Guillermo Willie Heredia is said to be alive by SbA’s founding director Amy Ritchie. His daughters and wife Christina, Edelia Denisse, karina and Trinidad Heredia pretend he is dead so he can evade taxes and avoid speculation from parents. These women also know about rape that happens to underage girls and boys in their care and told those girls and boys they just wanted attention.
Daniela Salcedo and Roberto Murillo the starting family reps along with their corrupt upper level pets, Kimy Pinoac (voluntarily chose and stayed at sba past 18, parents invested in the scam with Guillermo, currently best friends with Daniela still), Vincent Luong, and Aldo Martinez stole children’s medications behind their backs and took them recreationally as well as peddled them in Tijuana. The aforementioned upper levels also killed the facility’s hamsters by throwing them down a drain and did not tell any staff the truth.
Amy Ritchie sexually groomed an upper level who kept returning to staff seminars and sleep in her bed. They lived together after SBA, along with another corrupt and physically abusive student turned staff named Jacob Keegan.
Hugo Wright the director of SBA raped a minor girl and the Heredia women know and don’t care and threatened to murder the girl by contacting her social media years after she left sba so she would not report. They do that a LOT.
A lot of underage students have seen Karina Heredia naked because she sent them photos of herself after they left sba.
A girl named Megan Yang was given special treatment and taken for manicures with the owners and anyone who knows programs like this this is unusual treatment. She was used as a concubine to SBA and the owners allowed her to be sexually active with staff and students alike, she is a good friend of a sba rape victim but actively smeared her working for the heredias telling anyone who would listen that this was a lie when multiple direct sources can refute this and she said she believed her friend to her face. This is how SbA operates and always has and they plant upper levels to befriend lower levels who are kept apart and keep them manipulated even after leaving.

Survivor of SBA

Sunset bay academy

Tijuana, Mexico

Years Attended:
2011 – 2013

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