to chiseled with body up and throw it in the cart. I spent every weekend shoveling cow pens with pick axes and shovels, and if I refused I was tackled and sat on by staff like it was round up time. They would sit on my head choking me with cow shit. Rooms had bars to only let windows open so wide and we were locked in our room.
Those are memories a want to share. I took my anger out on the other kids. We all did. But to billy obermeyer, Wellington grady, Toby something, kevin, and anyone else I tormented I am truly sorry. I let that prison turn me into something I wasn’t before I got there.
Damn, you’ve got me wondering if I’m the Kevin you mentioned. I repressed most memories from majestic ranch, but I was there in ‘95. And I remember being bullied by a few guys, and dishing it back to a couple. Was the Kevin you remember a tall skinny 13 year old with brown hair?
Hey Travis, I was there from October 94 to September 95. I was 17 so I was in House 1 and 2. I do remember you. Let me know if you would like to talk sometime, no one can completely understand what we went through unless you were there.
I remember what Amanda was saying…. I was therein the same unit or house she was in… I can remember when Amanda came none of us could believe that someone would Send someone that young there….
I hated it there. They let a lot of people there get a way with stuff…. their level system was a joke. The schooling sucked you didn’t get much help. I would never recommend Putin your child here
I remember you Amanda. You were so young.
yeah, i have been traumatized from that place
Amanda my name is Michelle and i worked out there just for a VERY short time. I remember talking with u one night telling u I had a son your same age and there was NEVER ANYTHING he could do to make me send him to a place like that! I am VERY sorry I did not know those things were happening OR I WOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! I PROMISE!! I myself was sexually abused as a child but it was by my own father. I hope u have found a good counselor and are recieving support from your family. I used the horrible things that happened to me in life as stepping stones to be a stronger and better person. I often tell people my story and tell them i use my trageties to b a stronger and better person. I hope and pray u will b able to do the same. U can look me up on fb under Michelle Bence if u would like. I would love to talk to you.
Amanda, it was horrible seeing you and Olivia there. Yall were too young to be exposed to such behavior. Ive been trying to get in contact with the fawns and fillies since i was put in iso and pulled. i got taylor out by finding and contacting her parents. i wish i could have done the same for yall. find me on FB
oh god i just found this website. i dont remember you but i was part of the fawns or fillies….
if anyone was a fawn or fillie in 2004-2005
find me on fb @olivia field
My name is Jason Seibert I was at majestic ranch in 1992 and 1993 my life has been hell ever since my own house parents we’re getting me high among orthers I’m wondering how many orther lives this place has ruined
JI was there back in 05-06. I remember you amanda, you were so tiny then! Every thing that every one is saying is true. They would throw you in ADAPT,when it was winter Gabe who took martins place as shift leader made me stand in the freezing weather. For the first few weeks i was forced into the “shit mountain” which litterally was a huge pile of shit and forced to shovel it and when you stepped in it your feet would sink in it. If any one remembers me look me up on facebook @ Daniel joseph Manning
i remember you guys i left to another bording school, contact me we have lots to talk about
Daniel I was in that shit pile with you
I didn’t go to this one as I was raised in Massachusetts… however right after I turned 16 my dad gave me away to the state and they put me in a few places… one place there was this young girl probably 9/10 and the male staff drugged her and strapped her down and were doing some very gross stuff to her and they threatened me if I said anything… some places I was in I was molested and forced to suck dick and beaten for vomiting on said dick, then thrown out the next day…
I was at the ER in Brockton Massachusetts for an evaluation and the staff came in stripped me naked and stepped me to a bed face down… couldn’t move, they doped me up and 3 male guard raped me with objects in my ass, so bad I was bleeding and it tore my ass open… Those places are not places for children especially when more times than not those children are there for behavior problems due to past sexual trauma… I was! For 4/5 years when I was really little about 5yrs old, my step grandfather molested me on a regular… then when I was 14 my step dad had molested me twice before I reported it to the school… which I wish I never had done cause home life after that was very bad my mum and stepdad beat the shit out of me and kept telling me “if you want this to stop you better tell the police you lied” well I wasn’t lying so I didn’t for about 3 months then I caved and did… next day I was back on a plane from Florida to Boston… lived with my bio grandad who was a cop and my rock! But my dad got his own house and we moved in there shortly after that, when I turned 16… a few days later is when, well he threw me away like trash to the state of MA…
I cannot believe this shit goes on, on such a grand scale! I’m deeply sorry you all had to endure that shit, no child should ever have to be subjected to such abuse 😥…
I gave it all to Jesus but it’s still got me fucked up… I too struggle with having a sexually intimate relationship with my fiance, by the grace of God, he was involved in a really bad semi wreck and it broke his back in several places so he’s got some issues in that area anyway so sex isn’t something I’m pressured for… I suck at it anyway lol…
Nation wide all these places need investigated…
I remember alot of times there it kills me i did not get back there im to save the ones that i said i would come back for my friend sam the man we was long horns I remember this kid named Tweety we used always calling Tweety Bird and it would draw all the time I remember Driscoll we used to call him drippy hole and I remember Martin the cook I remember Tammy I remember Martin I remember Wayne Wendell I even remember my family rep that place makes me sick I knew it was one big cult they sent me to Kingston Jamaica because I had enough a program couldn’t put up with me more like I couldn’t put up with the program and they’re bullshit but you know I made it to Kingston Jamaica to a program called Tranquility Bay if you wouldn’t imagine that so I was really young God knows I’m 32 now and it feels like I’m walking in the doors right now but no water no electricity no cell phones no nothing no AC just me and my thoughts cold showers sleepless nights of mosquitoes eating me alive while I was sleeping or what you would want to say trying to sleep as I’m praying God just give me the strength to get through this just one more day that’s what my daily bread was so we would wake up to brunch that’s breakfast and lunch and Jamaica terms yeah then you don’t need all day long until 8:00 at night talk about your stomach growling and touching your back but you know I made it through and what they say doesn’t kill you makes you stronger it’s all the people out there that want to blame themselves or blame their mothers or fathers or anybody else for putting them there just blame themselves God had a reason for us to be there at least I know God had a reason for me to be there because it made a real big change in me I’m a survivor one love Christopher Nicholson
amanda? the short girl i think i remember you?? i was around 8
if anyone was a fawn or fillie in 2004-2005
find me on fb @olivia field
My name is Angie, I was in the fawn cabin in 2004. When I got there, there was already a girl named Angie, she used to sing traveling soldier to us at night, I remember Amanda singing family portrait. I can’t hear either of those songs or under the sea from the little mermaid without being taken back to that place. I’m 23 now, when I attended I was 12, and still 11 years later I have so much pain and issues from the place. I know the chances of someone reading this are very slim but I hate how I was pulled from the program, it was definitely hell on earth but I build a sisterhood with the girls in my cabin and I never got to say goodbye. If you are reading this, please and you think you were at Majestic Ranch at the same time as me, add me on Facebook:
I worked at the ranch I never approved Or liked how physical they were to the children they keep there making some of them stand almost naked in odd positions in the coldest place on the planet Amanda you actually saved my job for me when some of the older girls were lying to staff you were the sweetest little girl i was shocked to see you there i to spent my child hood in the same types of homes I tried to keep it safe when I was there my tears go for hours thinking of what happened to you and the others I’m so sorry I truely hope you all are able to take your life’s back your all worthy
I’m just reading in on all of these now. I’ve been so traumatized by my experience there it’s taken me from 2005 to 2020 to be able to look into other people’s experiences at majestic. My name is angie, I was there in 2004 and I’m the one who would sing traveling soldier.I don’t have a Facebook but I really would love for you to reach out so we talk <3. Literally not one person I know understands or even believes what it was like to be there.
There was a girl named heather lane who would sing family portrait to us every night. I went there when i was 12 then turned 13. I went for 5 moths in 2004 i believe? Anybody hear about the two girls who ran away and stole the truck with the trailer attatched to it? That was me and one of the girls. We were tired of being in adapt in orange. Flip flops in the snow? Oh no! And there was a girl named meghan who would come in every day covered in cow shit. She stepped on the half frozen cow shit and it cracked and she fell in a pool of it. She literally would swim in it. Wayne was still there then…… Wtf!
Hello everyone I just wanted to say sorry to all the girls out there who went through all that horrible stuff. I was there around 2003 2004. Never really understood why my parents sent me there. But I remember it being very bad. They barley feed us and never gave us milk it was powdered milk with water gross. If anyone remembers me let me know comment or face book me my name is martin and Rosa Alvarado. I am married know with kiddos of my own. This place was horrible and the people there didn’t really know how to handle with people with behavioral problems. I cried every night and for weeks. I hope everyone is doing well though
In 1994 I was 12 years old and youngest kid on thathere was a man named keshawn Johnson pretty evil dude in the whole ranch was. Torture it’s the youngest kid on that whole place. This was a long time ago that place is pure evil I can’t begin to explain the things I went through sitting in seclusion for 40 days with a bucket to pee in and zero light . That was the easy stuff back then. God bless everyone that went there the good and the bad.
