Academy at Ivy Ridge
The Academy at Ivy Ridge was a co-ed facility opened in 2001 by Jason Finlinson, previously the Director of Casa By The Sea. The school was located on property purchased and owned by the company Robert Browning Litchfield, LTD, in the city of Ogdensburg, New York In 2006 the school announced it was withdrawing from WWASP (an implicit admission by the school that it was, in fact, a WWASP school) because of the negative publicity WWASP was receiving. The marketing arm of WWASP, Teen Help, however, continued to provide services for the school at least as long as March 2007, casting doubt on Ivy Ridge’s disassociation with WWASP. At the height of enrollment nearly 500 children were enrolled at AIR. The facility closed in March 2009 following a dramatic decline in enrollment. At the time of closing only 60 students remained. They were all sent home or to other programs.
On August 17, 2005 AIR was ordered by the State of New York to pay civil penalties of $250,000 to the Attorney General’s office for issuing unauthorized high school diplomas. The program was furthered order to make partial refunds to parents, stop issuing diplomas, and stop marketing itself as an accredited school. AIR applied for permission to issue diplomas from the New York State Department of Education and was turned denied permission on December 1, 2006. The Department, in its rejection letter to AIR, stated that it had determined AIR was primarily as behavior-modification facility and not a boarding school. A lawsuit against AIR for issuing fake diplomas was also filed and a judge upheld its validity in April 2009. These incidents were what led AIR’s enrollment to drop from approximately 500 students to less than 100, and ultimately led to its closing.
Jason Finlinson
Jason Finlinson first became involved with WWASP when he served as Director of Casa By The Sea. In 2001, he left that job in order to move to New York and open the Academy at Ivy Ridge. Ivy Ridge closed in 2009. During his tenures at both Casa and Ivy Ridge, Jason was known for his harsh, strict, disciplinarian style.
I was here for 2 years
I attended this school personally and was a victim to their harsh and unethical practices. They would make kids lay on the ground for hours with their chin on the cement and hands at their sides. Feed us cheese and bologna sandwhichs three meals a day.
I went to this hell hole and about losty life here… This place was a traumatic place and still have issues due to this place
I went to this school and completely traumatized. Their practices were beyond disciplinary actions.. more like cold twisted torture by sick controlling individuals who like to see you suffer.
ALL of the staff should be heald accountable for their actions and serve time in prison.
I am so sorry you guys had to go thru this nightmare! Those disgusting excuses for humans deserve nothing less than to come back to life as mosquitoes….oh wait even comparing them to mosquitoes doesn’t do justice. Mosquitoes are ranked a 100time higher than these disgustingtons. May they rot in hell
What I want to know is… why did the parents send all of these kids there in the first place???
I feel for these children and adults, this should not be allowed to go on and I praise them for bringing light to these issues!
i’m appalled.
I am so sorry you guys had to go through that truth will always shead to the light
I will use every bit of any power I have to spread awareness to this abuse and corruption
I hope their has been a significant lawsuit!
Human trafficking. Read that again. Children lost their childhoods, lives and were left broken just so some monsters could make some cash. These people need to be held accountable!
I just watched the show The Program. What I leaned from watched it was always listen to your children What they are saying. Protect your children at all cause. I’m so sorry y’all had to go through this. Y’all need justice for everything y’all went through. No children should have to go through this hell.
they didn’t know what actually happened inside
Omg i can’t believe this happened to you guys! How are these people not being prosecuted? And this is supposed to help make you a better human… wtf! I’m in shock! And the parents should be ashamed for not following up with this program.
This makes me so angry!
All the teachers and staff should of took they azzzzz to jail just like the students were in jail that’s sad as ever I fault the parents also
I’m speechless on how much this pisses me off. This world is something else bending their own fucking rules and we listen like puppets fuck the higher powers. The truth is always hidden and it’s bs
Just finished watching documentary about this place. My heart breaks for all the kids that were here and other places like it… if you went to one of these places, I am sending you the tightest hug ever.
I’m so terribly sorry for the trauma that You had to endure then and still learn & try to cope with now. You are survivors!
Just watched the documentary and I gave to say as a mom my heart is broken for all of you!! My prayers go out to all of you who survived this horrific place!! Please keep the faith! ❤️
I would love to get my files and support anyway I can. I was in the program and finally freed 03- December
Miss kimmy was my den mom.
I was a couple days to get to level 3 and finally able to get some phone time with family and was told I that I was not going home. I snapped and went back to level one.
My parents picked me up the next week, like I had expected for court, my bday and Christmas. We tried to explain to everytime I even mentioned that to family how horrible it was and my family always got upset because of how much money they spent but at least I did not have to complete. I still had experienced many traumas. I fell off a top bunk and cracked my head open. I was not provided Ibuprofen, Tylenol or anything. Instead, they took brown paper towels that’s not sanitized from a bathroom stall and took a masking tape and put it over my head, for a couple of days, in which most likely needed stitches.
I had many many years later, due to the trauma, went to a real treatment facility as this brought lots of trauma into my life and turned me from a little spaz but all in all great hearted guy who to finding out about a lot of drugs and never really addressed any trauma or issues.
I have been blessed and would like to offer any assistance to those that are still struggling with substance abuse and or mental health. I would love to offer any supportive Substance absuse or mental health disorders from the he traumas at AIR. I have become a VP for a large 10 Facility behavioral health “NOT Modification!!” organizations.
I don’t care if you have insurance, no insurance. I promise I will get you help. Even I scholarship you in on of my programs.
Guess what…:
If you don’t like it you walk out at anytime and at none of my Facilities to hold people against their will. I just want to be part of this movement and give back any which way I can.
Im watching The program on Netflix…horrifying traumatic raising children in the most dangerous way. Monsters, Egregious! No child is bad , he/she is a reflection of parents wrong doings and inability to instill values. The Indian value system dates centuries old and still holds it true. Love and patience is are the strongest weapons.
I didn’t go here but I’m a 12 year old who watched a documentary about one of the schools and after my mom told me that she almost sent my brother to one of these schools without knowing what was going to happen I’m so sorry for those of you who went it is truly heartbreaking and I don’t understand how the people who started this are so greedy I’m so sorry once again it is absolutely awful
Remember to heal.
It IS possible.
Terrible that this happened to anyone.
Start your healing now so that you may indeed enjoy the remainder of your life.
I’m just watching this on Netflix and I’m so sorry you all had to go threw this. No one should ever go through what you all went threw
I can’t believe these camps are still open and nobody has charged anybody glad this one was shut down
I’m watching the documentary right now and I live about 2 hours from Ogdensburg and I never knew this place existed. I’m so sorry that this happened to these children. I do believe that any adult who worked there should be held accountable.
This school sounds like a knock off of the one I went to called the family foundation school for 4 years.
Whoever worked here should die in prison or never be able to to the light of day I just seen the documentary called the program everyone who went there I’m so sorry us went there and had to go through all that
This has blown my mind and the same time has not. Who is holding these adults accountable? I’m from NY and how can there be signed confessions and videos and these people walking free?! I commend everyone who survived this place!! To the woman who created this and those victims who went back to this horrific place to tell their stories you are hero’s and should be astoundingly PROUD of yourselves for speaking up! I have so much respect for those who speak out against their abusers. I wish you all closure and healing because that is some intense immersion therapy. I have been through some serious stuff but nothing compared to what you all prevailed. I wish I could tell each one individually who suffered these atrocities how amazing of a person you are. Sending much love from a former troubled teen a mostly adjusted adult who is completing a degree in psychology to help struggling adolescents, the right way. Much love. Stay strong.
I see so many people comment about going to this place but did you ever ask your parents why ? Cause if this happened to me I would have a hate towards them and want to know WHY?!
I Hope you came in hell !!!!
To those who wonder why kids were sent there
The truth is the parents have been lied to they thought this was the best thing for their kids but the kids were to scared to tell them otherwise. I don’t completely blame my parents for what happened they were also a victim in other ways. they sent their child in a 2000 dollar prison to “help” them.and what did the kids get? Ptsd and a hole in their wallets
I was involved at the riot on the boys side at academy at ivy ridge. When they saw me on the camera so they took me to the no-camera room, smashed my head against the wall, throw me, kick me on the floor. I remember my head being kicked over and over whilst on the floor
Just watched the documentary and these demons should go to prison. My heart goes out to all of you. Horrifying.
