Declarative Statement
As a 34 year old man still constantly tormented by and in intensive therapy for CPTSD, as well as having to seek intensive medical treatment for infertility, I honestly feel it is my duty to share my story with survivors of, and potential victims/parents of teens who are troubled.

I was sent to Cross Creek center for boys just after 9/11. My story is probably a lot like most of yours, I was not the typical completely out of control teenager, more so the angry, confused, hormone driven, average teenager. I was adopted at birth and always told that I was adopted howeverFor some reason it finally started to set in when I was 12 to 13 years old. My mom personally knew my birth mother as they were close friends and when I was 13 years old I was able to meet my birth mother, this healed a lot of wounds, but opened up quite a few more, I learned a lot about my birth father that really upset me. After this I began stati for some reason it finally started to set in when I was 12 to 13 years old. My mom personally knew my birth mother as they were close friends and when I was 13 years old I was able to meet my birth mother, this healed a lot of wounds, but opened up quite a few more, I learned a lot about my birth father that really upset me. After this I began to act out, sneak out, experiment with drinking alcohol, smoked marijuana couple of times although I hated it because it made me paranoid. I surrounded myself with a few friends that were less than reputable, but isn’t this just an average teenager going through a phase and learning about life? I woke up at about 3 o’clock in the morning September 13, 2001 with my mom and dad at the end of the bed my mom almost hysterically crying, and my father telling me that what was to come next was for my own good and to save my life. I was then greeted by two extremely large strangers one dangling handcuffs saying we can do this the easy way or the hard way I chose the easy way which apparently mimicked the hard way as they both lunged towards me and restrained me hogtied me and put me in handcuffs they then carried me downstairs is my mom screamed and tried to chase after me, I was then transported to Cross Creek center for boys by car since the airlines have been shut down. I feel almost lucky because originally I was supposed to go to Casa by the sea. When I got to Cross Creek I was just as confused as probably all of us were. Strip naked in front of strangers search for any type of drugs or paraphernalia, placed on suicide and run watch for three months made to sleep with the bathroom light on shining directly on my face. The most painful part of my experience with Cross Creek was the fact that Ron Garrett, Thane, and my family Rep, whose name I have blocked out of memory, apparently had it out for me. I bounced between levels. 1-2-3-1-3-2-4-1-3-2-4-1….

The worst part of this whole experience was, what I am finding out now as a halfway married 34-year-old male. During my stay there Ron Garrett would constantly drop me for no reason and throw me into isolation. I was medicated by some hack job of a psychiatrist, in fact one of the times they switched my medications it almost killed me. But the worst of it was being thrown into isolation for weeks on and constantly having Ron come in and being restrained by a 300 pound Samoan man and placed into a position where my genitals and testicles were available for Ron to step on. He would ask me questions like my purpose statement, he would ask me why I was there, what I had done to hurt my family, he would make me say things that completely shamed me that were untrue, but this was the worst part of it, I had to say those things because he would place his foot on my testicles and slowly increase his weight on them until I gave him an answer that he wanted. I didn’t realize how much damage this dead to a growing teenage boy amidst puberty until recently. My wife and I have now been together for 11 years and talked about children several times I went in because we had decided maybe children weren’t right for us, I talked with my family physician about this and he actually Was against doing a vasectomy, at least without some time for me to think about it. I expressed one of my concerns having had genital mutilation and Testicular trauma as a teenager. He advised me it would be wise to do a semen analysis. One week later I received a call from him and his stance on a vasectomy had completely taken a 180. He informed me that only 2% of my sperm were viable, the rest were mutated, immotile, or dead. Talking with some specialists in my family position I learned that the general trauma sustained as a teenager was most likely the cause of this, and the reason that I hadn’t had children to date. The unfortunate part is that now having grown up both my wife and I had started talking about maybe the possibility of having children or at least one child. You can imagine how it feels to have the floor dropped out from underneath you. We are still reeling in the new information that we’ve gotten, and dealing with the emotions from it. This on top of all of the other abuses that I sustained at Cross Creek, sexual abuse and physical abuse. It’s no wonder that all of us that were sent there end up with some form of PTSD, or end up with an addiction disorder, or just a plain and simple trust issue that affects our whole lives. All I can say is that these teen programs are not monitored and are not what they seem they make videos to support evidence that kids are happy going there and that it saved their lives and that everything changed after they went there, but they don’t show as the children being threatened with more time at these programs or consequences if they don’t say what their script reads if they aren’t convincing enough they’ll be replaced and thrown into worksheets or their levels dropped. I am only grateful that during one of my off grounds visits with my parents my mom saw the evil and demonic side of Ron, the minute she saw it she left and told my dad that she was pulling me from the program. Five days later I was out of the program. There is nothing more that I need to say except that any program meant for troubled teens scam. Parents need to deal with their teenagers on an individual basis not by assuming the worst and throwing their teenager into a program that will end up screwing up the rest of their lives this is my testimony and it is only a brief overview of the horrors I was made to endure. I am happy to say that I am on a few people that was put through a program whose parents realize that it was the biggest mistake of their lives. I’ve been able to work out the pain and anger at my parents for sending me there and I believe that my dad is still working through his guilt. I am sad to say that my mom died in 2011 from cancer, but before she went she and I were able to come to a complete piece and I loved her more than anything or anyone in this world. Parents, deal with your teenagers at home, realize that peer pressure school systems, hormones, influence, both at home and at school or extracurricular along with 1000 other factors drive children nowadays. Patience and grace go a long ways there are very few teenagers that may need interventional help but most of us just need love and patience and wisdom.

I give WWASPSurvivors permission to use this statement. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on(date: MM/DD/YY):


I, Sean D. declare and state as follows:

Name of Program:
Cross Creek Programs

Location of Program:
Hurricane, UT

Period of Internment (MM/YY to MM/YY)


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