I was in majestic ranch in 95 and 96. Dan Peart is a piece of shit. He hires uneducated
Staff to watch the children. The dorms then located in Randolph were old low income
Apartments. The school was not acredidted. I lost a whole year of schooling there
. The principle Hiedi something was a complete troll. Children were mistreated then to. A lady named Diane cook used to handle phone calls. You only got supervised calls to family. Greg godar and Dave something I can’t remember his last name were the therapists. The program was simply a way Dan Peart could make a quick buck. One of my goals in life is to kick that dirtbags ass. Trust me Dan Peart is scum. It doesn’t surprise me that sexual abuse occured here. His staff are incompetent morons. And when I finally got out of majestic ranch that jerk stole my bycycil and fishing pole my grand father gave me. Most Mormons I’ve met are kinda wierd but usually good honest people. Dan and Donna Peart are not good people, do not send your children there.
I was there from 93 till dec 94 Must of just missed you. What a hell hole. I’m sure you know a few of the people I knew. Did you get to know Andrew Hori? Greg was a piece of shit. He always wanted to go for a drive in his green cool pickup truck… FH! Diane holy shit I was tackled making a phone call by Seth a house parent and then they hung up on my parents because I was telling them the truth about what a shit whole it was. They were in Cali… Then to find out after my folks told me that they called back and said I was being combative… WTF!! I got a christmas package from my folks, opened it and had a lot of food and snacks in it. Put in the closet cause you could’nt have shit in your room… The MF house parents ate all my shit!!!!!!!!!! F that place.. There going to hell…
Me and Travis were there and we were the roommates that escaped and Brandon from Long Beach we escaped and we had to shovel the woodpile of sheep you know what I can remember in the mid July and how we had to be disciplined because of our choices we made I can appreciate the discipline and I can also appreciate the activities if you’re on a certain level you were able to go to places like Jackson Hole Bear Lake which I thought was nice we also went on packhorse riding events with the owner and I thought that was pretty neat too. I can remember a guy by the name of Wayne who was the maintenance man and he smoked pot with me but she that was my choice and that’s 17 you know better. Being disciplined at a boot camp is a much better way to discipline your child. Majestic Ranch was like a vacation. I’m thankful that I could have positive things to say about it and not negative. I didn’t learn my lesson until I was right around 20 21 years old. Reading the Bible is a very good way 2 Learn how to live and discipline to live a Godly life
Travis Pearson we are going to sue this place and make sure they pay
Hey I don’t remember you frank but he’s iam Travis the legend that escaped ha ha back in 04-05 that Martin guy put he’s fingers inside you when you were 7 that’s fucking unbelievable this place is lucky I don’t show up with a ar 15 and take the owners down !
Anjrij. I would like to speak you if you ever see this.
I remember Dave Taylor.
I remember dj and Bonnie.
My name is Devin.
I was also there in 96. I was only 13, so I was in house 3, I think you were in the dunes? I remember so much abuse. Sexual and physical. I don’t really blame the staff. It was mostly Dan’s fault, he was trying everything to save money. Most of the employees had no professional training and were making minimum wage. They really wanted to help us but didn’t know how. There were kids with severe mental disabilities that should have been somewhere else.
First of all, the idea that Tammy became director of Majestic Ranch in 2002 is ludicrous. They tell people that because no one wanted anyone to know that Wayne Winder was director, overseer, and I quote ” the only God you’ll EVER know.” He never left, and I didn’t leave until I was pulled in April of 2003, and there was NO intention of Wayne leaving. I got there March 3, 2002, and left April 6, 2003. I don’t know why no one has talked about Majestic Ranch before, but I can guess. We were threatened regularly that “if you ever tell anyone what happens here, we will find you and kill you.” Then they would take us out into the field and show us what would happen. Guns were shot off, grenades were detonated in the field, and they even cut down a giant tree and set the thing on fire to show us that “we would never live to see the world outside this ranch.” We were told we weren’t allowed to pray, and if we prayed it had to be in the name of Wayne. I was beaten, restrained, burned, and bashed in the head because I had been raised a Christian, and refused to pray to anyone but God. Restraint was administered in any circumstance where the staff felt like it. We were thrown on the ground, our legs shoved up to the middle of our shoulder blades then sat on (and okay, Wayne Winder was 6’7″ at LEAST and weighed 350, I was 12, 4’11 and weighed 85. Do the math.), and our arms yanked up backwards to the point that our hands were over our heads. I saw girls as young as 6 (the youngest that had ever been there and was 5 when she showed up) be restrained and some had there arms dislocated and then forcefully relocated. I have never in my life heard screams than that came from that 5 year old girl the day she got there. She was being taught “why she was there.” I endured the same at 12 when I got there, and they didn’t even wait until my parents were off the property before I endured restraint by Wayne. And that’s only the beginning. I was beaten almost every day because I was seen as one of three “NEPs,” Not Earning Points. This meant we were worse off than the rest. We were given ONE peanut butter sandwich a day (dry PB on bread) and a glass of powdered milk, then water if they felt like it (which was pretty much never). I probably had 30 glasses of water the entire year and a month I was there. My thirteenth birthday occurred while I was there, and I have never had a better meal in my LIFE. I ate once that day, and consumed 24 sandwiches and 30 glasses of milk because they told me I could eat whatever I wanted that day. I then threw up everything (what child wouldn’t if they ate that much, I still don’t know how the heck I did it). They made me sit in it and even forced me to eat it because I had “wasted precious food and this food was worth more than my life!” We were on a ranch, so the NEPs had to do work to prove we weren’t evil and hopeless. I still have an immunity to the smell of manure. We were forced to shovel it, eat it, lie in it, dig our own latrines (and threatened with our own graves) in it, I saw at least one girl sexually assaulted in it while screaming for her life. When lambing happened, we were forced to eat sheep placenta because “it would make us strong”, and if we didn’t we were beaten till we bled and then restrained in our own/the sheep’s blood. I was beaten many times by Matt, whose last name I still don’t know, Chris, Wayne, Tammy, Tori, Annie, and SO many others. I am still haunted by certain country songs that I won’t listen to because they were sung to us in a massively false effort to calm us. When you’re being beaten and Tim McGraw’s “Don’t Take The Girl” is being sung in a hauntingly lilting voice, you NEVER forget it. I was forced to strip and dance to a few songs just for the staff’s amusement. I spent many hours sitting in my own waste, showers weren’t often allowed and when they were we had three minutes before we were restrained. When one girl tried to escape, we were forced to carry a log, an “approximately 900-pound log,” and we were never allowed to let it go. We were forced to hold it in the house while we took turns showering, if we ever dropped it every one of us were restrained and then forced to pick it up again. We marched with that thing around the field every day for 10 hours while guns were shot off every 30 minutes to threaten us with what would happen if we let go. I saw a doctor once while I was there, ONCE, and yet I was given medication for ADHD, Bipolar, and God knows what else every day. I never knew what they gave me, I was never told, and I was slapped when I asked. I was told every minute of every day that my parents hated me, they didn’t love me, I deserved what I got. During the winter, we had to shovel snow every hour of the day, we were restrained in the ice, in the snow, we got frostbite. I as well as a few others were forced in punishment to run in the snow and ice in our underwear and bare feet all night long for many nights. Some nights it got down to about -10 to -15 and I don’t know how we lived save for the grace of God. I was pulled out on April 6, 2003 at 13 and weighed 85 pounds and stood 5’4″. I haven’t told my story till now because I know that no one would have believed me and by the time they did I thought it didn’t matter. Yesterday marked 10 years since I left, and I now feel a desperate need to reveal what goes on at Majestic Ranch (though I think it’s now Old West Academy?).
Hey Lauren,
My name is Justin I was at majestic ranch around the time the whole thing with wayne happened. In fact I found out that he got arrested when I was at my graduation at PC2. Anyway I was just wondering do you remember a girl named Jamie? I think she was from ohio or somewhere there.
Yo justin did you happen to be in the cowboys dorm
Hi Justin. I was the second girl at Majestic Ranch. Jamie Posten from Ohio. She was the 3rd. Does anyone remember Nona’s last name? She was the first girl…
I was there from February of 2002 to February of 2003.
I found the people for you This is definitely them.