Just watched the Documentary. This is horrendous what they did to all of you. I can’t say how sorry I am for the trauma you went through. If you don’t already, GET a LAWSUIT. Against those bastards that did that to you. You have the proof. They left all the papers. And videos.
I had a traumatic childhood. But not like this. Find yourself a good therapist. I’m in my 40s and I have a teenage daughter. We can do better. Even if we didn’t receive the love we deserved. Look into EMDR. It’s a rapid eye movement therapy that works great for serious traumatic events. Hang in there. Keep going. We have to expose all the schools doing this to kids and teens. They should ALL BE SHUT DOWN!
These people tried to steal your light. But you made it though it for a reason. Remember that.
You can help others that went through this too.
My name is Antonio. I would like to set up a go fund me account to purchase this property and have all victims write a letter and set the building on fire.
I wish I can connect with most of you,,, I’m 39 an experience somewhat what yall experienced buy mine was in house an not through the system,,, it boils my blood for these Staff workers,,, I want 10 min alone with each of them, physically an all,, they need to pay… I’d love for us to be able to put them adults in our made up program,, an let them feel the same we felt…. if anyone wants to reach out or vent still,, I’d love to help bring these sick freaks down
I am so sorry for everyone who went here all the techers deserved to got to hell. And what were the parents thinking?!?!
Absolutely disgusting!! Those responsible should be prosecuted for abuse!! Children are a profuct of their environment their parents! I would never forgive my parents if they did this to me. All those files need investigating and charges bought against those scum!
I think my mum want to make me go to the program
Seeing documentaries on so many schools like this before easy access to information makes me think this is the reason some parents were so naive yet you never once went to visit even if they claimed it would be harmful. Red flag red flag. Im sure some of these parents as well were just as abused once realizing wtf they placed their kids in! Yet they do have partial to blame due to lack of gathered information before sending their children off with strangers!!!! These fucking monsters should all get the death penalty. You mean to tell me not one adult who worked for the programs seen this as abuse. Prisonersare treated better!!!
To the adults still trying to heal that inner child we see you. I hope getting your voice out loud and clear is top teir for you! We will definitely stand and fight with you.
I am an atheist but these staff members for EACH and EVERY academy deserve HELL.
Hey I didn’t go here but I have experience the same things as I kid I was sent away I was hurt and I still feel alone now so if u or anyone would like to talk or needs a friend my name is Mac my number is 463(867-4399)
I was one of the first female students to attend ivy ridge. It was hell living in this facility! Thank God we are finally being heard! FUCK IVY RIDGE!!!!
I am so sorry you went through this.
Guys! Wtf how is this still going on!!! Seriously. This blows my mind. How can “our country” do this to us
I don’t know where in these guys heads they thought treating them kids the way they did was rite like where I. Their head was that rite I would love to pay a visit to staff from that place nd it wouldn’t be a pleasant one I make them feel what you guys. Felt 10 fold im trying to talk to half the staff that worked their but their ignoreing me and not answering my phone calls pieces of shit
Just watched the documentary;
I hope yall sue each and every one of them- and if your parents sent you.. they are just as accountable.
I am thinking of you all.
Watching the documentary on Netflix about this school. As a parent im disgusted by how you all were treated. Every member staff needs to be held accountable for there parts in this. To The now adults that survived this horror hold your heads high you were failed by ppl who should of protected you, you’re brave you’re strong you’re fearless you’re loved. Love from across pond. Wishing you a full and happy life xxxxxx
SOB needs to have years if he makes it inside the no camera room……….
When I find George Tulip I will brutally torture and execute him on live for the people.
I just watched the Ivy Ridge documentary and with all the evidence left behind in letters and videos, why on earth are these people not being prosecuted for lords sake? Is it a statue of limitations issue or what? If I was a local prosecutor I would be all over those people! And why did parents not look into this place first? They had no idea what this place was about and still sent their kid there. History has taught us that any place that is a “behavior modification program” is a place that is often rife with abuse. Shame on everybody that had a hand in this atrocity.
Who was the nurse who worked at Ivy Ridge? She was mandated reporter and had a legal obligation to report the abuse she witnessed. So disgusting.
I feel emotionally empathy for all of you for all your time at this place.
I just saw the docometrery and yeah, Fuck this place
Unbelievable what you kids went through
I would absolutely love to find Jason Finlinson and Amy Ritchey and express my feelings about the school though the use of a bat, electricity, and surgical procedures for the hell they put those kids through.
God almighty, I just want to hug each and every one of you who were sent to this hell!! Please know you’re all in Mt thoughts and prayers!!
My daughter was there for 3 months in late 2006 to early 2007. She was 15 and acting out, sneaking out of the house, and my husband and I were afraid for her safety. I searched online for help for troubled teens and up popped Ivy Ridge . From what we read, and the people we
Spoke to conning us to send our daughter there it seemed like a dream come true. We were told that our daughter was going to be in a disciplined environment with group therapy everyday and individual therapy once a week. We really believed this would be best for her. We talked with her about this, and she agreed to go. We drove the 8 hours from Pennsylvania to Ogdensburg, talking about how our relationship with her would be so much better after the 3 months we agreed to send her there. We got there and all of the beautiful pictures of the great educational and therapeutic institution were not at all what we saw online. We brought her in and honestly I don’t remember the name of the women that did her intake. I just remember feeling panicky as they tried to get us to sign her up for a least a year. Financially we would have to figure out how we could do that, so we still only agreed to 3 months. Two young students were called in to give us a tour of this rundown cold old building. I was so sad, but still had hope that this would be the answer to all of her issues. When we were done with the tour we had to say goodbye to our daughter, as well as the other girls. We kissed our daughter and hugged her and cried telling her we would see her in a few months. We also hugged the other girls thanking them for the tour, and asking them to watch out for her. I think one of those girls was Alexa. She cried when we hugged her and said that she had not been hugged in over a year. We left there uneasy, and were told that it would be a while until we were able to speak to her. We were assigned someone to speak to regarding our daughter when we wanted to. From the moment we left I couldn’t stop crying, just having a bad feeling in my gut. For the weeks that followed I dug deep into the bullshit of these programs online. We were strongly encouraged to do these seminars, and when they told me that my husband and I would be separated when we got there,I knew that was shady. Why seperate us, when together we need to help and support our daughter. We never went. Then next month, only hearing about how she was not working the program. No one ever said a positive word about her. A little before the three months were up my heart and my gut would not let me rest, so my husband and I went to get her. About an hour from the school we told them we were coming and to have her things ready. They were not happy, and tried hard to get us to keep her there. When we got to see her for the first time we cried. She had gained ed 30lbs, was covered in acne and her hair was in a matted braid. I looked at again, cant Remeber her name and asked what the hell they had done to her. They couldn’t stop trying to make us believe that she was a horrible kid who needed to stay in the program. We took her to a hotel for the night before our long ride home. She looked in the mirror for the first time since we left her at Ivy Ridge, and she cried. Her feet were covered in athletes foot that they never treated. Needless to say that sending her to Ivy Ridge was the worst thing I,as a parent have ever done. It’s been years and I still cry when I talk about it. But this is not about me. It’s about my incredible daughter that had to endure a very traumatic time in her young life. For the rest of you victims of Ivy Ridge, rock on!! You are survivors!! You are incredibly brave and strong to speak out about all of the injustices that you lived through. I hope that everybody hears you loud and clear, and no more kids are subject to this abuse. CLOSE DOWN THE WASPS PROGRAMS,AND PUT THESE DESPICABLE PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR ALL THEY HAVE DONE!!
Holy hell…just learned about this place..soo hard to put in words. Hell has a special place for all the twisted people involved. That disgusting slob of a woman who molested kids…omg…unreal!! To all the kids who were the true victims, my heart goes out to..what a shame your weak parents just escaped their job…to parent and passed you on to a place like this..and paid for it !!!
What did your parents say when you got out? I hope you make them watch with you the Netflix series.
Why hasn’t the police bought charges? Keep after them. Make the pay. It was not school. It was abuse. I didn’t go there or any strict type school.
Sad- there are people who are predators and they convinced parents to give their children to them. Parents do you due diligence.
Upset me because these worker that abused these kids makes those of us that are in the field of helping kids harder. Also, not all facilities that are helping youth are like this terrible place. I work for a residential treatment facility and difference is it is a non-profit and accountability. We are accountable to a lot of people not just one person. We have a board and probation officers/caseworkers can come anytime to meet with youth and we contact doctors. If I walked in on youth mistreated I would stop it and be turning their ass in, and do a childline.
