Narvin Lichfield with Dead Deer
We’re digging into Narvin’s criminal records. (More on that later, stay tuned…especially you, Narv! We know you read these!) As we were digging through the not-inconsiderable number of records, we ran across this little nugget: Narvin Lichfield has been issued 5 separate tickets by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources for illegal deer hunting.
The charges appear to have arisen from three separate incidents in 2004, 2006, and 2008. Two of the times he was charged with hunting without a license, and in all three he was charged with illegally hunting in a baited area. Baiting a deer is the practice of spreading corn or other feed to lure the deer into an area so the hunter can gain a clear shot. While baiting deer has since been legalized on private land in South Carolina (as of 2013), it remains illegal on public land and was illegal everywhere in the state all three times Narvin was arrested for it. The fines Narvin paid for these charges totaled $1,475.
Ironically, he was already running Carolina Springs before the first time he was caught, and the program seems to have been in operation every other time, too. I guess the detainees at Narvin’s little ranch aren’t the only ones breaking the rules. Luckily, their tuition paid his fines. Hypocrisy, thy name is Lichfield (and as I said, more and even juicer things to come on the subject of hypocrisy.)
Narvin Lichfield Poaching Arrests