I found the piece of garbage that beat you, Matt Root:
Annie Fagnant:
I couldn’t find Chris or Tori, but I know exactly who you’re talking about, and I’ll keep looking.
So far I haven’t seen anyone say anything bad about Kade. He was pretty cool, taught us how to crochet and how to cook. Used to make cinnamon rolls and potato chips with real potatoes.
David the counselor was a creep. He used to hang me upside down and tickle me. I heard they found gay porn and his apartment. He kept condoms in his green Volkswagen Jetta.
DJ and Bonnie were probably the nicest ones there. Joe was pretty cool too even though he restrained me one time.
I actually never saw any of this abuse, I was also one of the rejects that was in the ADAPT program because I refused to wear pants during the summer. I honestly think I was the reason they started the whole thing. After being forced to eat nothing but peanut butter sandwiches for the rest of the time there, I honestly could not eat peanut butter for a good ten years after that, and I still barely like it.
They made us carry the logs as teamwork too, and we used to have to pull weeds on the baseball diamond across the street. They made us go and shovel the cow poop, but we just dug tunnels through the hill.
Honestly, if I felt I was being treated unfairly, I would have ran away, and I would have succeeded.
Wayne Is a piece of shit, Tammy is a snake. Tori the family counselor was a snake. You only needed ex amount of pts to get to level 4. I had 2.5 x the amount I was on level 3 for probably 7 months. She would never vote me up, she told me things I needed to work on, I would do it my dorm supported me and then this dumb lady would say oh you have to work on this before you get my signature. This program is a scam, i put in a request to see Tammy for 6 weeks. She acts like she is so special and has so much work to do. When clearly she doesn’t, it’s all a set up to get $ from your parents monthly to maintain you in the program. My mom was brain washed by seminars that do not correlate any which way to the daily living these kids expierence there. Thank god for the ppls support that were pulled and relayed the message to my family of what was really going on behind the scenes. My mom wanted me to graduate until she slowly slowly was getting a taste of what I was going thru. I would get 1 phone call a month with each parent and I was fully counselor wouldn’t let me speak in hebrew even though my dad was always wanting to. Then we she told me no more Hebrew I told him she won’t let me speak in Hebrew because she’s scared I’m going to tell you how there mis treating me, that was the last thing I said in Hebrew. When I get off the phone she told me your not listening to well to receive my signature. Then gave me a penalty for apparently not listening to her. Kids were abused, beaten, and torchered in severe climate extremes. If you even think about taking your kid there, think again and think how much you love your child not to let them experience this endangerment. Wayne and Tammy are absolutely bad bad bad bad ppl. I was there when most of these ppl above were. I know what there talking about.
I still have nightmares about this place I came out when I was in the program and because of it being a Mormon sorta setting the didn’t take kindly to my orientation for the last year of my stay I was sexual assaulted more than I can remember by staff and student. When I was taken to ADAPT for misbehaving they would either take my clothes from me call me faggot and cocksucker it was very traumatizing .
503 713 8005. Scott you ever need to just text me. Call me. I am heavily supportive of my fellow survivors I’m so sorry that I didn’t do more when I was there to save the rest of you who came later. There are so many nights I hold myself guilty for not doing more to get this hell closed back then.
I was there back in 1994-1995 and it was terrible back then too , I will never forget what happened to me there, matthew were you there during that time?
Hey Matt,
What year(s) did you work there?
Sorry DJ hadnt checked this in awhile. I wasnt working there, I was a survivor. 98-99 after my time in spring creek lodge. At the time i was the oldest boy in there, and only documented successful escape. Cost me more than i care to say. Made it to cokeville unfortunately they installed alot of security after my escape showed the Holes in their system. 971 719 7326 if you want hit me up I’m always there for fellow survivors.
scott, i remember you. reach out to me on FB
I was here a bit earlier than most of you seem to have been back in 98-99. Back then this was not co-ed, we had a single building .
I was the oldest there at the time at 14-15. I also have the record of being the only successful runaway from this hell, making it all the way to cokeville,wyoming where Mike Walk( one of only two decent staff to ever work there the other being John..since none of you mention them I figure they no longer work there)
I remember the beatings, That whole hours of sitting in the snow naked started with me and cody.
In fact most of what you latter generation survivors went through was first tested on us…and for that fact that My family I am sorry that I couldnt get it shut down before you got there.
But if you need to talk I am always available on facebook ( matthew foley) and most days by phone( number is on my account).
You can survive this, its not normal and its not easy, its a daily struggle but survival is possible
Hey Matthew I am trying to find u on Facebook I am Scott the one that’s commented above u please email me at
Sent you an email. I am on facebook as matthew john foley. Stayton Oregon.
I was there in 99 to 01. there were only three buildings when I was there. The male dorm, The building for the older guys in their late teens and 20s and the school/dining area. I remember going on the sheep trial runs with Dan and other kids at the ranch. We would walk miles through the mountains while staff was on horse back. The one thing that I feel proud of is that they were never able to break me. The abuse that they put me through was some of the same that i recieved when I was at home with my father. You are very right that all of the things that they have done in more recent years were tested and tried on the earlier groups of kids. Does anyone remember Texie the fat cunt of a school teacher? I remember she had me sit outside on “the log” for hours in below freezing weather during a snow storm. The only good people that were ever there were John and Dans daughters.
Hey Nick.. I must have just missed you? I was there for 9/11. I was the second girl on the facility. I did a sheep trail once. Anyone I ever tell about sheep trails can hardly believe the story!
I was there in 2001 2002 I had a twin brother and I remember you. I remember all this crazy stuff. I was the first junior staff member there. We were the Harris twins
I remember you Kyle, I think you were about to graduate just as I was getting there
Yo I remembered you and your brother. I’m Ash!
Does anyone remember Jordan Dove
My mom sent him there after our dad died in 2004
I was there from mid 2000-2003.
My name is Ashley(Ash) I was there Back when the building were still red.
It’s pretty crazy how they would always beat us and starve us.
Force us to only eat sour crout and 3 beans salad.
In the middle of the night Wayne would have the other boys hold you down and hit you with soap in a sock amongst other things. And the bald cowboy/ bronc rider that was a staff. The fucker used to beat the shit out of me!! He made me drink his chewing tobacco spit . More than once!
I was sexually abused at this facility several times. By 2 female staff and of course the piece of shit Wayne himself. Nobody ever believed us. I even went to court in Randolph when I was 12 and testified against him. He apparently won and remained director of the facility. I was still in the program at the time.
How did they get away with this for so long?
It hurts to think my parents paid 3,000 a month to send me to this place for these things to happen.
I hope everyone survived. It’s not like me to do this. But after reading everyone else’s testimony, I thought I would share a little. Maybe someone will remember my name that was there. Again I was there almost 3 years.
Peace and love to everyone that made it through
Ash, I heard you and Chris Wilson had something done to you by Jill in the food closet
I remember you buddy. How are you? Do you have social media?
I remember you buddy. How are you? Do you have social media?
Wow this is crazy I haven’t thought about this place in so long but decided to Google it. Seems like things really went downhill after I left. I was there from like 99-2000. 13 months. It was hell at times but there were also good times getting experience with horses and livestock and ranch life. Going on sheep trail thru the mountains was nice at times. Definitely taught me some good life lessons. Yeah I remember a guy named Mike, big into weight lifting. And Jon was like the director, lived off grid in the mountains I believe. definitely both hard asses but had good hearts. I remember going up to “seminars” in Montana, that sucked. I’m so sorry to the people that were straight up really abused there. Shit ain’t right. We can rise above people! Much Love.
Yo bud I remember you!
man that place was hell and fucked up any one remember me i wentt here two times2005 -2006-
second time i fucked there level system probably cause they wanted money if anyone wants to talk about them just find me on face ook art mach… or email
Arthur i remember you, you were in my dorm with me
Dont u dare lie to me daniel!!! before if i ever decide to go sucide i will make sure i shoot it out with the staff there and im getting pretty depressed lately so who knows
If you are considering suicide or think you are dangerous to yourself or someone else, please seek help. I have provided a hotline phone number if you need to talk to someone. We certainly don’t want to lose yet another survivor to suicide, we have lost far too many. We also don’t condone violence against the staff, even though many of them richly deserve it. Take a deep breath, calm down, and talk it out with someone. Revenge on the staff isn’t worth your death (or the rest of your life in prison.)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255.
yea with me as well rams then cowboys till i left
I remember you breaking your collar bone in drag and tag
I was there from early 98 to late 99 I remember mike walk and John tibbets.
Nathan, i don’t know if you remember me, I was a couple years younger than you (10 i think) but I remember you. I was playing football with you when you broke your collar bone! I remember they just put you off to the side in the snow and made the game continue for a long while.