So please know there are residential facilities that are doing great things and helping youth we are not all like these trouble people that were in charge of keeping those kids safe at Ivy Ridge. This workers that were neglecting, physically, emotionally and sexually abusing these kids need to be held accountable.
I was at ivy ridge for 2 years 2003-2005. I never thought anything about this place or thought being there for 2 years had any effect on how I am now. 20 years later and watching the documentary on Netflix made me realize that this is the main reason I’m fucked. I even went to war in Afghanistan but I feel like my time at ivy ridge is the root of all my problems now.
My husband went here i believe in 2005 he was there when the riot went down and was one of the kids that escaped into the woods for awhile. If anyone knows of how to get the documents from ivy ridge he really wants whatever paper work they had on him.
Did any of the staff members go to jail?
How do we help hold these people accountable for their actions!!
These people NEED to be held accountable. I can’t even begin to imagine what is was truly like there even after seeing The Program.
I read that they were fined but not sure if any were brought up on charges. Not only should they be charged but the parents who sent their children there should be charged as well.
Maybe the “school” was classified as a private juvenile facility but that still wouldn’t justify the abuse these poor souls went through!
Just watched this documentary and I cried for you all, I hope ye get the justice you all deserve, you have been heard here in Ireland, my heart goes out to you all and I hope someday you will all find peace. Well done for highlighting this and I hope each of these facilities are closed for good.
George Tulip was working at Bridgeview, a sex offender treatment facility on St Lawrence Psych’s campus, as a SCTA when I was a charge nurse around 2012-2014. Similar levels and programming are still in place for the ‘residents.’
So so so so sorry that this happened to you. Those fuckers WILL be held accountable. God has something in store for them! Keep your head up and I will think and pray for you ❤️❤️❤️
These people need to be held accountable. They deserve prison sentences for abusing these children! I would have been a victim of one of these hell holes if my parents had money. My heart hurts for all of you 💔
Why aren’t these people in jail. Where is the justice.
So sorry this happened to you all. I never knew something so horrifying could exist. Smh
Omg I am so sorry you guys had to go though that I watched the documentary and I’m only a 16 year old teen and seeing this made myself put in your guy’s shoes it must have been terrible this is why I’m going to be a cop when I’m older and I’ll make sure to listen to teens and kids I want to make the world a better place and I hope I can be able to ❤️praying that you all recovered or are recovering ❤️🩹
I don’t think that this guy you are looking for in Ogdensburg would be too hard to find.
Omg I am so sorry you guys had to go though that I watched the documentary and I’m only a 16 year old teen and seeing this made myself put in your guy’s shoes it must have been terrible this is why I’m going to be a cop when I’m older and I’ll make sure to listen to teens and kids I want to make the world a better place and I hope I can be able to ❤️praying that you all recovered or are recovering ❤️🩹
Why is this man not behind bars? Everyone that worked in this facility should be prosecuted and serve time in jail. Horrific.
I wish I can connect with most of you,,, I’m 39 an experience somewhat what yall experienced buy mine was in house an not through the system,,, it boils my blood for these Staff workers,,, I want 10 min alone with each of them, physically an all,, they need to pay… I’d love for us to be able to put them adults in our made up program,, an let them feel the same we feltoiled
I just want to say I feel so much for all of the people who went through this horrible experience! Nothing like this to a person, child, etc should ever happen. The people who were involved in this need to pay the consequences, if anyone needs to talk I’m here!
I can not these sorry a$$HOLES traumatized those poor kids!!!
Any parent responsible for sending their child to this facility deserves to burn in hell for what they’ve done.
No forgiveness for this. None whatsoever.
I’m so sorry for what happened to all of you,,, I hope all these people involved get what they got coming,, I’m 39 as of Jan 3rd 2024,, if I can remember,,, my father wanted to send me to Job corp when I know i was under 21 through Syracuse ny we went to Syracuse FROM BINGHAMTON,,, an I backed out AN GOT COLD FEET
… And honestly i thank my father for that,, I do kinda realize that if my father at this time in my life I believe It was around Year 98 or in-between 2005 if my Fathers unknown about this…. he would of Definitely sent me her…. so today I’m 39 it’s 3/6/2024…. But when I was told but it was my father once again,,, ill explained the documentary story if I get higher ups to explain my story
I’m born an raised from town of hawletyon New york,, it just feels to close to home,, I don’t know whoms been charged or not,,, but I’d love to help confront an bring whom ever else needs to be exposed
I wish all the staff members would rot forever in their personal version of purgatory. I think they are all disgusting and should be held accountable and don’t understand why they have not been yet. The saddest part is that so many other places like this exist to this day and we will hear so many more stories related to those that have been shared from survivors of these “programs”. Disgusting
Pedophiles & children murderers. Shame on these people abusing of kids.
I live less than an hour from here and have never heard of this place. Anyone who thrives on mistreating others has serious problems. I, too would like to see the entire staff rot in hell. In addition to the staff being held accountable, these kids should be given a lifetime of therapy, apologies and compensation. Those who can still have their responsible parent in their lives are generous. I know, I would run far away from anyone who put me there. I wish these kids resiliency and the ability to have wonderful lives.
Has anyone heard from Brad from PA?
Somehow, some way my family is affiliated with this property for generations. The Catholic Church and Erie, Pennsylvania also sre connected. Im putting the puzzle pieces of association not just to this property but history of the areas, the wars with the Indians and land rights? Any info would be greatly appreciated for no one wants to talk or provide answers. I have spots in childhood i don’t remember completely. i am so sorry that the abuse has taken place. I am horrified such darkness went on
They should put all the employees in a black site prison for the way they abused those kids.
My heart goes out to all of you. Karma is a B**** and everyone involved with this program should be prosecuted. Sending hugs. ❤️
Wow finally we can all have our voices heard we were silenced beat sexually assaulted and choked to the point where I said to myself just kill me please I was 13 and while I got rear naked choked these fat fucks would try and put there fists right up our anal cavaties and say it will get deeper and you will be knocked out and wake and have such pain so I couldn’t even sit down without my ass being felt like I just had a broken ass and when I would try to go number 2 I would bleed and couldn’t push with out covering my own mouth to push because if they heard me hurting they would remove me from going number 2 without even wiping and I only had two shorts to change into and I was so embarrassed because they didn’t care if I smelled like poop and was bleeding they would say are you actively getting assaulted by students and when I said no I’m getting fucking closer and closer to death because of blood loss and being constepated ughh I want to make my voice known and I’ve seen the worst beatings to kids that I’m sure that there either mentally challenged or so scared they killed themselves I want justice I’m 35 yrs old and can’t ever think that one day I’m gunna get justice with my hands or legally through help of attorneys because I garuntee I will get to who I need to at a time that I’ve allocated to be in my favor to hurt for days and weeks until I put him on video or whoever is involved I know who is on my shit list and I I’m begging for anyone to help before I get everyone involved admit there wrong doings I got a very work ethic to make these assholes suffer because my asshole got punched like a fucking heavy bag
Wow finally we can all have our voices heard we were silenced beat sexually assaulted and choked to the point where I said to myself just kill me please I was 13 and while I got rear naked choked these fat fucks would try and put there fists right up our anal cavaties and say it will get deeper and you will be knocked out and wake and have such pain so I couldn’t even sit down without my ass being felt like I just had a broken ass and when I would try to go number 2 I would bleed and couldn’t push with out covering my own mouth to push because if they heard me hurting they would remove me from going number 2 without even wiping and I only had two shorts to change into and I was so embarrassed because they didn’t care if I smelled like poop and was bleeding they would say are you actively getting assaulted by students and when I said no I’m getting fucking closer and closer to death because of blood loss and being constepated ughh I want to make my voice known and I’ve seen the worst beatings to kids that I’m sure that there either mentally challenged or so scared they killed themselves I want justice I’m 35 yrs old and can’t ever think that one day I’m gunna get justice with my hands or legally through help of attorneys because I garuntee I will get to who I need to at a time that I’ve allocated to be in my favor to hurt for days and weeks until I put him on video or whoever is involved I know who is on my shit list and I I’m begging for anyone to help before I get everyone involved admit there wrong doings I got a very work ethic to make these assholes suffer because my asshole got punched like a fucking heavy bag at 13 fuck that hell on earth I’ll see u soon Jason
Why isnt this guy in jail, look at his pattern!!!!!