Holy shit, I can’t believe this chat exists. I’ve spent my whole life blocking that place out.
Nathan, or any of the other kids who were there before it was coed and remember me can reach out. Hope your all doing well.
So I’m not good with names but you and Nathaniel would have been there right around when I was there. I dont hear from many stephen frederickson is on facebook, heard Chris went on to play for Florida state BryceAtkins, cody thiessen,cory and his brother curly …all kinda MIA as far as I know. I dont know if you would remember me, probably best known for that Cokeville escape I pulled off. My number is 971 719 7326 and I currently work with multiple survivors advocate and support groups. You need anything let me know.
Julian, I remember you. My name is Kyle and I have a twin bro naked Kurt. You were junior staff when we first got there
Julian, did you graduate in February-March ’01? If so, you were assigned my buddy when I first got there, to show me the ropes. I went by Bobby then. I remember Nate, as well, along with Hunter, Nick, Brad, Quinn…
Mike is this you bro ? From jersey ??
if anyone on here was at majestic back in 05-06 add me on facebook i was there at that time i was in the long horns my name on facebook is Dwayne tusiing or shoot me a text 4437399551
Yo I was in longhorns 04-05 I escaped and was sent up to Montana California boy originally
I was there I escaped long horns unit
I was only seven when i was there, i came in 2004 and left in 2007 i think, i was traumatized. If anyone remembers me and wants to look me up on Facebook, its, if anyone remembers a girl named leslie, a girl names Olivia, a girl named Kenzie ( I think her mother was homosexual), a girl names Jessica, a girl names Nicole Rawson, and a house parent named Amanda, and she had a twin sister too, please tell me bc i am trying to find them. I am trying to overcome all the pain but i could use some support
Amanda, Nicole Rawson is on facebook. So is Leslie. So am I
Kels maureen
I have Amanda on my facebook. Melissa too. Nicole is on kelseys. Kelsey is on mine.
i went through hell at that place, even now the memories are so suppressed i have to go through serious counseling. I went into a kind of shell, while i was at majestic. i remember only little things, like the grey duct tape that was on the floor of the gym, and the red and blue bunk beds, and the way Amanda used to play audio books for us at night. I remember when we used to go to the lunch room and there would be swarms of flies, covering every inch of the floor. I remember the dessert, the nutty bars and the oatmeal pies. I cry when i think about the counseling sessions. I felt empty inside. The only entertainment i had was these two boys named Zack and Brandon. I used to try to catch a glimpse of them every night at med time. I still remember the day Brandon left, i was standing by the sheep pen, the one with the orphan lambs in it and he drove by with his mom. I remember the schooling, i didn’t get any help, i had to teach myself. i remember one of the house parents had diabetes, she was crazy. This girl Erin picked her hang nail and she dropped her because she said she was trying to hurt herself. I remember these two girls, my best friends, named Tiffany and Nikki, we used to play Saylor Moon. Even after i left, i sometimes went into that fantasy world, where nobody else could hurt me. I really hate the people who made me this way. I want to be normal. My parents don’t even believe half the stuff i tell them about that place. I feel alone in my search for justice.
Slowly remembering all of the evil. Up until I read this page I had blocked it off and convinced myself that it was a good place. Funny how your mind works to protect itself. I was there late 2004 into early 2005. 6 months of hell.
R you the Jessica who sexually assaulted
Me? Please tell me you are not
jessica this is olivia…Do you remember me?
I tried to burn this place to the ground I successfully burnt the house they used for use older kids. I’m not ashamed of what I did because I would have done anything at the time too get out of there
i want to tell my memories of Majestic Ranch. For me; for anyone who reads:
i remember i came during the middle of fall. i remember the bake pumpkin seeds and the fall atmosphere. i remembered some of the girls. i’d say what affected me today from the ranch was seeing Kathrine fully naked. i guess since im mature now and looking back in the past the ‘naked female body’ was my seed to my sexuality now. im gay. im not saying its a bad thing or good thing. i love who iam. i just have moments where im scared of how society judges me. but anyways…my memories of the boarding school have faded. there just some things i remember. tubing down a hill. school-didnt teach me much. cleaning alot. i remember some facesMegan, Cloe, Aren, Victoria, Amanda, Hannah, Kathrine, Leslie, and Jessica. they were sweet and fun. the staff i remember were: Amanda, Melissa, Rachel, Jessica, Tori, Gary, Chris. I dont remeber the me back than… so anyone who was a fawn or fillie back in fall of 2005-2006 find me on facebook: Olivia Field or email me at
Yeah I have that same image of Katherine too, we all were very sexual I think, I remember my first kiss was with a girl names Theresa. To this day I still remember that her breath tasted like pizza for some reason.
I was at majestic ranch in 1994 it was the craziest place I have ever been it was like the staff got off onabusing kids Dan peart has parents pay to keep there kids there and he makes $ off them bye forcing them to work and keep his ranch running i remember I always had to shovel the sick cow pen and if I didn’t want to work the staff would throw you in the shut im 41 now and remember the place vividly I wish I had the opportunity to be alone with the people there who abused me cause im not a defenseless kid anymore I would live to put a beat in on Dan peart
Hi everyone that was at the ranch from September 2002 to December 2004.
My name is Brittaney Painter and I was a staff for mainly the girls and rarely for the boys. I’m trying to reach out to anyone that remembers me . Please contact me on Facebook or my email
Seven, fucking seven. God that just kills me. My heart breaks for all of you.
yeah, it hurts to think about. I lost my childhood. A normal seven year old goes to the park and plays with dolls and dresses up like a princess. Instead I was sexually and physically assaulted, tortured, and left completely alone. When I wanted Mommy because I was scared because of the never ending nightmares, I was told to grow the fuck up. When I wanted help because I couldn’t lift the shovel with my tiny arms, I was told to grow the fuck up. And so I did. I grew up. But I’m missing a part of me that was stolen. I want to die whenever I think about it. I keep pushing forward only because I want to help others.
I remember everyone. I remember everything. To this very day I still have nightmares where I get dragged off and thrown back into MRA. I wish I didn’t have the photographic memory I’ve been blessed with solely due to what I remember about this living hell on earth.
I remember the day I got there, Dec 18, 2003. I remember being in the Longhorns dorm. I remember Shaun Coombs (No, not talking about p diddy) and when he beat that kid Jeremy. I remember seeing brutal fights in the bathrooms. There was the time Anthony Vo beat some kid senseless, blood everywhere, and he didn’t get in trouble because no one liked Alex Tweedy.
I was molested multiple times by another student. The sleeping pill I was on would knock me out cold for 9+ hours easily. None of the staff believed me because I was in orange at the time. Well, one did, and I wish I could do more than thank him on this message board. Robert aka Boo told me he would file a police report on my behalf. When the cops showed up I was called into Wayne’s office, where he threatened to royally fuck my life up because “I wanted extra attention.” Kid confessed to doing it, they made us hug it out, and the cops left. My parents were never told of this, and they remedied the situation NOT BY sending him to another dorm, but my placing a fucking nightlight by my bunk bed.
This place did some good for me by helping suppress some extreme anger, but let’s be honest. The staff rarely cared about you as a struggling child, the seminars were just a massive brainwashing cryfest, and the amount of abuse I’ve witnessed would fill a trilogy of books. I wonder how most of the people I remember have turned out. I left nearly 10 years ago and more often than usual I’ve caught myself thinking about this place and the people connected to it.
My life is good. I’m successful and happy with my current path. Yet no matter how much time seems to pass my emotional scars from MRA won’t go away, and I doubt they ever will.
That is so awful Evan. I feel for you and all the kids in there including my own.
Ms. Rooney, I remember your name. I tried to find you on facebook. If you get this, will you reach out to me?
Hey Evan! I remember you!! Remember me I’m Jeremy the kid Sean Coombs (or however you spell it) fucked up and child protective services came and got me. Much Love to ALL survivors, especially those who didn’t make it..????
evan i remember the day you came in. my name is josh walker and i was there for 3 1/2 years. alex tweedy was my bunkie for a bit.anthony vo,nick koon. i was also in the gym and watched that kid get beat down by sean,he put him through a table. i wanted to stop it but knew i couldnt.add me on facebook im josh walker from ohio
No way man if tweedy ever reads this I’m on instagram travispearson1 way this is insane
Josh Walker? You and Cole Mayberry used to bully the shit out of me constantly. And that big kid named Sam as well. Then you got sent away and so did Cole eventually. This place was such a fucking shitty place, run by shitty people who allowed all of this stuff to happen to all of us on this thread. I’m sure some of you guys remember me, I was the black kid named Charlie who was there for a really long time.
we were in the same dorm together.i remember your first day.i was there for a few years. I remember being one of the few kids there as sean coombs beat the tar out of a kid named Jeremy. will never forget thosememories or any others for that matter.glad your doing well.keep your head up.
I am having a hard time believing everyone – I thought my son was safe and learned how to be respectful but I was wrong. He was physically and emotional abused. I hate them and wish I could something to help my son.
The beating ended. I found one of the staff later on in life. Boy is he sorry. We just have to keep on living.
I hope it was Gabe or dartanian I would really fuck there day up I’m not kidding those fuckers would get a whooping
Wow!I haven’t thought about this place for years. I was there around 98 0r 99. I was one of the few that choose to willingly go to come off of drugs. The one thing that I could not get over while I was there is that some parents would drop their kids off and go on about life for years with no remorse. I remember two brothers that had been there for awhile and they had been in trouble over a cigarette. I can’t believe some of the stories I’m hearing but I don’t doubt it for a second
AJ I remember you. You were from Colorado, there to get clean from weed or something. I was 10 when I came in.
Do you remember that one kid Ashley, they had all the boys hold down with a blanket and put soap in a sock and get in line to hit him?? YOU and I were the ONLY ones who refused to participate in that. the other kids were kinda stupid and brainwashed so they thought that was alright to do, but i remember you and me standing back and having to watch that shit.
I think the brothers your talking about were the Twins that came in. Does that sound right?
Do you remember Hunter- that little psycho who killed his pet sheep so he didn’t have to feed it anymore?
We were the twins
Anyone there from 2004-2006 get ahold of me
I remember u Shawn beavers! Because our birthday was either the same or a day apart. Feb 12
Kels Maureen on facebook
I remember you
i must have been a little off on theyears i was there. you were in the same dorm as me man. joshua walker served 3 1/2 years
Hey everyone!
This is Kurt Harris, Majestic Ranch graduate April 2002. Arrived March 2001.
I was known as one of the twins, my brother Kyle Harris was my other cohort.
More or less, I played ball, got out of there by graduating pretty quickly. However, I saw some horrible
things happen there. David Shamrock getting thrown over a table by Wayne Winder by his ears for one.
Stephen Sheffield was very disobedient there and he was restrained and basically beaten 10 hours a day.
I’m sorry to all the kids there that suffered so much. When I was there I would sing to everyone at night sometimes. I really tried to keep the environment positive one of the first Junior Staff members.
I believe Kyle and I were the first actual WWASP graduates from Majestic Ranch. Dave Taylor was my favorite staff member, does anyone know what happened to him?
I remember someone when I first arrived in March 2001 named Julian Golden, this dude had it made. He was the only kid there that was treated like royalty. He was level 6 but he had a bunch of special privileges that no one else had, like being level 6 without completing the seminars through Keys 1 and 2.
Anyways, anyone hear from Julian at all? He was my buddy when I got there and he inspired me to push through and graduate. At first I was writing essays like no other.
Hunter Thompson, Nick Jenga, David Squelch, Jeff Callahan, Bill, Chuck Lopez, David Shamrock, Cole, Chris Wilson, Justin aka Puff, Ash Eggars, Garrett Smith, Ryan Atwood, Quinn, Justin Thompson, Ariel, Robbie, Bobby Gardener, Antonia, Leah, Nona, Jamie, Brad Kavin, Julian Golden, Brad Kubat, Emma. Those were all the people there when I was. There were probably a few more people I don’t remember.
I would like to connect with anyone that attended Majestic Ranch. Please feel free to text me at 805-236-2017 or my Instagram is The Pokémon Jungle. I’m in the Pokémon investing business! I’ll respond to any messages on my Instagram too! Please don’t be shy.
I’ll look you up on Facebook in a minute. I came a couple days before you left. I thought I got there in February, but obviously not.
I am really shocked to read all this, not because I don’t believe you guys, but I was there for a lot of you, and I never saw it, heard, or heard of any abuse. if I had been abused, you better believe that I would have ran away and I would have made it.
Since we are named dropping, I will add a few, here is all who I remember.
Staff: Matt Root the muscular cowboy who was always flirting with Sarah, Aaron the other muscular guy who was on steroids and would also flirt with Sarah, Annie Fagnant who was nice enough to me, Shane who left shortly after I got there, David the gay counselor, Kade who taught us how to crochet and make cinnamon rolls and potato chips with real potatoes, Bonnie and DJ who were brother and sister and probably the nicest staff there, Joe who left because he couldn’t take what was going on, Michelle, Texie, Wayne, Tammy, Miriam, Dave Taylor (who I didn’t like), and I forget whose wife she was, whether it was Dave’s or John Gentry? Ex-football player Bill, who would sweat like a fountain, Chris from the girls staff that drove a little Dusty, gay Jerry with all that your piercings, Jill, Dimitri even though that wasn’t his real name but the name he used when he went on his mission to Russia, and James, I just remember he drove a Saturn and gave me a Snickers once because he was wrong about something in trivia
Nick, David Squelch, Jeff Callahan, Bill Carpenter, Chuck Lopez, David Shamrock (beaver), Dan Romanowski, Ray (crazy redneck from Florida with a mustache at 13 ????), Chris Wilson, Ash Eggars, Dan (was level 6, kinda older), Ryan Atwood, Quinn Johnson, Remy (those 3 got caught doing gay things), Santiago Brown (coffee), Matt Burcham, Dustin Vargas, Blake (Harris?) Devin Nunes, Brian Brunson, Eric Helwig, Dominic, Angelo, Luke, Ariel, Robbie, Jamie Posten (I only remember her because I had a giant crush on her), and Lauren because she was always coughing.
And then I was called Ostrich. I think I was nicknamed by David Shamrock, he said I looked like an ostrich when I ran.
I have pictures on my Facebook if you guys want to see some.
Shawn I still am friends on facbook with your parents. Kristen has just started telling me about a couple of things that happened with her there. Im so sorry that your both went through what you both did I know that if we knew at that your parents and i would have pulled both of you out of there. I have seen great things that are happening in your life and I’m so proud of both of you for the growth that you both have made even though there was a lot of bad that happened to you. For all of you that had to go through what you did I hope that God will help you through the rest of life and help you to be strong. Just know that you are loved by God and your Families and that most parent would have taken you out of this place if they would have known.
Beavers no way man it’s Travis I remember you bro
Hey Teresa!
It’s Jozelle, I was only there for 3 months but I remember you! You wrote to me on behalf of the fawns after I left. Hope you’re doing well!
Feel free to contact me if you ever are interested in reflecting and catching up.
has anyone every tried talking to a lawyer? I feel like there was no justice for what they did. I was in the fawns with Nicole Leslie haylee Saundra etc.
Do you remember a girl named olivia napp
I remember you Katie, I was in the Fillies before they had to merge with the Fawns. I stayed there until you were pulled. I know a few charges have been made against Majestic Ranch Academy, but after Gordon cam and changed the name to Old West Academy not sure how they fell through. I know it got pegged for being “unlicensed” but after that, nothing on the abuse that went on there.
Omg Teresa !! How are you little one? I totally remember you and your llama ❤️
Find me on Facebook Monica padilla San Jose ca or email me ❤️
Hey Teresa!
It’s Jozelle, I was only there for 3 months but I remember you! You wrote to me on behalf of the fawns after I left. Hope you’re doing well!
Feel free to contact me if you ever are interested in reflecting and catching up.
Hey Katie , HOW ARE YOU? I miss you sooo much
I didn’t know i could leave a comment lol I was there had a history of breaking out and getting caught till I actually got away, I remember Foley, Ryan golesby, great mentor by the way, Harold, mosby , thers few names of guys that stand out but anyways glad to hear your well
My name is Jeff Callahan, I was enrolled in the hell they call majestic ranch for 2 1/2 years. Contact me at or text me at 253-666-2411. I would like to talk to someone about my experiences there
Place definitely scarred my life i went in at 10 am left when I was 12, Martin made mean 2 other boys high knee through a manure pen than sprayed us off an made us stand in the alfalfa pasture till dark I know cps got involved cause our legs were all cut up
I remember you Jeff. I am Kyle Harris I was there with my twin brother Kurt. We were junior staff
I remember talking to you a few years ago and you said it wasn’t all that bad!
Changed your tune?
Hey I was there from 1999- 2002 I am trying to compile I am wirtting a book on my experiences there and how they have effected me over 10 years later. I have blocked out details in some ways. If anyone remembers me, please message me back.
So sorry for everything that happen to you guys. It was an awful place that did nothing to support the victims that went there. Light need to be shed on these school and the victims need to have full support in anyway they need it.