I was the for four months until I got switched to eagle point. I just wanna say fuck you Jason finlinson.
I was there for 4 months also half my life ago when I was 16. Was supposed to be there for 2 years but thankfully when my parents went to the first seminar, they realized that all they were doing was brainwashing kids. Also I agree, FUCK YOU JASON FINLINSON, AND ALL THE OTHER STAFF WHO FOUND IT AMMUSING TO HAND OUT PUNISHMENTS FOR THEIR OWN SICK AND TWISTED AMUSMENT. I HOPE THEY ALL ARE DEAD BY NOW OR DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH. (no that is not a threat, just wishful thinking)
I too was luckily only there for 4 months after my parents attended the first seminar, that place was absolute bulls hit and 16 years later it still affects my life. So thankful it closed, I’ve never felt so brainwashed and useless as I did for all 4montha there. I was so thankful for Mrs.penny as she was literally the only normal staff they had. I will forever be haunted by the place. I can still vividly remember worksheets, putting up 2 fingers to humiliate urself and go fart in a corner, walking straight lines and pivoting by around corners with my head down, getting 3minutes to take a shower in the most disgusting bathroom I’ve ever been in. I would love to find any female that was in the HOPE family in 2003.
I was there for eight months. Throughout the stay I was abused physically but, mainly, psychologically. I was “taken” by two guys the night before 10th grade started in northern Virginia–fairfax county. They came into my room and told me to go with them–I thought I was being kidnapped. I yelled for my parents, but they had previously discussed taking me. My parents did not research the program in full. The guys handcuffed me and drove me to ivy ridge, many hours in the car. When I got there I was a coin in Jason finlesons pocket. I spent days, weeks, in isolation–I can’t remember what they called it. There were fights in there. Finleson used to appropriate violence. The guards–violent individuals. I was beat up multiple times. Here is a link to the piece of shits Facebook. Everyone needs to get together to sue this scumbag. If a go fund me was set up for legal expenses I think many of us would gladly give.
Isolation was called study hall, I believe. Even tho all you did in there was stair at the wall.
Worst 14 months of my life. Realizing all the life issues that stemmed from this place. Glad this place is closed.
Peter I remember you. Jason finlinson was just a pawn of bob litchfield
Why do I find myself looking this up 20 sum years later????? Jason Finlinson, should pay me a large settlement for the immediate damage it did to my childhood and a monthly installment as well for never being able to just be “normal”… anyone else find it tedious to listen to people talk and your cheeks go numb with the fake smile all the while just wanting them to stop talking because your lost in your own head????
13mo of hell smh
If one or more of the survivors band together to fundraise for massive legal action against those involved in those horrendous acts, please share your GoFundMe or whatever broadly. I and many with me will donate what we can so that perhaps some of the perpetrators might face justice in the court of law and get to think over their actions in prison. Sending love from The Netherlands.
I was here for 13 months I still go through ptsd because of them my father was sick of cancer and they wouldn’t let me see him he passed away without me being able to say good bye when I found d out I was so distraught they locked me in a dorm room and fed me sandwiches told me to fix my behavior
I was there from 2004-2006, I rember the riot. By the time I got there I had already been in the Virginia correction system since 2001, & was pretty much numb to abuse. I stayed in & out jail until 2012 after serving 16 months for fighting a cop. I’ve stayed out of trouble for the last decade & have a job I enjoy at a medical supply facility, & support my mother who is recovering from heart surgery. All in all my life has dramatically improved, but I’m always going to be haunted by the experiences I’ve had, & by the things I’ve done, but at 33 years of age I feel like I’m a different person, the confused kid I was is now a memory.
I was there think 9th or 10th grade dead of fucking winter alarms would go off in the middle of the night I hated it with a passion parents took me out there after a couple months
I hope and pray you all get your justice and peace that you deserve. May God Bless you all. Thank you to the Brave souls who created, The Program on Netflix. This is a door to your closure. They will pay!!
Ryan where you in brave family??. Brad was the pale red headed kid you are talking about. Oh as I tried to send this I saw justin k post… yea I definitely remember everyone called it a goat nipple…. he shouldn’t have been there he needed special attention. Justin, Brave family??? I spent a lot of time with Brad, I was too young so I always got talking without permission and pretty much spent my 9 months in worksheets an OP…
This school has given me so much trauma – Jason – I’ve seen you body slam girls in worksheets – blood – bruises – and relentless taunting! How do you sleep at night?
I was there in 04 for 10.5 months..I can not tell you how ugly that place could be. They used to have each group of kids broke up into “familys” i was on the “respect family”…so much physical and emotional abuse there..I remember watching a “guard” choke out this boy probably like 15 years old because he wanted to be passed out..instead the guard broke every blood vessel in the kids face and probably just would Have killed him had he not stopped…just showing off his skills from the “coast guard”…on a 15 year old kid…my heart goes out to all the young men and woman that went there 🙁
They used to butt fuck us.
I was here for 1 year. What a bunch of bullsh*t.
Was their for a year place was a shit hole fuck that place and all the staff too!!!
LETS GET THESE MOTHER FUCKERS! Email me your stories, I got some HIGH CLASS attorneys on this!!!
Child molestors. Rapists. Child abusers. Kidnappers. Liars. Scum bag faggots.
Was there for 6 to 8 months I don’t remember.
Got transferred there as a level 5 from Jamaica.
I forgot to sign out of a test and they dropped me.
If I ever see that piece of shit Brett (don’t remember your last name) I will hurt you very badly mutha fuqqer.
My parents pulled me out because they thought it was bs that they dropped me.
I had friends here girls and guys but don’t remember the names anymore.
Hey i think I remember you is name Robby I think u were from Florida boca i remember when they dropped u to level 3 I was in the patriot family
Is that Cano!! Patriot family here !!!!
Hope family! Was there for a year. Sent here from csa. My mom died while I was here they came in the middle of the night flew me to Fl I attend her funeral in handcuffs n was sent straight back for another 5 months…
@R Paige, are you from Fl??
I went to this “school” for almost a year. It was a living hell and I am glad its been shut down. I just want to say: Fuck you Jason Finlinson.
I successfully escaped from AIR in 2003 on Christmas Day. Ended up turning myself in to avoid hypothermia and frostbite. My counterpart made it and never came back. What a wild ride that was. Respect family with Miss Kimmy. Crazy how local law enforcement covered it all up too. The corruption and abuse was rampant in this place.
Marc. I think I remember you man. I was in respect too around that time. I think I came in after you escaped on Christmas and you had to wear flip flops at all times if I remember.
I work with a few staff that worked there. Anyone remember a kevin lamora or Michelle sloly
2008 Success Family
Who was else was there summer 2008? July-August
Hey guys. I was brave family. I got out in 2002 right after Christmas. Dave mcabe, Josh, finlinson, George were all there. I hate burham. The fat piece of shit. Id love to run into him.
I was there for a year and was there for the riot fuck Finny that child molexting fuck. He better pray i never see him again. He deserbes to die for what he did to my roommate and his staff for beati’g the fuck out of me religously. Still see there faces in my nightmares and IM FUCKING 26 YEARS OLD!!!
Could you please contact me. You may get your day in court to face him and give a voice to all the kids the that he’s convinced others that he never hurt or abused any of them. I am gathering affidavits and those that want to personally testify also. Happening ASAP 315-605-8556 leave message
Please contact me too. Keep it anonymous.
Do you have any information regarding Jason Finlinson? I am the mom of a student that went to AIR 15 yrs ago!! That place permanently ruined my son’s life.
I am a victim of ivy ridge, this place has caused me severe panic attacks and nightmares in my adult life. I was there for 5 months and when I tried to pursue legal action I was told there was nothing I could do. Anyone else remember going to the bathroom with 30 ppl watching you? Only reason I got out was because of a Christmas letter I wrote to my family. I was only 12 years old. I wrote my Christmas letter all normal like everything was okay and halfway through I spilled the beans on how the place was run, and the abuse I went through. My mom showed up a week after receiving my letter demanding to see me. I was in intervention for 5 days for standing up and stretching on fucking christmas. These people need to pay, and if I ever see Finlinson in person idk what I’ll do but it wont be good.
I was in “Success”.
Is this Nick from NY?