Hi Quinn,
I remember you and I also remember Jeff Callahan. If you would like to talk about some of your experiences there, I would love to chat.
Email me at
I graduated from Majestic Ranch in April of 2002, I arrived in March 2001
Kurt, do you have a brother? I’m trying to place you…
Yes, I am his twin Kyle Harris we were the junior staff members while you guys were there
I remember you Quinn. I think your bunk was very close to me. I had the goat named Jericho
Quinn, I was there when you were there. I remember your name but I can’t put a face to it.
Can you email me or look me up on Facebook? I have photos and a lot of memories. Two in particular i’d like to share about Wayne.
I remember you, Antonia, we went to Discovery & I think Focus together. You gave me a palm reading at Spring Creek haha. Quinn was there, too. He was the youngest of the boys at that time we were in the program.
Kurt & Kyle, I remember you guys, as well! Didn’t we end up meeting at a parent/child seminar in California after I was pulled sometime in 2002, with our moms? Right around the time Wayne was arrested.
It’d be great to catch up with you all, my email is
Hey Quinn, DJ here.
When Bonnie and I left, we tried to shut the place down.
Om my Gosh!
DJ, I don’t remember what you look like, but I do remember your sister Bonnie she was the best! Always sang to us at bedtime!
Hey Andrij,
Yeah Bonnie and I always sang to whatever group we were over that day.
We really did care about you guys, we tried to help when we left.
Hey Quinn, This is Nick Mitchell
Don’t know if you remember me. E-mail is
Quinn, my name is Charles I believe we were there at the same time . If I remember correctly the year before you left you got trampled in the pin when we were branding. Also maybe it was you that got thrown thrue the fence while trying to ride the yearling after we branded it
Everyone on here just sits here and writes about the abuse they went through but nobody is doing anything about it. To much time has not passed. We don’t deserve all the pain and abuse we went through. Its not to late to do something about it. I recently went back a couple years ago and there are still kids there! Don’t just sit around and dwell on what happened do something about it. I have nightmares almost every night as well. Please do something about it, message me with your stories, I am almost finished writing a book uncovering the truth about everything that went on there. With your stories and your permission we can show people what they did to us. It wasn’t ok we were just children. Please be strong and email me with your stories so justice can be served. There are statue of limitations against child abuse and if you are 28 or younger its not to late to do something about it.
It’s kelsie. We were bunkies. U were my first.
Kels Maureen on facebook
I think we need to not only contact a lawyer, but also need to get the media involved. We deserve retribution for what was done to us. I need to heal and I can’t until those sick bastards are brought to justice. I’m only 20, so whatever I can do to help, email me at
Amanda Buckley. I remember u. And Jenna, we were best friends until u got pulled. I remember martin. He made me believed he loved me. I was 12 he was 21 or so. I’m so sorry for you Amanda. I never knew. I’m so sorry.
Oh wow
I just got the link to this from Kelsey on facebook. I graduated majestic in 07. I was in the fillies dorm. I remember yall. Danny. Amanda- you were my best friend….I heard about the things that happened but it happened before I got there. So horrible. So crazy we were all so young. I went in age 12 I think it was….I’m about to be 23 in a couple weeks and have 2 kids.. Yall add me on Facebook. Jess gibson. Montgomery tx. We need some catching up…
Amanda I have been trying to find you on fb for years!!!!
There is/has been a class action suit taking place for years. Nothing has come from it… I can try to get the firms information although I feel like it’s honestly just a waste of time. Sorry to hear that so many other kids went threw the same trama as I did.
Let me know about class action info. I was there in 1990 91
Let me know about class action info. I was there in 1990 91. With ross k. Jason l. Matt h. Nate b. Clint. Harold was a little kid at the time, heard he worked their as an adult. Creepy. He was caught touching the house parents baby inside the diapers. Anybody there at that time hit me up it was all boys and we lived in apartments in randolph. That place started as dans wifes pet project in the 80s.
Lets just say it was not a good place. I could blab for hours but u guys pretty much covered it.
Nicole I remember you we were bunkies at one time . Amanda I remember you too . Kelsie I think I remember you too
Hey there. I was at majestic in 92-93 when it was all boys and in town… Anyone remember or want to link my email is anyway take care my peoples.
Also I’ve left this message before and seems to get deleted… Please let me know if I’m posting something wrong or just correct it instead of deleting. Thanks
I was there from November of 1993 till August of 1994. I was in 5th grade so ages 11/12. House 3 I believe? The young kids house by the high school.
While I personally didn’t experience any of the terrible stuff mentioned above first-hand, I always knew bad stuff was occurring. I think I went to solidarity once, because I punched Johnny Moseby for stealing and breaking my handheld video games. I really didn’t need to be there, my parents just thought I was a pain in the butt because they had never had a kid. I kept to myself and worked hard and as told. Worked out pretty good – I could see where kids that weren’t that way were treated poorly, as most of the staff wasn’t cutout to be mentoring youth, especially ones with severe issues. I remember one set of house parents being very, very old – Jerry and Edna must have been 80. Jerry woke us up to “everybody up lets go go go, the worlds on fire” haha. I remember some kids broke out and hit Jerry with a 2×4 – I supported the kids attempt to run away, but wish they wouldn’t have hurt him. He was nice.
I actually have a lot of great memories. I learned to ski there, I learned how to heard sheep across hundreds of miles, I learned my way around a farm, I ate some Rocky Mountain oysters and a lot more. I got to go to the gym in Evanston, got to play across the street at the high school, spend nights up at Utah State University with the football players who mentored me and a couple others, went to the arcade down the street from our house,I even recall having some nice family dinners inside the owners house after working on the ranch… But I hated being there, I didn’t need to be there, and I knew bad shit was happening to other kids there.
I could go on forever.
Excuse me. 1992 til 1993.
Greg, I was right there with you.
Adam I think I remember you. Were you a younger guy? Do you have a foot issue? If so I’ve thought about you for years, you didn’t belong there at all. I hope you’ve had a great life since
I was around 93-96 mother was Gail/Gael she worked there. that place is evil. I have enough info to bring it down need people from that era. so email and i will also have to confirm no trolls and lets do this.
I worked at MRA for a year. It was a shitty place, the living conditions were worse than barracks and the “program” always seemed like a load of bullshit. I felt badly for the kids I worked with and I tried to encourage them to do whatever they needed to to get the hell out of there. I had no idea the extent of the abuse that was taking place and am sickened at some of the things I have read, here and elsewhere. There was no health care, Tammy was completely uneducated and incompetent. I dont’ know what certifications were required to teach there, but there was very very little help for this kids. Wayne was, and I’m assuming, still is a complete asshole. Any man, especially one that big, has some serious psych issues; he routinely got a kick out of physically dominating some of the kids, usually the boys if I remember correctly. I have often wondered what happened to the students that I worked with. I was there from 04-05.
I was a student there around the same time I have would really like to reach out to a staff named Joy she really helped me in that time please let me know if you can help
My granddaughter Kristen was there at that time. I am horrified after reading all the bad things that happened.
We were not allowed to see her when we drove from Wash. To check on her so we drove to a side road to see if we could see her. It breaks my heart that people can get away with such crap.
I went to Majestic Ranch when I was 11 to 14 2006,2009
I remember a lot of you guys. That place was pretty fucked up. I remeber a lot of mental abuse as well as physical. I truly feel for you girls. Must have been much worse for you. I burned all my stuff once i was home. My mom still doesnt believe all of the stuff i told her about what went on there. I was in the buffalos and then longhorns and finally cowboys. From 2006 to 2009. Add me on fb if youd like.
Place definitely scarred my life I hated it mis roonie was okay tho an I couldn’t stand Gary but Martin abused me an 2 other boys an cod came an took pics of us an everything dan was cool tho
Still looking for people who were there in 2001ish.
I was the 2nd girl at Majestic Ranch and I’ve tracked down one other girl. I’d like to find a staff member named Lindy and a staff named Jessica. TBH, I’m not sure if Lindy used her real name. Knowing her, it probably wasn’t, HAH. I’d also like to find Nona and reconnect with Leah but I can’t remember their last names. Leah was the 4th girl.
I remember quite a few of you guys. I worked there around 2001. I was just looking at some old pics with my daughter and started wondering what happened to you kids. That place was so disfunctional and I wish I could have done more for you. I used to bring my guitar and sing you to sleep. I was there when the whole Wayne thing went down. What a creep. I remember the dishsoap they made you use to scrub the dishes gave everyone sores on their arms so I brought sponges with handles for you guys and texie took the away and said it was good for you guys to have pain. I couldn’t take working there anymore because of all the terrible things going on and I couldn’t do anything about it. I hope you all can heal from such terrible experiences and if you want to reconnect look me up on Facebook. Sarah Farnsworth
Hey guys. My name is Robbie Nelson. Add me on Facebook please. Search Robbie Dale Nelson on Facebook. I’m from Utah. I was there between 06-08.
My name is Jordan Sheets and it seems to me i was there around the times you all were there. i was there for 22 months and then pulled from the program. if anyone remembers me please reach out on facebook, search Jordan Sheets. i would love to speak to you.
I can’t find you but I do remember you I was there when you got pulled
I was a staff member there from 2002 to 2004, I think those were the dates. I tried to stay as long as I could for the kids. When I left I contacted the attorney general for Utah. They didn’t do anything because Dan had friends in high places. We did everything we could to get it shut down. If you remember me, I would love to hear from you.
Dj Travis Pearson Longhorns 03–04 yeah that dan is well connected someone would have to just show up and settle it at gun point
My name is Nicholas Mitchell and I was there around 2002 and it was fucking miserable.
I still remember this piece of shit named Walter Gould. We used to call him g-string. If the DJ i think this is posted then he was one of my heroes back at school before he had to leave for a little bit.
I remember Jordan Sheets and he was from like Virginia or something, great dude, really nice, got picked on a shit ton.
Man, I have so many things to say. Will post more.
E-mail me at
Hey Nick,
Yeah, I’m the one you’re thinking of. I’m glad I left you with something good. Email me if you ever want to talk.
Hi, I was a staff at MRA around the time Amanda was leaving. Im not sure what the dates were. I was only there for 9 months. I started as a dorm parent and ended up as a family rep. I had suspicions that things were going on behind the scenes. But no one would tell me. I did save all of the incident reports though because i went to find one in the files for a parent call one day and it had been “misplaced”. So I went to check others and they were gone to. So I copied all of the reports that came across my desk. I turned them into the state child protective services. And nothing happened because apparently one of the hiring sheets you sign is a non disclosure so the state couldn’t do anything. To say they are creeps is an unbelievable understatement.
You kids had it rough but even some of us staff are scared from the experience. I still get sick to my stomach and want to burst into tears. I remember Gary yelling profanities, sexual, and degrogitory slurs at me while I was walking you guys to and from the dorms. He was so disgusting I literally wanted to bathe in bleach when I got home. Im only sorry that so many of us saw what was going on and were not able to get you guys out. I eventually left when I mentioned to a parent it would be a good idea to move their daughter closer and was threatened to be sued. I was only 20-21 at the time and didn’t want to be set up by the ranch. I talk with one of the other staff from their sometimes and thats why I googled it. I am so sorry for all of you. I can not even believe that they are still open. In my opinion predators belong behind bars not running a “school” for children.
My mane is Trevor Watkins and I was sent to majestic ranch in 2004 and am now 26 as a male this place was a complete labor cash cow I was a great kid and exceeded through the program but the labor was like nothing I’ve experienced. I remember a lot of you girls from the crazy seminars we went through that were a complete nightmare and from sneaking a look at some of you while our noses were against the wall, the cook was gross and I knew Wayne was a weirdo from the day I saw him. It sounds like the girls had it a lot tougher. I’d like to be in contact with some of you if your interested this is a horrible memory but still a memory.
Please feel free to join our Facebook group:
I was there 91-93 and from reading these some of yal missed out on some horrendous shit. Teacher Bob was a sex offender who molested kids all the time he’d rub his crotch on your shoulder at school. The Pearts had kids from house 3 performing sex acts at their house. When me and Chris refused to slaughter sheep I got stuck in unit 4 for 3 months until I agreed to slaughter animals. And where did some of the kids from house 3 go? One night a kids there next day kids gone never a kid with parents. Seriously what happened to John Mosby??
I escaped from there more than a few times and finally made it out when a house parent quit and fostered me.
That’s all beside the fact he used us as guinea pigs for a kickback from a pharmaceutical company and that geezer psychiatrist bastard.
When I was there it was only boys and from 7-17 i could tell way way more but ill leave it at that for now.
I heard that rapist pedophile Harold Williams ended up working there after being there he tortured the house 3 kids I personally caught him raping Jerimiah on more than one occasion. I beat his perv ass constantly. Well after I got out of unit 4 anyway.
Cant believe they ever took girls I feel for you ladies.
Can you please delete the comment where I say I’m thinking about suicide.
It comes up under a google search of my name.
Would appreciate it if it was removed.
Thank you!
Wow these stories are horrifying. I was the first MR guy ever in 86-87. I cannot express my level of sympathy deep enough for all of you that went through so much. Stay strong!
hey can you guys please delete the post where i talk about suicide and the majestic ranch staff.
When you search my name on google that post comes up, and it doesn’t look good from an outsiders perspective.
Thank you!
They have been removed since the first time you asked. Unfortunately, the internet never forgets, and I have no way of removing its presence from the web entirely. Hopefully this will be a good lesson for next time. By continuing to comment, you’re actually making it worse, and have forced me to actually approve the comment in order to reply.
My granddaughter Kristen was there at that time. I am horrified after reading all the bad things that happened.
We were not allowed to see her when we drove from Wash. To check on her so we drove to a side road to see if we could see her. It breaks my heart that people can get away with such crap.
I went there. I think it was from like September ’02 to March ’03.
The day I got there, some kid ran away. They found him, shipped him off to Spring Creek Lodge.
I remember Jamie Posten.
I remember a few of the other kids.
I remember the 3 boys caught doing homosexual things Rxxx xxxx, Qxxx xxxx, and Rxxx.
I remember the twins, Kyle and Kurt Harris.
I remember David Squelch, Santiago “Coffee” Brown, my friends Bill Carpenter and Eric Hellwig, Brian Brunson, Matt Beacham, David Shamrock, Blake Harris, Devin Nunes, Chris Wilson, Ash Eggers, Jeff Callahn, Jared…
I had some pics from that place. One that Tex took of me, Chris and Ash playing kickball on the baseball diamond.
One of me with Matt by the Pearts house around a firepit.
A few of me doing manual labor for whem they were putting the sod in by the big steel building. Heck, I even helped work in there too.
A few of me and Bill at Bear Lake.
I used to be called “Ostrich”. The kids said I Iooked like one when I ran? ????
Its just unreal how I still remember so much.
The sheep trail, climibing up Red Mountain, swimming in the resevoir.
Anyway, that place was a joke. I think I was the reason they created ADAPT. All because I REFUSED to wear the black jeans when it was hot out. I never liked the heat, and black pants were miserable. They kept giving me Cat 2’s for not following directions and wearing my pants ????
I never did their stupid essays, I chose to work it off instead. Who remembers having to carry a log with us every where we went?
How about running laps in the morning? Joke was on them, I loved running.
Wow I was the kid they sent to spring creek haha holy shit this is awful reading all these stories I hope to god this place pays one day
My name is Karleen (Kar) Farnsworth, and I just found this site. I was employed at hell ranch for 3 weekend shifts. Early 2005 I’m the one that would try to take you girls out to see the horses. Jesus. So many memories. Many of you young ladies won’t remember me. But I do remember you. For years I have thought of you and hoped and prayed you were ok. Reading these posts. I’m just trembling and in tears.
I can’t begin to process the emotions I’m feeling.
Please know. I tried so hard to make the nightmare end for you all.
I am here for any of you if you’d like to talk. Again. I remember so many of you ladies. Seeing you posting here. I’m in tears of relief and hope.
Jenna, Amanda, Nicole. You have no idea how many times you have all crossed my mind.
I’m available if you need me.
My name is Evan Ekholm. I was in MR from early 03’ to late 04’. I’m from Fort Worth, Texas. If anyone remembers me I would love to chat. My email is and my Facebook is Evan Ekholm (currently living in LA). Lots of really crazy memories from Utah. I spent most of my time there dressed in orange and restrained. I hope to hear from some of you soon.
So me and two other kids. I know one kids name was Travis for sure. We ran after I’d been there for a month. I remember Martin the cook setting me and other boys up for fights. Well us three decide to run away one night. We had the only good staff I can remember that I can remember on some nights in the dorm furthest from the front entrance or med station but closes to the kitchen n classrromn in that far back corner. I can’t remember his name for my life but I wish I didn’t so I can thank home so much. Very hippified brother that deffinitley broke the mold and looked like Les claypool from Primus a bit. ,His wife, even visited with him a few times, Well we got desperate from ADAPT and hunger and one night they out me in adapt and two other boys who comforted me cause I was crying from tooth infection pain. We broke into the storage room on each other shoulderss via the gym and doors on the upper wall. We ran away. Made it pretty far but came back because a random blizzard cawme though. We hid in the supply she’d behind a bunch of chairs but they found us that night due to fogged windows. The one dude beat the shit out of us on the spot while Martin kept us in a basement area under the main office and beat me with news paper for three days until taking me to the airport to go home. The really beat the hell out of Travis. If anyone remembers this incident, please contact at, or message me on facebook, Michael Hengler. Love all of you!