Was here for one year and to this day this place still haunts my dreams the things I had to go through there no one should ever have to endure I’m very glad to hear that this place closed down I will soon be writing a book on this place along with the other facilities evolved with it as well. The only way I was able to escape that awful place was because they had left me untreated in sick bay with a ton of other sick children and with terrible living conditions struck deathly ill forcing them to call an ambulance. Once again I am truly sorry for those of you who had to go through this awful place. I am now 27 btw and that was 12 years ago
I was at Casa by the Sea for 11 months until the riot and when it got shut down. Then went to transfer to AIR and was there for 2 yrs. it was hell. The way the staff manipulated the parents and us kids… How every action was judged as if we were wrong about every little thing we did. The only way to get out of this hell whole was to basically snitch on our peers and give one another harsh feedback to make eachother feel lower then we had already probably felt. No wonder why I was there for so long because I never felt like it was my place to judge anyone or tell on anyone for that matter. The seminars we had to do were complete bullshit and once again we had to basically fake our way through those as well. If you didn’t cry hard enough or call yourself a slut or say you were raped or beaten then pretty much it was a no go to graduate. No wonder why a lot of us are so emotional because that’s pretty much what were programmed to think we had to live our lives….. I understand a lot of us were not perfect at home but there’s are other ways to discipline your child and sending them off and having complete strangers raise them is not one of them… What a waste of my dad’s money and what a waste of 3 fucken yrs. I got home and did 10 x worse and now feel like my self esteem has definitely demolished since AIR. I fight my battles everyday . Iim so glad people are finally seeing theses places for what they really are!
Everything you said was app true. Every word u said was the best way to explain this place.
Hello, I am a co-host of a podcast Crime in the Dark, we want to do an episode on Ivory Ridge Academy and schools like it. We want to shed light on what has happened here. We have watched the documentary and are absolutely heartbroken that something like this can go on and nothing be done. We understand some of the schools are no longer open. However the person who has opened them or the people who have done wrong haven’t been brought to justice.
If you’d like to share your story please feel free to message us. You can be anonymous or not. We have had some people tell us their stories and we would love to hear more.
It was disastrous to my life to go here. From being the least favorite child to being sent here and then to have my sister say she was the one who was traumatized!? I’ve been in a room for days straight just for being acknowledged in one of those dumb focus groups where I was written a poem and the leader said it was ok but the family leader thought it to give me attention. I was in a closet with my bunk mate while she drank bleach to kill herself and was only 14 and didn’t know what to do. The thought of joining her ran through my mind. Another bunk mate made a run for it only to be caught and sent away while I was stuck in a room for days with minimum water and food and bathroom breaks. I wasn’t allowed any of my medication and wasn’t allowed to speak ever. When I did speak I only said what they wanted to hear to make my case “I was healed”. I was defeated and even now I struggle with my emotions and connections to my family and friends. I trust no one. This is no way to live. I have my dog as my only true companion in this life. I was even married and lashed out at him bcuz I am so disturbed. I am now alone and in school but this distancing is murderous on a soul.
I remember being one of the first there. I remember Carson this little guy being there for like 2 years and John white being some south Carolina trustee. I got pulled in 90 days…I still have nightmares of this place.
I remember those 2 kids I was part of the original family ISO you remember them beating the shit out of that kid brad from Pennsylvania on a daily basis
I remember like yesterday. I was in courage family.
I was in courage when i first got there. Anyone remember dave lee or vidus ?
I remember brad and Carson! I was in Patriot before they split. Then went to freedom or some shit. I was there 13 months! Fuck AIR
I remember that Carson kid as well he had been there a long time and they demoted him while I was there In 2001/2002 I knew then that the place was a sham. I also remember there was a kid that had either slight autism or some sort of mental disability. The teachers would antagonize him to the breaking point and he would inevitably end up in solitary confinement. The worst part of it all is the other students would join in and make this poor kid with a disability go over and over the edge just to watch him kick and scream.
I never minded the militaristic style this place embodied, just the utter disrespect that came from a majority of the staff. I spent over 9 months there and escaped three times spent months in solitary confinement.
I didn’t walk away from that place thinking it had helped in anyway just glad to be done with the nightmare….. if anything it hardened me for life.
His name was brad. Tall red head kid? I remember they made him lay in that room on his stomach for so long. He developed a huge bump on his chin.
Time to sting back my fellow survivors.
I was there in the pride family in the original dorms in 2003 2004.. place was horrible. I am 28 years old now. I have never trusted people after I left there.
i was there 02-03 freedom to pride family
I was here in 2004.. Respect family. This place made a monster. The staff treated us like animals, talked to us all kinds of ways. I’m happy to hear this place is closed down.
I was there for 246 days 04-05. Freedom family then brave. Fuck that place. I fill my glass above the line all day. Fuck you Jason Finlinson!
Faxtz i was there 2004 i got into multiple fights and i apologize to my peers in there. That place was living hell for me i got transfered to bootcamp academy down in Mississippi. Just kuz the staff there were tired of me fighting all the time.
I was at Ivy Ridge for 579 days. I cannot describe the emotional and physical damage inflicted. Even at the age of 30 I have nightmares. The greater trauma is the lack of social development during key years of my adolescence and the requirement to become an emotional abuser in order to survive. The struggle is in silence, unable to connect with people who can relate to the abuse inflected by Jason Finlinson and his cohort of under qualified, authoritarian staff. I was glad to have come across this site. Thank you all for posting. I am disappointed the State of New York did not file criminal charges against Jason for his abuse towards children. 1,000s of accounts of abuse. I would love to have my day in court to hold him accountable.
If you have personal experience or eyewitness of Jason Finlinson abuse, please contact me. He is trying to get custody of his kids after his ex-wife left him because of his abusive ways. Just when it looked like she would keep kids after 3 yr custody battle she was in a car accident and he got tempory custody. The judge needs to know who he really is and she is now disabled but able to care for kids. Need help if you know anyone else this is a plead for help ASAP phone# 3156058556
plz leave message
I attended Ivy Ridge for a year. Alot of what is being said is true and the place was mentally abusive and I believe was just trying to take my parents money. I did not witness beatings but did witness restainings and they did deprive students of food and only fed them bread cheese and water if they did not comply. Glad it was shut down and exposed.
I worked as an electrician there and I may have met you it is hard to believe all of these posts but I’m sure they are credible
What year?
Went to Ivy Ridge in 02′. Fucked up place! They mind fuck you! Miss a friend I made there name Paola. 29 now and still screwed up over that hell hole!
I was in there for one year and cas by the sea for two years.kills me that some of these places are still open.
I went there for a short duration of 3 months back when I was 17 years old. Im 30 now. I Stopped having nightmares about ivy ridge probably 4 years ago. Placed caused some serious problems. On a side note… I am a proud father, have a fiancee that I love, and lead a good career. But its lacking something… ALEXEI YOU PIECE OF SHIT. SCUMBAG ASSHOLES LIKE YOU WERE JUST AS WORSE AS THE PEOPLE RUNNING IT.if you ever see this I HOPE you DIE.
Ive since had many psychological issues since my stay at Ivy Ridge. Was in only 4 months and got out thankfully to get the treatment I needed, since I was placed in the wrong environment to begin with (my parents were convinced by Jason that they could help with my issues with an eating disorder). I was abused and ridiculed daily, and witnessed myself as well as other get beat and abused to the point mental instability. I got out thankfully due to the phyciatrist there. To this day im scarred from it all, and even though I got a lot of shit, i hope those in with me are all ok. I was in the Success family, 06′, from August to December. I only found this page because I was just reminicing on all the horrible things ive gone through with friends, and wanted to see if others had felt the same about rhis place. Im glad its gone, and wish i could reverse that all.
we have a facebook group:
hope to see you there!
I live in Ogdensburg, NY. The town in which AIR was located. I’m very interested in more information, and speaking to some former students. I am compiling testimonies for a potential documentary. If anyone would be willing to share some experiences with me please email me at Thanks.
i was one of the last students to leave [ hell on the earth]
WWASP thank you for close it.
Mat as in Mateo (spelling?), tall and dark hair?
Mat as in Mateo (spelling?), tall and dark hair?
I’m the one who contacted New York about their lack of accreditation among other things. We went down in Thanksgiving day with the state police and removed my husband’s daughter who had been sent their by her mom. The stories we were told by her short stay there were awful! Jason Finlinson showed us false paperwork used by our daughters mom to get her into the place. We pushed hard against the State and city of Ogdensburg New York and helped to close them down.
Billy Armstrong, I remember you, I was the other kid you are talking about…. I wasn’t 16 I was 13 when you got there I was 12 when I came there… had my 13th birthday there… holy shit I’m going to try to look you up… surprised you remember I had Matt’s book ad photos….
I hope this story gets so big they find everyone involved and get those mother fuckers ! I hope every news channel makes a big deal about this story and these people actually go to jail
I was at this shit hole 2003/2004 and I live a night mare everyday from this place thank god it’s shut down and no one else can go thru what we did! Place was a torture when I was there I was with in the computer room doing schoolwork I need to kids from a different family jumped out the window and they ran down towards the St. Lawrence River and they only got so far take one for remember right it was hiding in the pick up truck and I can’t remember the other night when they came back to the school I saw them in the hallways and they were bleeding they got beat so badly that your kneecaps are bleeding and I can barely walk that was the last time I ever saw them. There’s been other nightmare stories of that place I can go on and on and on but This pos Jason Finlinson can rot in hell and I’m coming for him
Me and my little bro were in there from 04-06. I was in courage and he was In brave. The riot was crazy. I remember I was the one watching for the fire alarm to go off In dorm one. (I was in dorm 2) Then I screamed riot and started slamming doors. My boy tremaine punched a window out and the rest started shattering like dominoes. That night I won’t ever forget. Randy Garvey is another scumbag I would love to get my hands on. Short little mullet having bitch he was. I was there for 15 months and my brother was for 2 years. I went to pc2 right after I turned 18 as level 5 on probation lol. It was in Atlanta, i never came back. I got kicked out of the seminar right before it even started. Cursed out the manly shrek looking bitch who ran the seminars and walked out.
I remember Carson..and John…..and Bill…Brad from Pennsylvania.. the kid who could apparently talk to inanimate objects….Anthony…the Asian kid who barely spoke….why is it all coming back to me now after soooooo many years.I was there from 02-03.
I was the 13th kid that enrolled in this school. This place was like a living nightmare. Kids were molested, beaten, humiliated, embarrassed, traumatized, pushing 14 year olds to wanting to kill themselves by drinking bleach or slitting their wrists. They would slam kids on their face, make this fat grown man sit on your hands and feet, the stories go on. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
If anyone is needing my testimony, email me
I was there from 2002-2004. Cant remember which familys except for courage. Do remember dom Bolella, Dave Lee, Darius Graves and Vidus. Also remember Gordon. Do remember george tulip and Finlonson messing up this one kid (i think his name was russell) after he ,dave lee and i were planning on escaping. They took him to the room on the upstairs boys dorm right by where the stairway was and roughed him up before sending him to casa by the sea.
I remember big Darius! Russell was my roommate before the sent him away.
I was in the unity family.
I was there during the roit. I remember the alarms going of and I knew half the kids that got charged during it.
I remember alot 9f the kids I met there. Alot of messed up things happened to me and others. Study hall was a hellish place.
I wish no as an adult I could sue these people get pain and suffering for me and the other victims. The company the hired the guys to kidnap me in the middle of the night to be taken to a school like that for starters is just insane to do to a child. Jason Finlayson, I spelled last name wrong probably, is a terrible human and deserves jail.
Any one who remembers me or was in during that time contact me. 9066758534
Please let us know what we can do (write letters to lawmakers etc) to make sure these monsters are held accountable for their acts of terror against children.
I was there in 04, spent my first 3months in complete isolation crying non stop. Up to that point, I’d never felt despair like that in my life . The seminars really fucked me up emotionally. Many of us who had never really done anything bad prior to going in really went downhill after being released from that hellhole. One of the girls from my “family” which was hope btw, ended up dead from an overdose while pregnant… and she as one of the good ones too. There was a house mom I think her name was Jessica she was a marine Or a reserve I think.. that was the only person in that place that showed any real humanity towards us everyone else on staff treated us like animals… Ms Ritchie tried I guess
I was there then, I arrived in December 03 and left in February 05…I was in Excellence but then moved to another family that I don’t remember the name of. I’ve blocked out so much it’s weird to read all of this.
Thank you. I’ve been sick to my stomach for weeks reading all these things. I hope you know that I would never have turned a blind eye to any of this, had I known. I am so sorry you ever went through this.
I was in “Success” I wanna say the “counsellors” name was Cathy?, I remember crying while laying down on my jailhouse paper thin disgusting bed at night missing being home with my friends and family, and they put me on “suicide watch” for crying. Imagine not being allowed to show human emotions, or getting thrown in “study hall” for falling asleep while on their fraudulent schooling program that screwed kids out of their high school diplomas. This place was worse than most prisons in our country. If anyone remembers the name of that piece of shit staff from study hall…the one that would bring in McDonald’s and stuff his disgusting fat face let me know…i remember having oatmeal with no sugar every morning, and peanut butter sandwiches for thanksgiving/christmas dinner. Fuck that place, and fuck every staff member that caused so muany psychological problems for its occupants. I pray they all end up in prison, or worse. Ivy Ridge needs to be turned into a fucking movie that’s how bad it truly was. Jason Finlinson needs to be hardcore exposed all over the news for the trauma caused. We all need to come together and do something so we can get some sort of closure/justice.
Was in this place for 6 months from November 2001 to April 2001. Place was fuckin crazy. I remember I was 12 the youngest other kid was 16! He was matt Hoffman cuz . Glad I made it out!
Does anyone remember a Jeff Lightner at Ivy Ridge? He was a good friend of mine growing up and was sent there in ’04 I believe…sadly he passed away a few years ago. I just saw the Times review for the new book “Troubled” and it made me think of him. Thanks.
This awful place nearly ruined my life. I was abused neglected and this gives me the chills looking at that mans face, Jason. I’m lucky I’m alive and have an extra shot at life after suffering from depression anxiety substance-abuse challenges that occurred after the abuse I suffered at this awful place . Luckily I have a husband who never experienced Any of those things. Thankfully I have three children and was strong enough to get over that PTSD that this place caused me
I went there in 04-05 after casa by the sea closed down. Luckily I turned 18 and got to leave. If you’re from there during my time add the insta @adamthe1stborn. Pride family!
I was there early 2001 ? I think. I want to say brave family. I remember a tall red head kid named Brad that was always tortured by staff. Colin fhe pen spinner, Stavros, Rob Finkleday with the clap. My uncle on Christmas looked at my mom and said even murderers in prison get to call their families on Christmas. Something clicked and she came and got me. My dorm dad was an Hispanic guy named Josh and there was also a fat piece of shit. Like giant gross piece of shit id love to run into. Most of all fuck you Jason and all the other staff that helped run that concentration camp. After I left we went to the police immediately and got the ball rolling of closing this place. Contact me at
I attended Ivy Ridge Academy when I was roughly ten or eleven years old for two to three years. My memory is hazy since I’ve repressed a lot of what happened to me, but my time there left a gaping hole in my heart and copious traumas that, to this day, I haven’t been able to fully recover from.
I was in the Honesty Family. I was beaten repeatedly by teens older than me, sexually assaulted close to 60 times, and at night I never got any sleep because my four roommates would sneak out of bed between the shifts of staff walking up and down the halls to slap me in the face as hard as they could, gag me with their underwear, and either hit me or grope me or… rub… on me. As time went on, it escalated. If I fought back, I got in trouble. I was body slammed and had my face smashed against the concrete floor, arms twisted and sprained while staff members laughed. John Free, one of the most disgusting humans I’ve ever met, actually offered to help me if I would perform oral and let him have penetrative sex.
Keep in mind, I was like an eleven year old little kid and he was an adult in his thirties or forties. It terrified the living hell out of me, but when I said no, he started harrassing me from that day forward. He doctored my emails home, changed what I was sending to my parents when I begged them to come help me, and hs intentionally allowed the teenagers around me to use me, as well as a slightly older Vietnanise or Portuguese boy named Marcus Veison, as stress relievers and punching bags. I was quite literally raped anally every single time he was on shift. I was forced to shower with the same people each shift he was on at night, and he would stand watch while they did it. Twice, he actually had one of the students keep watch while he joined in. It hurt. I’ll never be able to forget how bad it hurt, or the feeling of his hand covering my mouth while I screamed and bit and thrashed, or his laughter, or the razors the other guys were brandishing at me.