Holy shit Mike contact me bro this is fucking unbelievable 15 years later
I looked up Majestic Ranch today and found out they have finally closed this hellhole. It doesn’t change what happened to any of us but it does provide some comfort that other kids are not still suffering.
I’m Jessie. I was there when I was 9. I think around 9-10 months I was there. I remember turning 10. I think that was around the time when I fell off the top bunk and had my front tooth hanging from my mouth, where I ended up getting a paper clip glued to it to hold it back in. I remember some people. I remember when Amanda got there. She was young. Wide eyes and terrified, I still remember her eyes and the songs we all sang or listened to each other sing at night. Traveling soldier and Emotionless by Good Charlotte. First time I ever heard those songs and they always take me back. I don’t remember a lot anymore. I have what my therapist calls repressed memories of what happened there. I remember Nicole and she gave me a hug right before I was randomly taken to the office to go home. I didn’t know that it was abuse at the time. Everything that happened. I recognize it now for what it was. I’m 25 now. I was from Maryland but I live in Colorado. Things never got better after I left. My home environment was just more of the same kind of stuff that happened while I was there. No one should treat children this way,facilities or parents. Facilities are supposed to be held to a high standard, but the law fell short in regards to this place. I was hoping it was shut down by now. It should be. I thought as we all got out, maybe word would get out. But I don’t talk about my time there. I don’t want to think about it. I remember being terrified to ride horses, and was forced to ride one for a three day ride that left it hard for me to walk. Terrified, I even had to write an essay as punishment for being “disobedient” when I was just scared. I know I talked to a lot of you that were there. I just don’t remember everyone or all the names or all the faces. Probably part of the repressed memories. I was sent there a few days after I told the school in my hometown that something wasn’t right at home. Now I know that it was abuse, it’s abuse to starve your kids, make them stand in the snow in their pajamas for 24 hours. I spoke up so I was sent here. I have dreams more like nightmares about this place still but I don’t ever talk about it. I’ve never really told anyone what was happened. But yeah I remember Amanda specifically. And Nicole. Amanda reminded me of my little sister. And Nicole was my friend. If any of you remember me, I’m Jessie. I was 9 and had red hair. You can add me or message me on Facebook. If you want. I’m married now and am 25. Name is Jessie Leto maiden name Kinsey. I’m just now seeing this thread. I hope someone sees this
Not closed. Old west academy now.
Hey! I was at MRA from 2004-2005 when I was 10-11. I was in the fillies. Please reach out if you need or have any information. or Elizabeth Withers on Facebook.
Holy cannoli! Tammy? I remember you!!! You ran into a fence in the big field and got messed up by barbed wire. Look me up on fb im under Tally Marie
Ryan Driscoll I’ll never forget knocking him out my first day there I was 13 he was 16. It was that day I was labeled the badass
Salt lake Tribune is doing investigative research and articles on troubled teens treatment centers. You can tell your story on what happened to you at:
I worked there in the winter of 2003-04. I was 18 at the time. Everyone that was sent there by their parents had different stories. Mormon’s are perverted. Their entire religion is phallic. So it’s no surprise what took place.
Christopher, this facility and the horrible things that happened there have nothing to do with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can see from this web site that there are numerous facilities like this, and none are sponsored by the Church. Call out Majestic Ranch Academy/Old West Academy all you want, but please don’t insult people’s religion, especially when they’re not affiliated at all.
I was there in 96 and 97
Micheal Moore ME TOO
where were the LITTLE KIDS?
Someone please help. Our son went there in 2005. Last night he just came clean about majestic ranch. He is absolutely traumatized. We had no idea. We are heartbroken. We feel like fools. How could we not know ? We picked him up 8 months laster. Things were never the same. We had many issues with our son upon his return home. He ran away , behavior was far from normal. At 17 he left home. Our relationship with our son was anything but good. We just flew him in to where we live over the weekend. After 8 years of not seeing him. It was an amazing visit. Last night he told us what happened. I am on Facebook under
Keri Lombardo sanders
Hi all,
This is DJ again. I was a staff there at Majestic Ranch. I know Dan did not do right by any of you kids. I tried my best to get it shut down. Bonnie and I contacted the Attorney General of Utah and they came to our house to interview us. Then it just went away like it never happened. I then heard Dan had the Attorney General over for their Christmas Party. I tried to do my best by you guys, I’m really sorry I couldn’t help more. Feel fee to email me
Wow looking back at this I am completley shocked that people are finally speaking out about this god damn place. I was there and wow the bullying from staff to me was absolutley insane. They would bully me constantly by giving me their worst clothes for breakfast this fat piece of trash Martin the cook would always give me the worst pieces of toast and make fun of me just cause he was bigger than me. Yeah nowadays i wish i could see him in person and really put a beatdown on him. But hey that wasnt the worst part. Ive seen a student get dragged into the bathroom and get beat by all the other kids because if one of us would mess up or do something wrong all of us would pay for it. So the kid that would mess up all the time would ruin it for the rest of the group and the other kids would go to the dorm and beat the crap out of em and it would be horrible. Staff would completley ignore it and it would make me completley uncomfortable. But man the worst was watching staff come out and kiss students at night next to me and I had to ignore it and not say anything about it. It was a completley insane situation so yeah. I hope to see Martins fat ass soon ill make u regret ever bullying me cause ur bigger.
Holy shit, Zito it’s you I remember you. Look me up on Facebook, Charlie Edward.
I was a student at Majestic Ranch
After I was fourteen…
I think I was 16.
…and while my stay was short…
There were others that had been there for what to me at the time seemed entirely too long….one guy was 18 and going on his 3rd year.
It was like a camp for unruly teen boys..
Sure there was some labor in the most extreme conditions ..
Bailing hay, mending fences.
We actually learned about the workings of a sheep and cattle ranch. We herded on horseback and ate by campfires…
School was a breeze.
Food was hot
Lodging was adequate.
…as far as I know…none of the boys were molested… I WASN’T.
I know MOST of us WISHED…dreamed that the host family bride from Boston WOULD have atleast attempted…
Her husband also resided there with us….
WHICH made it challenging…on her part… I’m sure .. she gave me the kind of looks that assured me ….IF… I Would’ve stayed longer…
I may have been a willing victim.
I GUESS WE will NEVER know ..
The little kids thing
I do remember wanting out…
Begging my MOM to come and get ME!
I hated it Then… But look back on it now… and appreciate the majestic experience….
And wonder …
What in the heck was that AMAZING woman’s name? I think his was Robert… Hers is a blur…
Maybe SHE DID get to ME and I have blacked out part of my experience!
Hey yall! Went to majestic ranch from 2005 -2007
Hey! you all should join the new facebook group, it formed a few days ago. we need to reconnect
Was here in 1991 Dan and Donna took me to church Stole a pickup (old ford) rolled it and never looked back.
My name is Mark and i will never forget my time at majestic ranch 2004-2006 worst experience of my life. Always wanted to reach out to people that were there at the same time as me. Glad this place is no longer open and kids aren’t there anymore.
My name is Mark greenauer and i will never forget my time at majestic ranch 2004-2006 longhorns and cowboys worst experience of my life. Always wanted to reach out to people that were there at the same time as me. Glad this place is no longer open and kids aren’t there anymore. Have plenty of stories about this place (even labeled as a “runaway” at one point) but prefer to just find people that were there with me. Isaiah, Michael, Brandon, Sergei if anyone sees this hmu I’m easily googleable
Do you remember Dale Clark? i was there in the longhorns dorm from 2007-2008
We have a new facebook group, it was started a few days ago. Im hoping more people join, its looking good so far.
Thats crazy i was here 02-04. I started Fight club in here. Fought about once a month. This place is really fucked up though. Glad they shut it down. Barely fed us
My name is Charlie Knapp I was at Majestic with Michael Victorian, we used to call you Michael Vic bro I was the other black kid in Buffalo lol Cole used to bully the shit out of me.
You’re a MACHINE at basketball man, the 1v5 games were crazy! and you’d still win.
We started a Facebook group for people who attended the ranch-
I just wrote quite a long piece, describing an event that happened there and the odd story around it. Just doing that is helpful ironically.
I just submitted a request to join the facebook group. Look forward to speaking with you all in private.