I was hurt, over and over again, and eventually I gave up on wanting to live and started fighting back, even if it got me killed. I was body slammed, strangled by the staff, I wound up in study hall and isolation and slept without caring. A lot more happened, but in all honesty, I got out because John Free, the staff member, looked at me with this… degrading expression one study hall and asked, “why didn’t your mom just swallow you?”
I told him, “why didn’t yours swallow you?”
He puffed up his chest said, “don’t talk about my mother, you little faggot.”
And in front of an entire room full of boys in study hall, I blacked out, picked up my chair, and smashed it against his face as hard as I fucking could. He seemed stunned, then he lunged at me and tried to break my neck. He literally strangled me so bad I had bruises for three weeks.
I don’t remember much after that. I was kept in an empty hall for weeks, only given mountain dew and some kind of salt broth, and one day my mom just showed up with my step dad. I was so overjoyed to see her that I started singing that one guy’s song from the auditorium, “this is the end isn’t it, I’m walking out those doors in a bit” and burst into tears.
I passed John Free on my way out for the last time. His face was purple and ugly. Some guy whose name I can’t remember told me I did serious damage to his face. I remember just looking at him, then looking at John Free, then back at the guy and saying “he deserved it” before walking away.
I never healed from those events. I never got proper justice. It left a huge psychological impact on me that, to this day, has affected my happiness, relationships, and mental health.
My parents didn’t want to hear about what I went through. I was told “no horror stories from Ivy Ridge” the second I was in the car, and that, to my 13 year old mind, was like being told I wasn’t cared about. That my folks didn’t care about my pain or what I’d gone through.
After that, I was locked in a shell that nobody was capable of breaking. I was already troubled before Ivy Ridge, but after, I devolved into a psychological nosedive because I literally did mot give a shit about anyone or anything. I was sent to different institutions after AIR, better ones, but I was closed off to outside help since I trusted absolutely nobody. Not my family, not my teachers, not anyone.
It took me twelve years to even start healing from the damage inflicted me during my time in that hell hole. Hell, I’m thirty this year and I’m still embittered and hurting over what was done to me. It wasn’t right.
But I guess in real life, the bad guys don’t always lose. In real life, sometimes they get away with it and people like me are left to pick up the pieces.
I am so sorry. So, so sorry. This is all heartbreaking and I truly hope each of you finds some sort of justice against these disgusting individuals.
Is this “John Free” you were talking about, the same John Free who has been a high school sports coach at Ogdensburg, Heuvelton, and Gouvenor?
He lives in Utah, Salt Lake City now and works at Layton construction!!!
Amy Ritchie lives in Ohio and works as a financial advisor for trinity financial advisors llc
John Free is a scumbag. Holy shit. How is this bastard working as a coach???? look at the comments on this video! How is this man is working with youths in schools as a gym teacher! He should be in prison!
Does anyone know where I can find a list of the staff members that worked there in “04-05”?
Communita Cenacolo in St. Augustine Florida is a cult too. Pass it on.
ben there for 3 years
I don’t have to tell any of you how wrong this was. My heart breaks for you all! The people who did this to you need to be brought to justice. There is NO excuse for the way you were treated! Words cannot express how sorry I am to hear of those that went through this. I will never understand how anyone could think this was the right way to deal with children. Fight for justice. You deserve justice. Although, I doubt there is really any justice to be had. Even if every person who was involved in this disgusting program, is sentenced to life in prison it is not justice enough. You are all in my prayers for healing, for justice, for the knowledge that there are people who truly care about you even if we don’t know you.
I’m from Scotland and there is no way on this earth my mum and dad could have ever sent me to a place like this! They definitely may have wanted to the only comparable here is boarding school. America need to look after their children an stop giving them away to abusers an pedos why is there even an option like this for parents? Teens are known to be difficult If you are unable cope with that don’t have children / paying thousands of pounds to give your children away! Disgusting
All staff members need to be exposed and held accountable!!!!!!
Problem solved we find these teachers and staff members and while they’re innocently living there life when there back is turned 9mm to the head ethically sounds right I don’t think it’d be a problem as they didn’t see a problem with what they were doing justice will be served…
I hope he’s in prison or going there.
what a disturbing documentary. I am so sorry for all that you guys went through. As a mom with a difficult daughter, I have definitely googled a place I might send her when she was younger. Reading this makes me thank god I never acted on it
I’m not a survivor nor involved in any way with this. I stumbled on this page after watching the first few minutes of the Netflix documentary to look up what caused AIR to close and what information I could learn about what happened at the riot. I am an educator with a degree in psychology and I have worked at residential treatment facilities but none were even close to this. We had strict regulations and checks in place so situations of abuse were prevented. (Although I’m not naive to say that nothing out of line never happened, but based on graduate student reports of what happened during their time there, they do not report anything like what I’m reading here.). So this has naturally piqued my curiosity, and not because I’m a voyeur caught up in a Netflix drama trying to be nosey. I want to help. I am truly sorry to all the victims of abuse. I’m sorry for what you went through, what you are still dealing with, and that you still feel helpless to hold your abusers accountable.
As an educator, I’m a mandated reporter. I will be reporting this today. I want to make the state aware that so many documented cases of abuse exist on this one single website. This is not meant to out you, as I don’t feel that they can identify you by first name only anyway. This is because I want to do something to start an investigation on these abusers, since many of you stated that you do not have financial means to sue. Being newly informed of what went on at these places, I’m not sure if you have tried and not been successful with contacting police or lawyers on these matters. I imagine that when you are trying to get through the day as a trauma survivor, that is enough and it’s not easy to revisit dark places.
Going forward, I would encourage you to unite and speak to a lawyer. I guarantee someone would take this case on pro bono. This is a slam dunk case given there are countless willing testimonies readily available in conjunction with the information from the extensive research done in the Netflix documentary. (Like I said I’m only a few minutes into episode 1 so perhaps there will be court proceedings in a later episode). But anyone who wants to hold their abuser accountable can discuss their case for free with a lawyer as a free consultation. I would keep meeting with lawyers for free consults until you find someone who will have a heart and help.
You could also reach out to the police. I’m sure for some that does not feel like a safe place sometimes. If you tried to go to the police in the past and were brushed off, you can hold those people accountable now too. “There’s nothing we can do” is NOT an acceptable or appropriate response. Quite frankly, that’s bullshit. I say that with some authority having the professional experience I do.
I see a few people mentioned setting up a GoFundMe. If you cannot find legal representation that will do this pro bono, please post again with more information. If I need to set up the GoFundMe for you, I will. I’m not sure how to do that though, so perhaps someone with more experience could help and expedite the process. You deserve to feel whole again. You deserve to look these abusers in the eye and let them know how they destroyed you. You deserve to have your day in court. Remember, you were told there that you were helpless and your life didn’t mean much, but you are NOT helpless and you matter. I know I don’t know you, but I feel that so many of you need to hear that. Don’t give up. If random people like me who never comment on anything feel compelled to speak up after reading so many of your heart breaking stories, there are more people out there that want to help than you realize. You are not alone.
I’ll be checking back on this site regularly to stay updated. If anyone wants to share if they had any success with finding a lawyer, setting up a GoFundMe, etc, I will keep an eye out. I will also keep following up with the NYS Children & Family Services to light a fire under getting these abusers investigated.
Personally, I think that maybe these behaviors are due to parenting. I also believe that if you don’t teach them, they’ll find someone who will.
Whomever went to this school and was traumatized “ I am sorry” you went through that abuse. You all didn’t do nothing wrong these incompetent, evil, mean and sorry motherf€€CKERS . If you’re in therapy awesome if your not get into therapy it helps !!
I started watching this last night, but within about 10 minutes, when I saw this poor little boy being attacked in a room by one of the adults, I had to immediately turn it off. I felt sick to my stomach and so very very very sad…. I want to say to that poor little boy that I don’t think I’ll ever forget what I saw and he will be in my thoughts every day. I wish I had the chance to tell him how sorry I am and that I hope he knows that people all over the world are disgusted and angry about what has happened…. I really am heartbroken about it….
If anyone has a staff list I would fucking *love* to have something done about these people
I think about this place everyday. It’s ruined me as a person threw and threw. Sept02′- 03′. I went home bc of a large hernia that ripped threw my groin.I was pissing myself everyday and night bc I could control my bladder. The screaming everyday was the worst. It’s like I’m right there in the flash of a moment. I just can’t seem to move on. My parents even add this to the list of my failures and we’re disappointed they had to come get me and didn’t graduate and wasted their money etc. And I’ve just lived like this everyday. I have to talk myself out of suicide everyday.All I’m told is to stop complaining and get a job. My life sucks. I watched the documentary and all I wanted to do was instantly off myself. I won’t bc I feel like I’ll fuck that up to some how. Did I mention I was adopted too threw even shaddier circumstances…check out Gittleman adoption scandal. My parents bought me and my sister for $2500.00 from a guy cornering young women into giving their children up for adoption all expenses paid some 10 plus at a time in trailers untill the birth of their children…really sadistic shit. Like really loving people right?
I’m so sorry
I’m sickened after watching this documentary. The abuse you all went through is heartbreaking. I pray that you all get justice and I hope they hold every person who worked there accountable for their actions.
I can’t believe that with the records that were found at the abandoned hellhole AIR and the video evidence hasn’t been enough to get these people put behind bars
My heart goes out to each and every one of you who attended these places ❤️ keep your head held high!
Appreciate your knowledge and strength. Embrace opportunity to live life to the fullest now… from a distance. Hold steady💞
This comment is to Jason. You are a peice of shit, I assure you that before your sorry excuse of a life comes to an end you will either see a jail cell or wish you could see a jail cell. You are a coward and a child abusing bully!
I’m from Ogdensburg and I am appalled and enraged about what happened at Ivy Ridge. I left the area in 1999 so I was not living there when the school was open, but my parents still live there so I visited multiple times a year. Locals must have known to some extent what was going on because it is a very small town and people talk. That is what is so disgusting and maddening – how could so many people stay silent? I urge the survivors to publish a full list of staff that worked at Ivy Ridge so they can be exposed and held accountable. It may be too late for criminal charges but we can all hope that their day of reckoning is coming whether it be through loss of employment, family, friends, status, etc. I will never look at my hometown the same again. I watched “The Program” on Netflix and it is one of the best documentaries I’ve watched in a while. I applaud all those involved for speaking out so bravely. Please know that we believe you!!
I went to a school similar to this one…. called Oak Park, in Pinellas park FL. Only difference is that we didn’t live on the campus. Seems to be a theme for the early 00s. Money for “bad” kids in these mini jails. Insane to see other kids never even got to go home.
Thank you Katherine for your bravery in speaking and raising awareness to everyone.
I’m sorry for all the modern Holocaust all the survivors went through. Watching the Netflix documentary will save many lives. I hope all the members of the staff pay for what they have done. RAISE YOUR VOICES!
If any survivors do not have access to healthcare services and need a provider I am a licensed therapist and will be happy to do some probono work. If you google my name you may reach me via contact information on Psychology Today. I wish you all healing and strength.
Many legals on here are reaching out to get these bastards – please read the comments and contact them – get your days in court and have these monstors bought to justice!! dont let them get away with it!
I’m Australian and I have been studying this horrible place. As I think they still run here in Australia under a new institution. Everything every student states of abuse are the exact same types of abuse at this Australian institution.
I can not imagine what these poor children went through. No words. Disgusting human beings! Allowing this to happen!
All the staff should be in prison. They tortured raped lied and sexually abused children. I support the survivors. How the hell did the parents get brainwashed. If I went to this hell hole I would find away to escape a constantly create a riot. How did state police and officials allow this to continue with mountains of evidence.
I want to know how I can help your organization
For real i’m pissed off, why the fuck are this people not in jail. What in the fuck makes that possible ??? Seriously something has to be done to this fucking assholes man.
I live about 30 miles from this shit hole. When it was open all I ever heard was that it was for troubled teens. Never heard about any abuse or anything that went on inside. I guess when most of the staff was involved mum was the word. I never went by it much but when I did I never saw anyone outside, now I know why.
It’s sad that no outside agency of any sort checked up on it. I don’t care if it was a private company running it, it involved a lot of children and someone somewhere should have been responsible to see that it met standards and not a pedophile abuse center.
I hope the Netflix documentary gets enough attention from around the world 🌎 to bring those still alive to justice and long prison terms.
I haven’t watched the documentary yet, however as a mama… especially one who has buried a child…
1) the fact these parents sent these poor children here in the first place makes me cringe, to say the least.
2) this truly shows the evil in this world and I’m so sorry for all of you who had to experience this torture and abuse. I’m sure it has left life long damage. No child deserves to go into adulthood traumatized like that. You guys are truly strong and survivors. I hope that the possibility of loving yourselves and healing is still possible. My heart goes out to all of you. I’m not even sure if I can handle watching it.
Okay so I just watched the trailer for the first time and it put me in tears. I don’t know if I can even handle watching this torture that all of you endured. I’m so sorry you guys. How did they get away with this for so long? This makes me so sick to my stomach. I can’t imagine living it. It’s traumatizing to me thinking about all of you who attended this legitimate hell.
Who was the woman who molested I’d like to know her name if she is still up in that area someone could pay her a visit what a nightmare I’m sorry you all went thru this, reminds me of some rehabs and not being able to contact your family and friends just so isolating thank you for opening my eyes to many reasons I have issues like social anxiety and panic attacks. It all makes sense now.
These people and these victims definitely brought the residential school systems into the mainstream light. What these poor kids went through for a few years was only a small amount of what poor indigenous children went through for decades. Persecution, starvation, dehumanization, Rape… and murder. Broken children. Broken families. It’s so sad to see what people can do to other people. And children.
Somebody should be held accountable. But.. to be held accountable they’d have to know how it felt to be a child.. in that situation.. and why..
why were they being treated that way..
what did they do?
Why was there nobody there to care? Where was the one who was supposed to be there to love them?
Why are there so many people now who really don’t have an empathetic bone left.. 🙁
I cant believe the life long trauma caused from this place to everyone who endured it. I’m so sorry, I hope you heal and remember always you are enough. I wish to those a great life that they so deserve
I just watched the first episode of The Program documentary. I live in Upstate NY and am astonished how few people have heard of this “school” given how toxic, destructive, and clearly evil it was. I hope the documentary will change that. The fact that jail was described as a place of freedom in comparison to Ivy Ridge says it all.
I know how difficult it is to recover even from moderate trauma, so I can’t fathom the pain of healing from the kind of severe damage that inflicted on CHILDREN at this terrible place. No wonder so many who survived are still numb and/or having nightmares 15-20 years later.
My heart goes out to all of you!
You know what’s crazy, this shit is still happening even after all the evidence and everything that’s how you know the higher ups in our own industry run this entire shit. And nobody ain’t doing shit to stop it because these mfs have deep connections with our government.
This experience in my life has held me back and seems like it will forever
I just watched the netflix series The Program from The Netherlands, im in shock and just wanted to sent a message to give you all a digital hug. I have no real words to say because i feel no words will do right in this situation. I hope seeing other people reach out and say this isnt right at all give some sort of support to those who need it. I hope the rimple you guys started will become a wave over the world. A wave off people who say No More
Hello, I am from Ogdensburg too. I am shocked hearing about this . I have an update. John Free has been charged with 2nd degree murder for killing a Heuvelton, N.Y. 58 yr old male. He is now in jail without bail. Dale
I attended AIR for 28 months. It was a horrible place and the only reason I even got out was because I got so sick and sent to a doctor in Syracuse which then called my mom and said I couldn’t stay there and I needed to be seen by healthcare professionals immediately. I spent a majority of my time there as a level 1 with 0 points because I just couldn’t work the program. Only reason I ever got any points was because Eric Snow had me cut the grass for the whole summer twice a week. I’d love to see where my life would have ended up if this place wasn’t in my past
I went into this program in 2001 and i was in there with the girls that was in the documentary on Netflix i got out in 2008. it was hell. i saw the girls hurting and it was hurting me. i also saw it change over the years… the reason why i was in there was because i keep fighting.. my parnets got mad with the program and made me graduate.
Th we kind of crimes are still occurring under the guise of long term Behavioral health programs. I worked at one in my area for 8 months and the staff abuse the kids on all levels like these programs. When you stand up, speak out and hotline to the state you are retaliated against, threatened and fired or forced to quit. These places are insurance scammers. The documentary on Ivy ridge validated me as a care provider and what I experienced at the facility I worked at. The company I worked for needs exposed and investigated. The model is exactly like this. This disgusting abuse and greed needs stopped. They are ruining lives scamming people. It breaks my heart. I am grateful you all are speaking up and exposing this. Doing something good with their bad.